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Entries in Couch Potato (20)


Couch Potato - The Reality of Reality TV






Fluffy Bear and I were doing some housework in the lounge, and the TV was on the Food Network Channel.  

So there's this woman.  Her tits are so big and so high I wondered if she'd float away if they ever warmed up, but that's not the point...

So it's near the end of the show.  She is doing some cake for a New York Fashion Week shindig.  They invite her to the runway show, and there she is, assistant at her side, ooh-ing and ah-ing about the show.

Then the dramatic music starts.  They have to rush to the party venue to assemble the cake.  


She has various cakes, in the shape of shoes and handbags, and they are supposed to each sit on a little platform attached to a ferris wheel.  As the wheel slowly rotates, the little shelf that each cake is on should rotate in the opposite direction to remain horizontal.

Well - surprise! surprise! surprise! - it wasn't working.  The cakes were too heavy.

Cue the tubas, trombones and big bass drums... The music more scary than the Jaws theme.


What is a girl to do?

Well, she starts by cutting a cake in half to make it lighter.  

There's a cut to an interview with one of her team, saying something about how, when things are tough, her Booby Boss "shows her creativity" and yells orders at everyone to solve the problem.  This woman clearly thinks her boss is the shit.

But... is she?

Let's break it down:


  1. If you have a cake to assemble at a party, why are you going to the fashion show when you haven't done that already?  Why are you going at all?  You're STAFF, for fuck's sake.  Did all the waiters at the party get to go?
  2. You're making cakes for a large party, you've decided to put them on a FERRIS WHEEL and you are on national television.  Don't you think it might be rehearse the whole thing beforehand?  Huh?  Huh?  Ya think?
  3. Your team members think that you're incredible because, in a crisis (which you are responsible for creating in the first place), you bark out orders to deal with it.  Wow, you sure know how to hire the right people, Babe, because, if it were me, I'd tell you to stop fucking yelling at me and learn to do your job properly.


Don't get me wrong.  I watch Reality TV.  There are some shows I am addicted to including Ru Paul's Drag Race and Drag U, Real Housewives of Atlanta and Beverley Hills and Food Network Star.

But I really think this show - whatever it is, I didn't see the name - is a huge, steaming pile of bullshit.

Boobie Boss' little cake crisis is not as scary as a shark about to rip my legs off, a burn victim attacking me in my dreams or a man in a hockey mask about to stab me repeatedly.  The TV show is effectively creating something out of nothing by adding an inappropriate soundtrack and interviewing the Boobie Boss and her staff in such a way that they describe assembling a fucking cake as a matter of life and death.

Give me a fight between the Real Housewives any day.  


To read more of my musings that show I watch far too much television, click here.

