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Entries by Ittybittycrazy (876)


Hello from Puppy Dog - Why do the rules keep changing?



Yesterday Aunty Kathy came to visit.  I've never met her before and she was very nice.  She scratched my head and behind my ears and it felt gooooood.

She was sitting on Mama's couch watching the flicker screen, so I jumped up to sit with her.

And I got yelled at!

What is going on?  I always sit up there with Mama.  What's wrong with it all of a sudden?

And what is "Brittle Bone Syndrome" anyway?

Hairless Apes are so weird.


Lots of licks and woofs,




Puppy Dog 


Video - Slip sliding away


Hello from Puppy Dog - Now MAMA is sick



I don't know how, but now Mama is sick.  And she seems a bit cross.


She keeps saying Dada "infected" her.  I don't really know what that means.


Maybe he put it in her food.  Maybe Mama lay on it when she rolled onto Dada's side of the bed.  Maybe he made it look like a tennis ball and threw it for her and she picked it up. 


Oh no, wait, Mama doesn't chase tennis balls... I do.


Dada told Mama that she should remember their wedding vows and that they shared everything... "in sickness and in health."


Mama hit him.


Very strange.  I thought Dada was being quite romantic.


Anyway, nobody has walked me today and Mama has only thrown the ball once for me and it sucks.


This is sooooooo booooring.






What was that?


Oh, it was just Mama.


She made a very loud, strange "CHOO!" noise.




I wish I was at doggie day care...


Lots of licks and woofs,


Puppy Dog








Hello from Puppy Dog - Dada is sick



Hello Friends!

My pack leader is sick.

Mama says it's "Man flu."  

She said that when Female Hairless Apes get a runny nose it's just a cold but when Male Hairless Apes get the same thing, they are "on death's door."

She didn't sound very serious when she said all this and Dada told her to stop being mean.  

I don't understand why Mama would be mean to Dada - this is serious!

I want Dada to get better!

If he isn't there to be the pack leader, then it's all up to me!

I don't want to be pack leader!

You have to hunt and provide and take care of security and be work out all the time so to stay super-healthy and look after the whole pack! 

It's a very demanding job.  No more chasing balls and playing with squeaky toys.  

I'd have to be working all the time!

Please get better, Dada!

Do you think he'll get better if I lick his ears?  I'm going to give it a try...


Lots of licks and woofs,




Puppy Dog


Hello from Puppy Dog - PREY!



Hello friends!

There are birdies in a tree in our yard!

Mama tells me that I shouldn't go near them but they are PREY!

I am sure if I could just climb a little higher in the - PREY!

I know that I could get them and then chase whey they fly and - PREY!

Mama says that I am obsessed but I think - PREY!

Really it's not fair that Mama makes me come in-PREY!

I mean how am I supposed to deny my herit-PREY!

They're cheeping.  PREY! PREY!  Gotta go!


Lots of licks and-PREY!


Hello from Puppy Dog - The Nice Lady



Today Dada took me for a walk up to the place where Hairless Apes go into strange dens and come out holding big paper bags full of treats that they don't share with me.

It was a lovely day so we sat outside a place that had a sign that said BEER in the window.  I don't know what beer is but Dada and Uncle Tony sat on a bench and talked a lot and ignored me.  

I was pretty bored until a Nice Lady came out to say hello to me.

She was a small, young Hairless Ape with very small furs.  Hairless Apes change their furs all the time - I don't know why.  Her's were very tight and tiny.

She was bending over me to stroke my head and ears and telling me that I was a good boy and so well trained.

I wanted to tell her that it had nothing to do with training, thank you very much, and that I am just a good boy and that she should please massage my left ear a little lower down, when I realized that all the male Hairless Apes had stopped talking.

They were watching the Nice Lady and me.

At first I thought that I someone had finally got through to them and that they were listening to the Nice Lady and acknowledging what a good boy I am.

But then I saw where they were looking.

They were all looking at the Nice Lady's teats.

