Hello from Puppy Dog - Now MAMA is sick

I don't know how, but now Mama is sick. And she seems a bit cross.
She keeps saying Dada "infected" her. I don't really know what that means.
Maybe he put it in her food. Maybe Mama lay on it when she rolled onto Dada's side of the bed. Maybe he made it look like a tennis ball and threw it for her and she picked it up.
Oh no, wait, Mama doesn't chase tennis balls... I do.
Dada told Mama that she should remember their wedding vows and that they shared everything... "in sickness and in health."
Mama hit him.
Very strange. I thought Dada was being quite romantic.
Anyway, nobody has walked me today and Mama has only thrown the ball once for me and it sucks.
This is sooooooo booooring.
What was that?
Oh, it was just Mama.
She made a very loud, strange "CHOO!" noise.
I wish I was at doggie day care...
Lots of licks and woofs,
Puppy Dog
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