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Couch Potato - Tron 2010

Tron: Legacy (2010)
We saw Tron last night.
I have a very vague memory of the original Tron.  It wasn't, like it was for many pre-teen boys, a seminal moment in my life.  I recall being impressed by the digital landscape, but I didn't know enough about the science of movies back then to realize that it was ground breaking.  I also wasn't into video games much.  Even as a child I preferred movies about people, relationships, psychology.  Give me The Breakfast Club over Tron any day.
But it was a big deal for Fluffy Bear.  He has always been fascinated by the possibilities and alternatives presented by science fiction and how, by presenting a view of how things could be, it challenges your acceptance of how things are.  He also knew exactly how difficult it must have been to create the effects presented in the 1982 film with the technology available at that time.
But, back to me.  
Just so you know, I went into this film with very little memory of the original and no sense of wonder to prejudice me.
I have to start by saying that the 3D in the preview for the new Cars movie seemed far more compelling to me than the 3D in Tron itself.  Does 3D work better with animation?  I don't know.
The 3D in Tron seemed to me like one 2D person is standing closer to me than another 2D person.  The CGI shots of the grid's landscape and the games had a wonderful sense of perspective, but not the scenes with close ups of the actors.
I did like the idea of the real world being 2D and the Grid being 3D.  Nice touch, which raises ideas of the Grid looking more real to us than a representation of our actual world, and what that says about what we want to believe about the digital reality.  You could write an entire thesis on that topic.
Don't worry.  I'm not going to.  
The key area where the 3D was stunning was, of course, the game and battle scenes.  The idea of the slipstream from a vehicle being a solid object that can destroy your opponent is still amazing, and was used to full effect.
The designers deserve full credit for the world they created.  Every aspect of the design - sets, costumes, makeup, hairstyling, down to every accessory in a living room or bedroom - was absolutely beautiful and perfectly placed.  Color, form, combination... all stunning.
The execution deserves a mention too.  The skin tight costumes the women wore did not cause camel toe.  Well done, wardrobe department!!!
The acting was pretty good, with Michael Sheen stealing the show.  (Maybe now IMDB will put a more flattering picture of him on his profile.)
But I could've told you he'd be a baddie the minute he opened his mouth.  It's a sad cliche that anyone with an English accent is a baddie in an American TV show or film, and it gets REALLY boring.
The plot was reasonable, and linked nicely to the original, but the writing seemed to me to be a little obvious.  I have a friend who is a Hollywood writer, and I know that these things are often not the writer's choice, or fault.  Directors, network officials, marketing officials, even actors - everyone packages and massages and chips away at what might have once been a wonderful script.  So who knows who's responsible, but the analogies, references, metaphors and even product placements... no subtlety.  No grace.  All were delivered with a sledgehammer.
See?  Clu is also Kevin Flynn's son!  BONK!!!
See?  Ducati make the best bikes!  BONK!!!
See?  Everything should be Open Source!  BONK!!!
See?  Perfection is right in front of you!  BONK!!!
See?  Being a total hippy doesn't work, but being a warmongering fuckwit doesn't either!  BONK!!!
Oh, one small thing... the main actor wasn't buff enough.  He barely had pecs, and had a layer of flab on his tummy.  On the other hand, every female in the Grid is, of course, utterly perfect.   Come to think about it, even the women in the real world scenes are perfectly proportioned.  
I have to admit, there were many moments when I was bored stupid.  Sometimes because things weren't moving along, sometimes because the sentimentality was nauseatingly cloying and sometimes because the plot was so fucking obvious I was trying not to take out my iPhone and play my turn on Words with Friends.  
Yeap.  I know what's coming so I'll just check what the latest ridiculous non-word is that Ted has come up with by randomly combining his letters...
But there were also moments where I was just awed at what I was seeing.  There was a real beauty on the screen, and I don't mean a pretty woman.  Aerial flights over the main city in Grid, details of the flying machines used to arrest programs, the freight train... I could watch parts of this movie with the sound turned off and some rousing classical music blaring to set the mood.
Final verdict:
Go see it on the big screen, because even your ridiculous impulse-bought, debt-inducing 56" 3D HD TV won't do the design genius justice.  But make sure you don't sit next to a bony-elbowed teenage twitgirl who you would cheerfully choke with her popcorn, so you can spread out and nap briefly in the crappy parts.  
To see more in the Couch Potato series, click the category link on the left.   


Couch Potato - Missing scenes: Friday Night Lights

Friday Night Lights is a show about a high school football coach in the small town of Dillon, Texas, his family and the kids that orbit around him.  It is loosely based on a book "Friday Night Lights: a Town, a Team, and a Dream"  by H. G. Bissinger.
The East Dillon High football players initiate their new rally girls at a party, making them chug beer.  One girl gets so drunk she is half way passed out.  One of the players grabs her from behind and is holding her arms, making her flail around like he's a puppeteer.  Someone films this and puts the video on the net.  Parents call the school asking for all the football players in the video (there are many) to be expelled.
What I believe is the missing scene:

Various parents are gathered, seated facing a table where Coach Taylor and the school principal sit.  There is a buzz of conversation in the room, with an angry overtone.
Mr Donahue, an angry parent, stands up and points at the principal.
I want those boys expelled!
Close up of Coach Taylor's face.  It is impassive.
Mr Donahue, have I ever slept with your wife?
Mr Donahue looks down at his wife, seated next to him.  Mrs Donahue has a shocked expression on her face.
Coach Taylor turns to look at another parent.  As she notices him focus on her, she shifts uncomfortably in her seat.
Mrs Foster, have I ever slept with you?
I think we all know the answer is No.  So there is no way that I am the father of either of your sons.
I'm also not the father of those girls who were at the party, where not one of them helped that poor girl who was being ridiculed.  Not one boy, or girl, tried to stop what was going on.
See, here's the thing, folks.  These kids are y'alls kids.  You are their parents.  We have them for 7 or 8 or even 9 hours 6 days a week, and we do the best that we can to instill the right values in these young boys and girls, but y'all have a job to do too.  
Now if these kids should be expelled from school, should I be calling up Social Services to remove them from y'all's homes?  
That behavior on the video was disgusting.  I don't deny that.  But we all - all of us in this room - have a part to play in making sure these kids have the right Christian values and behave in the right way.  
So how about we stop making threats and try to find a way to work together to help these kids see that there is a right and wrong way to behave, that we should all treat each other with respect, that what they did is not acceptable behavior and that there are going to be consequences and that the consequences are going to fit the crime?
To see more in the "Couch Potato" series, click the category link on the left.


Couch Potato - So bad it's good: Shredder



Shredder (2003)

We like to watch bad movies.  Not just any bad movies.  Bad movies that are so bad they're good.

Last night we had an excellent candidate: Shredder.




Basic Plot 

Kimberly Van Arx invites a bunch of friends to go to a closed snow run with her to check it out.  Her daddy is apparently going to buy and develop the mountain.  On the way they meet hottie Christophe at a gas station and the girls invite him to join their little party.  They break into the old lodge on the ski slope and get ready to "shred" or snowboard.  

The story comes out that, many years before, three snow drunk snowboarders had freaked out a little girl on skis and she had crashed into a tree, and died.  Then other snowboarders - or possibly the same ones, I can't remember - killed the girl's mother in a car accident.  These were the child and wife of the current owner of the ski slope.  Suffice to say, snowboarders are not welcome in these parts, as evidenced by the "Death to snowboarders" sticker on the local snowplough.

One by one, of course, the snowboarders are killed, and make revolting discoveries, including the bodies of the first three snowboarders.  

It turns out that the other daughter of the ski run owner, now an adult, is killing everybody and two final survivors from our pack of shredders manage to kill her and live to tell the tale.


Why was this movie so good?

Well, first, for all you boys and gay girls out there, this movie has a LOT of boobies in it.  It has a lot of sex in it in general, so you'll definitely have something to keep your attention.

For the ladies and gay men, Christophe's nudity provides some titillation and, if you know me, you'll know that my personal brand of feminism advocates equal exploitation.  It's no use trying to get all of society to stop showing boobies, but at least give us some six packs and buns.  Women are as sexual as men and we like to see hot bods too.  Deal with it. 

Second, the murders are gruesome, and hilarious.  Well, maybe it's only me that finds a snow spike being jabbed through someone's heart funny.  But seriously, there are times you have to laugh, like when the girl hanging from her scarf from the ski lift bobs in the wind, going up and down the mountain, somehow unnoticed by the rest of them.

The final scene, where the killer gets shredded (do you GET the irony, do you?) by the snowplough, had me cackling for at least five minutes.  It's actually worth rewinding to see it again.

Third, the horror bits are the right kind of scary.  The director doesn't fall into the trap of formulaic horror.  You know something bad is coming, but there is still enough surprise to make you draw breath.  The first kill happens in the first two minutes, and it involves gushing arteries.  You know you're in for a good time.

There are also smaller scary elements which ensure that the tension level never disappears completely.  There's a flash of the killer passing by in the background, and you want to yell at the actor who's front of screen: "BEHIND YOU!"

Fourth, the movie has the five foundational elements right: 

  • A good story,
  • Natural sounding dialog,
  • Red herrings to keep you guessing who the killer is,
  • A decent pace and
  • Acting that's good enough to allow you to suspend disbelief



Why was this movie so bad?

Aaaaaaaaaall righty then!  Strap yourselves in, 'cos here I come!

Oh MY HOLY GOD this movie was sexist.  Against BOTH sexes.

Why?  The characters, that's why.

Let's start with the women.