They were poking out a lot.  Not the nibbly bit, just the soft tennis ball parts.  

I am not sure why male Hairless Apes like teats so much.  Sure, they give you some nice food when you are a baby, but when you are a big boy, like me, there's really no point to them.  It's not like they're a sweet butt to sniff, or anything.

Anyway, after a while the Nice Lady seemed to notice that everything had gone a bit quiet and she went away.

Stupid male Hairless Apes!  I could've have had more ear massage!


Lots of licks and woofs,



Puppy Dog


Small things amuse small minds - New words



I have just been catching up on Everywhere Eventually's travel blog. 

Everytime I post a comment, I have to type in the words I see in a little box.  They are strange words, almost English.  Supposedly meaningless.

Or are they?

I have decided to make some definitions up...




A stranger, who happens to be standing near you, who makes some comment to no-one in particular.  This often happens at English bus stops. 

Comments would include things like "Well, at least it isn't raining" or "I bet three buses come along at once after we've been waiting for ages."



Say it like it's spelled. 

The way your dog slowly but surely spreads themselves out on the couch, leaving you less and less space to sit in.

"Puppy Dog, stop crording!"




An island where you can get stranded when your plane crashes, which, for some strange reason, isn't on any map or under any flight path and you can live there for years and create your own society and be chased by invisible monsters until you get to your sixth season but no-one gives a crap anymore.

"Oh for God's sake!  Will someone bomb that bloddy inernspe already?"




That awful slightly damp feeling when you take off your gym socks after a hard workout and they stick to your heel a little bit, peeling off slowly. 

"Gross!  I've got pelyon!  Time to shower!"




When your sat nav says you should go one way, but you know that there's a better way. 

"Screw you, car, I'm taking the trakingi."




That feeling when you are out in the sun and you realize you're getting sunburt. 

"OK, time to hit the shade.  I can feel the tersiumb."




Scratching your butt crack in public.

"Oh my God!  Did that guy over there really just botri?"



Ah, small things amuse small minds...



Being a Doggy Mama - Dog-Owner Neighbor Etiquette








Today I saw a message on a list I belong to from a woman whose next door neighbor's dog keeps pooping in her yard.

This completely amazed me.

How can someone allow this to happen?

Being a good Dog-Owner Neighbor is basic good manners.  And it just isn't that hard.

First, to be a good Dog-Owner Neighbor, you need to have a fence.  

When we rented the house we're in, there was no fence.  Fluffy Bear duly enlisted the help of two friends, and off they went to the hardware store.  They bought a roll of green wire fencing, and some poles.  They came home, they opened beer, they got out the toolbox.  There was some discussion, some cutting, some banging, and there you go.  

There was a slight glitch when they didn't fence in front of some hedges and, beers in hand, in the middle of congratulating each other, they noticed Puppy Dog looking at them quizzically from next door's garden.  He'd got out, and he didn't know how to get back in.

Another quick trip to the hardware store, some more cutting and banging, and the whole back yard was secured for about $150.

It's really that simple.

Second, barking.

Puppy Dog never gets beyond the fifth bark before he is cordially, but very firmly, invited to stop, come back into the house and retire to his bed, thank you very much.

Bill, a dear friend of ours, has a slightly more serious problem with Dogette, who has a piercing bark and can hear movement anywhere near her den through the front door.  The postman has been chased down the street, barked and growled at, and the mail he put through the slot repeatedly ripped to shreds.

Bill bought a new mailbox that sits on the outside of the house and bought Dogette a shock collar.  Now I know that there are other ways of training dogs to bark other than a shock collar, but Bill has some restrictions on his time that mean he can't give Dogette a lot of lessons.

The collar doesn't have to be on anymore.  She just doesn't bark loudly - she makes soft growly noises instead.

Being a good Dog-Owner Neighbor isn't hard.

It's about the little things like remembering to take poop bags with you when you walk your dog around the neighborhood.  It's about keeping your dog safe within the confines of your home.  And it's about making sure your dog doesn't disturb the neighbors.

Anyone who can't do these simple things is an Asswipe.



Being a Doggy Mama - Squeaky Toy Lady









Dear Squeaky Toy Lady

I guess you don't read my blog.  Or, if you do, you missed the post about Dog Park Etiquette.

Because here you are, at the off-leash dog park, with not one, but two dogs with squeaky toys.  

And you have the nerve to stand at the edge of the water and yell "Who's dog is that?  Can I have my toy back, please?" every time my dog or that nice little yellow lab puppy swims faster than your dogs and nabs their toys.

It's not that our dogs are bad.

It's not that we are bad parents who haven't trained our dogs.

It's that our dogs... are dogs.  And you have squeaky toys.

So here's what's going to happen if I ever see you at the dog park again and your dogs have those toys with them.  

  1. I am going to wait by the dog park gate until you leave

  2. I am going to discretely follow you home so I can see where you live

  3. I am going to hire a private investigator to bug your home

  4. I am going to wait until you host a party or a BBQ

  5. I am going to hire a very young, very pert, very pretty stripper

  6. I am going to buy a Princess Leia costume from the scene where she is tied to Jabba the Hut, so that I've even got the geek men covered

  7. I am going to gatecrash your party with the stripper

And then we'll see just how well trained you and your friends' husbands are.

How about that, Lady?




Diary of an Ex-Employee - Day 132.0


I have hit the doldrums.

I am becalmed.

Oh sure, there are a few puffs of wind here and there.  An interview with an agency.  A networking contact at a company I am targeting happy to forward my resume directly to HR.  Et cetera.

But none of them feel like enough of a breeze to puff out my sails and give me real forward momentum.

All I want to do is: 

  • sleep
  • watch trash TV
  • eat.


The other day I ate ice cream at 4pm.

So far I've done three major Change-inducing things women do in times like this.  

I'm a walking cliche.  No, I'm a couch-bound cliche.


1) Cut your hair

A women who changes her hair is changing her life.  Or trying to.

"Cut it off!" I shrieked at my hairdresser.

Lucky for me, like many women, my hairdresser is a lot more than just that.  She is my friend.

And so she refused.

I now have shorter hair, but I can still pull it into a small ponytail for those I-don't-give-a-shit or I-don't-have-style-time days.


2) Consult a Psychic

You may think this is total BS, and that's your right.  

But when a woman you ask about which job to take predicts your husband 6 months before you meet him, you sit up and take notice.  And no, it didn't help me find him.  Like a lot of predictions, you only remember it was foretold after it happens.  It's like the Back to the Future time paradox.

Anyway, I sent my request through her website, transferred money from my UK account and got my word document and voice file via email a few days later.

The prediction?

Hang tight, keep doing the good job-hunting stuff I've been doing - the opportunity is very close.  


Keep a tight rein on that inner voice.  That negativity, that energy-sapping doubt.

Hmm.  Easier said than done.


3) Buy something you don't need

A handbag.

Why a handbag?  Well, because many women love them, including me, and they are the ultimate indulgence.  Men, think Bugatti Veyron.

And because it was on sale, of course!

And so, how is my lovely new purchase working out, you ask.  Uh, hello!  I'm not actually using it.

It's stored away very nicely, waiting for that new job.

Here's the logic: Last time I got a new job, I bought a handbag.  Expensive.  But on sale.  Of course.  So this time I figured I am being optimistic and positive and getting the handbag now because I am about to get a new job and so I'll use the handbag on my first day!


Makes perfect sense.


Of course what I really should do is go to the gym.  Take a yoga class.  Center myself.

But the gym is so very, very far from my warm, comfortable, cosy couch.



Travel - Paris


There's something about Paris.  I am not sure what it is.  There's just something in the air.

Never mind the tourist nightmare that is the Champs Elyssee.  No.  Just walk through the tree-lined side streets, and you'll see what I mean.  

Is it elegance?

Is it culture?

Is it because the local women sashay by, dressed in that seemingly efforless, yet stunningly groomed way that no other nation seems to be able to match?