When we first meet Kimberly Van Arx, she's in the shower washing her perfect blonde, straight hair, and then her perfect pink, slim body.  A shot of her clothes on the bed, waiting to be packed, shows us instantly that she is a total slag#.  I mean - LEOPARD PRINT bra and panties?  

Next we see her refusing to put out for Cole, and she treats him like a dog.  She's holding sex over him to get him to do her bidding.  Cut to a Jeep packed full of teenagers, because Kimberly has asked her friends along to what Cole thought would be a romantic weekend in the mountains.  Poor Cole.

Kimberly explains about her daddy going to buy the ski resort and develop it.  Clearly daddy's not short of a bob or two*.  So now we can think back to the leopard print and realize... she may have money, but she got no class.  

Ah, what we have here is The Rich Bitch.

She proves this by confessing to her friends in the gas station toilet that she isn't interested in Cole at all, and has invited a guy she is into, Chad, to meet them at the lodge.  So she leads boy one along to get him to drive her up the lodge, but she's invited another guy she's really into.  

Yeap, classy.

We never meet Chad.  Just his corpse.

During drinking games at the lodge, Kimberly one ups her cousin, Pike, who took off her bra without taking off her sweatshirt, by pulling her g-string off while fully dressed.

Kimberly and Holly shove themselves at the Sheriff when he stops by, getting rid of him by shoving their g-string and pink bra, respectively, at him when he comes by to try and arrest the kids who are trespassing at the lodge.

After Christophe, the hot blonde "foreigner" joins the group, and everyone has gone to bed, Kimberly waits for Cole to be asleep before jumping out her sleeping bag, stripping off her warm PJs, putting on a red (of course) satin babydoll and matching panties, and wandering around the lodge with an oil lamp trying to find the blonde bombshell so she can schtup him.  Sadly for her, Holly (we'll get to her), manages to bed Christophe first, and Kimberly stands in the doorway, watching them.  She laughs, accepting defeat and heads back to bed.


This part makes it abundantly clear that this script was written by men.  No woman would shrug it off with a laugh in that situation.  She might let it go, but she wouldn't laugh about it, unless she was planning to walk into the room and offer to join in.

Later Kimberly gets her moment with Christophe, where she assumes the kabab** position - being skewered - in a hot tub.  As Cole walks in on them, mid-orgasmic oohaah, she has the audacity to say that "this isn't what it looks like".  

See?  TOLD you this movie was funny!

Kimberly's final moments involve her being freaked out, sitting in the lodge with a poker as her weapon, shivering by the fire, and yet somehow still wearing only a ski jacket and her leopard print panties, which she got into after jumping out of the hot tub.  She is BACK IN THE LODGE, people!  Her clothes are upstairs!  She's cold!  

But, no.  She runs around the lodge, poker in hand, in her panties.  

Frankly, when she dies, it's a relief.

Illustrative dialog:

Holly (holding the video camera at Kimberly in the restroom:

"Kimberly!  Do a striptease for Cole!  Or are you still making him beg?

Kimberly (giggling):

"Oh, now why would I stop?  It's kinda nice having my own puppy."

And later...

As she lays dying, discovered by the distraught Cole, her last words are:

"I never... loved you."



The first time we see Holly she is sharing the front seat of the Jeep with Kimberly, in a very close way.  Being too dumb to put the lid on her coffee cup, she spills some on her white sweater, and yells for Cole to pull the car over.

As she jumps out of the car, at a public gas station, she pulls her sweater off and runs to the bathroom, long brown hair swaying behind her, in a little pink bra.  When she and the girls emerge, she is still holding the sweater in front of her and so she meets Christophe, who is standing outside, in her little pink bra.

Holly isn't hard to figure out.  She's the Stupid Slag.

For some inexplicable reason, she sits with a red sweater open as the group sits around drinking, later at the lodge, still showing her pink lace bra.

When bedtime comes, she tries to get it on with Pike, Kimberly's female cousin, with a classic line: "I'm not gay, I'm just horny!" 

Getting the brush off from Pike, she goes for Christophe like a heat seeking missile, wandering round the lodge, like Kimberly, urgently whispering his name, trying to find him.  It's a Slag-Off.  Which will find him first - blonde slag, or brunette slag?