Is it because the historic buildings are so amazingly beautiful, the river Seine flowing lazily between them?


Is it because you can sit at a cafe and have a meal that will delight your tastebuds at that wonderful relaxed pace that allows you to really wind down and just look at the world for a change?

Is it that lovely, sing-song languge you hear spoken all around you, like music in words?

When you visit Paris, you suddenly understand all those French phrases that we use in English without translation like:


  • Joie de vivre
  • She has that certain je ne sais quoi


If Grace Kelly were a city, she'd be Paris.  



He Said She Said - Fakespeare


"Honey!" he yelled, "Are you almost ready?  They'll be here in a minute..."

"Forsooth!  Rush me not, young knave!  For I have just experienced what light through yonder window breaks and must my ablutions make."


"Make not the toil and trouble.  Make the cauldron bubble!  Maketh me tea!"

"Honey, what's with the Fakespeare?"

"Unhand me, Engineering-graduate!  I'm a Literature major.  I need to get some mileage out of this stuff sometimes."

"Honey," he said, taking on The Placatory Tone, "you tell me that I only use my Engineering degree when I change a lightbulb.  Just talk to me normally."

"Get thee behind me!"

"That's the Bible, honey, not the Bard."

"All the world's a stage, and we are but extras!"

"Honey, extras are used on film or TV sets, not stages."

"Wherefore are thy making me annoyed?"

"OK, I'm going now."

"Out!  Out, damned spot!"

"Honey, have you taken your Crazy-Calming Capsule today?"

"Oh, shit, no.  I haven't."

"Let me get you your pill, honey.  Take a few deep breaths..."

"My pill!  My pill!  My kingdom for a pill!"




I'm jus' sayin' - Well HELLO stranger



Being unemployed and sometimes not leaving the house for the whole day can be dangerous.  

Becoming sloppy about your personal appearance can be dangerous.  

Waking up later and later in the morning can be dangerous.

Because that  is how you find yourself opening the door to a charity person and, only when they look very uncomfortable, realizing that you have gravity-defying, Medusa-like bed hair and you are only wearing a T-shirt and panties.

This unemployment thing is a slippery slope to becoming known as the Crazy Lady on the block.


I'm jus' sayin'.



I'm jus' sayin' - Oopsie poopsie


Taking stool softeners, then forgetting you have taken them, then taking a laxative at bedtime.

Not a good idea.

It's gonna be a long day.

I'm jus' sayin'...


SFPL - No. 16: The Potential Mate Interview Panel


This series is inspired by the blog/book Stuff White People Like

This post is inspired by a blog post from the Midlifegals, called "Questionable Judgement".


16. The Potential Mate Interview Panel 

Female people love their friends, especially their BFFs

The Friend is a very important notion to a Female Person and, being biologically programmed to nurture, the Female Person not only loves her friend, she wants what is best for her.  Especially when it comes to the biological imperative of procreation. 

Conclusion: Female People like to have a say in their friend's choice of mate and they tend to interview him/her, like a job candidate.

So Female People like...


17.  The Potential Mate Interview Panel.

Groups of Female Persons who are close to the Friend form themselves into - sometimes unsolicited and even unwanted - interview panels for the new potential mate Candidate. 


The Panel's objectives

Like any interviewer, the Female Person PMIP has a defined set of criteria against which they judge the suitability of the Candidate.  All of these criteria are designed to fulfill three key objectives:

  1. To keep the Friend safe
  2. To make sure the Friend is really loved
  3. To give the Friend the future she deserves i.e. a damn good one.


The Panel's process

The interview can take place over days or months and both the Candidate and the Friend may be completely oblivious to the process. 

The interviewing can be conducted face to face, where the Friend and Candidate think they are just out on a nice social outing,

The interview can also be a virtual process - this is when conclusions are drawn based on what the Friend has said about her potential mate.  The Friend may say something completely innocently, not realizing that is has been noted, logged and fed into the Candidate's overall score.


"He told me that he loves that I am so ambitious and doing so well at the firm!  He says I'm on the track for partner within 5 years.  It's so cute because he, like, is in such a different field, being an artist and all, and he finds everything I say about office life so fascinating.  I guess it must be so different for someone who works alone in a buddy's loft doing paintings all day."

The interview panel would draw the following conclusions from that comment:


  1. Candidate does not have a proper job - Candidate is a Loser
  2. Candidate is aware of the good job Friend has, and that she is going places in the world - Candidate is a free loading gold digger.


The interviewers on the PMIP often collaborate, bouncing ideas and perceptions off each other to ensure that their opinion is validated.  Phone calls, emails, IM's - all sorts of activity may be going on behind the scenes as the Candidate works his/her way through process. 


sallyjb7348293 says:  omigod jane told me today that he asked her to change her dress before they went to meet his mother.  Not sure that's cool

knittinglady845702 says:  WTF?!??!!?  Bad sign.  Bad, bad sign. 

sallyjb7348293 says:  Totally.  And he's put off introducing her to his dear mama FOUR times.

knittinglady845702 says: oh boy



The Panel's motivation

Why do Female People do this, I hear you ask?  Why don't they just accept that the Friend is happy, that she is an adult and can take care of herself?

Ah, my dear, that is because Female People all know what it is like to be blinded by lust, by a crush, by the honeymoon stages of any relationship where everything is new and exciting, where the potential mate can do no wrong and where everything is seen through the rose-colored, endorphin-warped lenses of regular orgasms.

Female People also remember - and remember so very, very well - the Relationship Disaster Pain Zone.  That place where the pain, the embarrassment, the social awkwardness follows the moment when the little skinny, ugly man behind the curtain is revealed and they have to admit to themselves, and everyone else, that the Wizard of Oz wasn't as powerful and wonderful as he first seemed and that it really wasn't worth that journey down the Yellow Brick Road, no matter how many catchy song-and-dance routines there were along the way.

More than anything, they want to protect the Friend from entering the Relationship Disaster Pain Zone ... at any cost.



The Panel's checklist

So what checklist does the Candidate have to score against?

Female People tend to have their own individual lists formed by their own bitter experience, but here is a sample of common criteria:


  1. Does the Candidate have friends?  Real friends?  If yes +1 point for each good friend.  If all the Candidate has is that one stoner jerkoff who, at 43, still thinks he is going to be a professional surfer, -10 points.
  2. Is the Candidate's family relatively normal or, if he/she has a difficult background, how has he/she reconciled with it?  This isn't necessarily a money or class thing.  Marrying into the Kennedy's can be as much of a minefield as marrying into your local trailer trash gang family.  Good family background, +20 points.  Difficult family -30 points.
  3. How often does the Candidate compliment the Friend?  Too litte = problem: -10 points.  Too much = future problem: -20 points.  Just right +10 points.
  4. Can one have a decent conversation with the Candidate?  If yes, +10 points.  If the Friend is a Harvard graduate and the Candidate asks if Electoral College is a place you go to learn how to be security for ballot boxes, -20 points. 
  5. Does the Candidate have a hobby or interest?  Does he/she something to teach the Friend, share with the Friend, give the Friend a new experience of?  This does not  include sexual stuff.  If yes, +20 points.  If no -30 points.
  6. Does the Candidate have a real job?  Unless there is money in the bank, "Artist", "Base player" and "Skateboarder" don't count.  If yes, + 50 points.  If no, -200 points.
  7. Is the Candidate happy in his/her job?  If not, what is he/she doing about it?  The Friend needs a partner, not a therapy patient.  10 points +/- depending on the answer.
  8. Is the Candidate a considerate lover?  Yes, the Panel will  get to hear the details on that.  You can be sure of it.  30 points +/- depending on the answer.
  9. If the Candidate is totally crap at something, but the Friend loves it, will he/she at least give it a try?  A Candidate who refuses to dance with the Friend at a wedding, for example, is highly suspect.  20 points +/- depending on the answer.
  10. Do the Candidate and the Friend agree on the fundamentals - ambition, no. of children, pets, religion?  If not, the PMIP will push for extended negotiation of the position before they feel the Candidate can really fulfill the role.  No points - this is a negotiation issue.
  11. Does the Candidate make the Friend laugh?  + 30 points for making the Friend laugh.  +50 bonus points if the Candidate makes the PMIP laugh.  
  12. Does the Candidate have a drug/drinking/gambling problem?  Points are irrelevant.  This is a deal breaker.  Every.  Frickin'.  Time.  
  13. Is the Candidate trying to run the Friend's life?  Friends who cancel girl's night because of the Candidate are perceived to be in deep, deep trouble.  Again, no point score.  Candidate disqualified.
  14. Does the Candidate have a good relationship with his mother/sisters/women in his/her family?  +30 points for yes, -40 points for no.  Cliched but true, how the Candidate relates to women = how he/she will relate to the Friend.  
  15. How does the Candidate's take on religion match with the Friend's?  One being a non-practising Catholic and the other a devout Jew may be fine now, until a child comes a long and the both want it to embrace the religion they were each brought up in.  +/- 40 points depending on the answer.
  16. Similarly, how do the Candidate's political views match with the Friends?  This is another area of potential long term disaster.  +/- 30 points depending on the answer.
  17. What is the Candidate's ex-wife/girlfriend/boyfriend situation?  3 different baby mama's ain't a recipe for relationship success. -100 points for difficult exes.  -50 points for exes that are still too damn close.  +50 points for a civil, controlled relationship with exes.
  18. How important is sport to the Candidate vs. the Friend?  Every PMIP dreads the Friend being an ESPN/golf/football/whatever widow.  If Candidate ignores Friend in neglige when his favorite team is on TV, -100 points.  If Candidate and Friend enjoy sports together, +30 points.
  19. Does the Candidate continually make jokes in public at the expense of the Friend?  If yes, this show at best a lack of respect (-50 points) and, at worst, a potential abuser (deal breaker).
  20. How does the Candidate look at the Friend?  The eyes are not, as the House Bunny said, the nipples of the face, but the windows of the soul.  If the Candidate dotes on the Friend, and it shows, +100 points.


The Debriefing

Sadly, as noted by Themidlifegals, the debriefing is often where the PMIP falls down.  

Sometimes, the interview goes on and on and on and on and the findings are not presented to the Friend until something goes wrong and she is already in the Relationship Disaster Pain Zone.

Brave PMIP's do something about the Candidate way before the threat level is at Deathcon 3.

They either drop little comments, steer conversation, ask probing questions or, at the most extreme level, stage an intervention.

Evidence is presented, concerns are expressed and the PMIP closes around the Friend like a protective wall.  Most of all, support for change is offered - anything from a shoulder to cry on through to a place to stay.  The power of the PMIP in these circumstances can be a wonderous thing to behold.  

Sadly, the power can sometimes be less than the Friend's self-delusion. The Friend may defend against all the evidence provided, cut herself off from the PMIP, and the relationship may continue on it's inevitable way to disaster.  

Even in this worst case scenario, the Female Person on the PMIP feels safe in the knowledge that she has done her duty.  She looked after the best interests of her Friend, and that is a key part of being a Female Person. 

And she likes it that way.