Holly's overt slutty behavior makes Kimberly look like a nun.  In fact, I sat there thinking that the only way a young woman would behave like this is if she was sexually abused as a child and had her appropriateness radar all screwed up by that terrible experience. 

Illustrative dialog: 

Christophe (as they stand in the rain) :

"Oh, you are getting all wet!"


"Can you tell?"



Pike is the odd girl out.  She's only there, it would seem, because she's Kimberly's cousin.  She's not nearly as pretty as Kimberly and Holly, she doesn't speak like a lady and... horror of horrors!... she has SHORT HAIR.

Of course, all the other kids think she's gay.

If she's not pretty, she must be the Brainy Girl.  

She snowboards, she breaks into the lodge with a credit card, she finds electricity, she fixes the wounded, she even fixes cars.  She's brave, resourceful and clever.

She is the first to figure out what's going on.

She fights two killer attacks and, as Fluffy Bear says: She has spunk!

Needless to say, she survives.

Illustrative dialog:

Pike, about to shoot the killer:

"Hey!  Shred this, Bitch!"



And now for the men...



Cole is The Good Guy.  

Handsome in a boy-next-door way, he lets himself by stepped on by Kimberly constantly.   He drives everyone up to the lodge in his car, he spends time breaking the chain lock to get onto the ski slope while everyone else slips through the gap and goes snowboarding and, later that day, he pays for supplies for the group.

He's not the sharpest pin in the pincushion, at first not believing Pike's theory about why they're getting killed (moron).  He is also shocked at finding Kimberly with Christophe, amazed that she would betray him, not realizing he's been used all along, which makes him a double moron.

Cole, of course, has a good heart, which makes up for him being a little dumb.  When the other guys are saying Pike is gay he defends her, telling them not to jump to conclusions.  

There is NO WAY this guy is getting laid in this movie.  


He's going to fall in love. 

Once Cole realizes what's going on, he draws the killer out, taunting her, and generally shows that he has balls.  You can rely on Cole, you see, to do what's right.

Illustrative dialog:

Cole, ruefully, while paying for supplies for everyone:

"A weekend alone in the mountains... priceless.  For everything else, there's my credit card."



Skyler is a virgin and a misogynist.  Funny how those two things go together.  If you can't get laid, it must be that women are bitches, right?  He calls them "chicks" and is a walking bag of testosterone.

He's also a total dork, constantly extolling the virtues of Kirk, a good snowboarder.  Skyler seems to be his one man fan club.

His behavior places him firmly at the bottom of the pack.

Skyler is The Dumbo Dork.

When Shelley, the daughter of the ski run owner, pays him some attention, he doesn't have any suspicions at all.  Minutes after they meet, she puts her hand into her ski suit to fondle her naked breasts.  Imagine if the situation were reversed and he tried to put her hand down his pants?

But, no.

To Skyler, all this means is "she's totally into me!" as he later tells his friends.

Basically, Skyler being killed is no loss to the gene pool.

Illustrative dialog:

Skyler, on seeing the trunk of the car:

"There is a flaw in your plan, Dude!  There's an immediate beer run required!"

Skyler, commenting on Shelley:

"She's mega-spankworthy!"



Christophe is "from Europe," which is the first clue to him being a total phony.  No one from a European country says they're from Europe.  They tell you exactly which country they're from.  The second clue is that his accent is all over the place.

Turns out he's a "good guy", coming back to the mountain to find out what happened to his three friends who were involved, all those years ago, in the death of the little girl.  It's hard to have any real sympathy for him, though because, instead of searching the lodge (he would've found the bodies in the basement if he'd just looked), he spends his time schtupping Kimberly and Holly. 

But you don't really mind, because he's hot, and he gets naked.

Christophe drinks with the group, shirtless, he lies in his sleeping bag with his guns and pecs out, he reveals his perfect ass as he gets into the hot tub.  

Christophe is Exotic Lover Boy and, to complete the picture of his "foreigness", he has a short, shadow beard framing his jaw and upper lip.  Because, you see, he's a leetle beet dunjerossssss.

Turns out he's Chris Ramos, from Fresno.