Divided by a Common Language - Lesson time

Right, children!  Sit up nicely, hands on desks, chin up, shoulders back.
Here we go...
Lesson No. 1
Say "New."
Good.  Now say "Clear."
Right.  Now say it like you are being rude and making fun of a Southerner.  "Klee-ah."
Good.  Now put it all together with the emphasis on "New".  "New-klee-ah"
That's correct!  Not "Nucular" but "Nuclear!"  
Well done!
Lesson No. 2
Say "Norm," like our favorite character in Cheers.
Good.  Now say "Al" like our favorite Earth Warrior, Al Gore.
Right.  Now say "Itty" like your favorite bitch, Ittybittycrazy.
Good.  Now put it all together with the emphasis on "Al".  "Norm-al-itty."
That's correct!  Not "Normalcy" but "Normality!"  
Well done!
Lesson No. 3
Say "Herbert," like your uncle Herbert.
Good.  Now say "Herbie" like our favourite racing VW Bug.
Right.  Now say "Herb" like you're all grown up and can address your uncle by a nickname without seeming cheeky.
That's right!  Not "Erb" but "Herb."
Now let's use it in a sentence.  "Cilantro is a Herb."
(Well, actually, it's Coriander, but let's not split hairs.)
Well done!
That concludes our lesson for today.  
Keep trying it out at home, children.  Practise makes perfect!

Quote Unquote - I can't work



Puppy Dog is in Doggy Day Care today, playing with his pals.


Fluffy Bear, walking into his office and looking at Puppy Dog's empty pillow on the floor:


"Where's the dog?  Where's the dog?  I can't work with out the dog sitting there and looking at me in a loving and bemused way!"




Diary of an Ex-employee - Day 120.0

Today I had to send a message to a friend saying I couldn't meet her because I am sick.  

I have a stomach thing.  You don't want details.

Anyway, she replied to me:

Well, at least you don't have to take a sick day!  Unemployed humor.

And that got me thinking... about unemployed humor.

So here we go:

"Hey, at least you don't have to go to work on the day after Labor day when you are hungover!"

"Hey, at least you're saving on hair products!"

"Hey, you don't have to make an excuse to leave the meeting room to fart!"

"Hey, at least you can improve your Facebook Lexulous skills!"

"Hey, does your drycleaner still recognize you?"

"Hey, guess you never thought you have to actually drink that cheap ass wine some guest bought to a BBQ, did you?"

"Hey, do you really think that you can speak your dog's language?  Seriously?  Does spending that much time with him really give you that skill?  Uh, does he talk back?"

"Hey - your skin looks great.  Guess what they say about getting 12 hours sleep a night is true, huh?"

"Hey, did you say you follow 14 blogs now?"

"Hey, your Twitter updates are great.  Uh, there's a lot of them but they're all really, uh... interesting."

"Hey - how come the barman knows your name? And what is your 'usual'?"



Hello from Puppy Dog - Dada has a new religion


Hello friends!


My Dada is worshipping a new god. I don't think that it is a major god, because it's name isn't Lord or even Sir. It's a Miss.

His new god seems to have a sense of humor, because she demands some strange rituals from her followers.

Every night, Dada comes into the bedroom and takes off his bottom clothes, till he is only wearing his shirt. Then he takes his undershorts in his right hand and looks around the room. Then he walks around, slapping his undershorts on the walls and sometimes the ceiling.

He hits very hard - maybe he wants to show his god his devotion.

He invokes her name: "Miss Keeto! Miss Keeto!"

Then he sighs and says "OK" and Mama comes.

I don't think Mama follows the same religion because, while Dada is doing this, she hides in the water room.  And when she gets into bed she curses Dada's god!  She says "Bloody Miss Keeto!"

Then we all get into bed and go to sleep.

It's all very strange.

Dada is so weird sometimes!


Lots of licks and woofs,


Puppy Dog




Hello from Puppy Dog - I am very precious!



Hello Friends!

Mama and Dada bought insurance for me yesterday. 

Mama was muttering something about how I go up to strange dogs, get bitten and cost her $200, but I know it's because they think I am very, very important. 

Dada agreed and said something about me eating a box of chocolates bought for Mama's colleague and nearly killing myself, but I know it's because they think I am very, very precious.

I'm like a supermodel who insures her legs!

Or a surgeon who insures his hands!

That's because I am beautiful, and I am very good at what I do!

I'm insured!


I bet I am worth a lot, too.  I bet I'm insured for a ton of bones and 100 boxes of doggie cookies and two truckloads of toys.

So how do we collect?

Lots of licks and woofs,


Puppy Dog

Lots of licks and woofs,




Puppy Dog.