Illustrative dialog:

Pike, exiting from the ladies room to find Christophe hovering outside:

"Hello! Skirt on the door means it's the ladies room!"


"Een ma cawntree, men and women yooz da sem badroom."

And, later...

Christophe, trying to get Kimberly into the hot tub:

"Such exquisite beauty I have not zeen since Florrrrence, and Raphael's Venus."



Kirk is a pro boarder, close to being a real player.  

Except he's a total Stoner Dude.

Every move he makes is slow and, unless he is actually snowboarding, there's always a beer or joint in his hand.  He never speaks in a complete sentence, just single words.

To complete the Stoner Dude picture, he has... wait for it... a beard and mustache.  And he has red hair.

You might think that Kirk being killed is a loss to the next US Olympic team but, frankly, you don't really care.

Illustrative dialog:

To the killer, as he dies:

"You. Karma. Baaaaaaad."



Fluffy Bear raises a good point in defense of the one dimensional characterization: "Are you actually meant to care about any them dying horribly?"

Only Cole and Pike are mildly sympathetic.  No surprise that they survive.


So, if you hire this movie, take it for what it is.  

Just have fun with it. 



# Slut

* Have a lot of money

** kabob


To read more in the Couch Potato series, click here.


Couch Potato - Oscar Night 2010



My Oscar Tweets:


4:33 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Neal Patrick Harris I LOVE YOU!


4:33 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Dear Right Wingers... yes, the Oscars just opened with a gay joke. Suck it.


4:34 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : The Beautiful Antonio Banderas has skinned a badger and put it on his face.


4:36 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : District 9. If you haven't seen it. Do it.


4:40 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Only in America would a guy be called Woody and not be sniggered at all the time


4:41 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : I get the impression George doesn't want to be there


4:44 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : OK never mind previous tweet. George Clooney is hamming it up


4:43 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Watch the star's faces as their names are called


4:45 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Damn! Penelope Cruz is so beautiful


4:51 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : YAY! Christophe Waltz!


4:53 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : What an eloquent and gracious speech from our 1st winner. Metaphor beautifully expressed and not overworked


4:55 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Mmmmmmmmmmm iPad. I think it's time Apple kills Microsoft


4:58 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Pissing ourseleves laughing at Doug the Dog. Again


5:00 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : UP! I love that movie! As dog parents we laughed till we cried


5:01 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Wow. Miley and Amanda. Trash dress and elegance


5:04 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Colin Farrell has that dirty boy look. He's a one night guilty pleasure.


5:06 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Dear Americans. It's pronounced A-part-hate. And I'm not word playing here. I'm serious. I grew up in it.


5:13 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : What are those glasses Robert Downey Junior is wearing?


5:16 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Hmmmm. Hurt Locker winning for script. Hope this is the start of a clean sweep


5:17 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Molly Ringwald and Matthew Broderick .... 80s Flashback!


5:18 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Molly Ringwald looks petrified. Xanax, honey.


5:24 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : No respect to Jon Hughes, who shaped my teenage years, but the pace needs to pick up


5:32 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : So where can we see the short film nominees


5:35 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : OK Awkward moment


5:35 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Aw. The documentary winners have no idea of Oscar etiquette.


5:37 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Ooh! Three piece tux! Finally a man who stands out at the Oscars!


5:38 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Ben Stiller dressed as a Navi!!!!! HAHAHA!


5:42 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : And Ben Stiller wraps it up beautifully with the tail gag


5:57 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : The Gosvernor's awards looks like it's much more fun than the Oscars


6:02 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Yeah, way to go to give away the characrter's motivation to those of us who haven't seen Precious yet


6:03 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : And why haven't I seen it? Because it's not available on DVD to rent!


6:04 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck :   And why didn't I see it in the theatre? Because hell is other people


6:10 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Dear Avatar set designer: You forgot that people in pods for hours need catheters


6:24 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : FBear at seeing Kristin Stewart: "Mope. Mope. Mope."


6:27 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : OK it's time to have Classic Horror DVD night. Starting with Jaws. Then Freddy

6:29 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : I'm starting to worry that Hurt Locker is winning everything less important because the big prize will go to Cameron


6:33 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : FBear wants to know what PMDD is


6:35 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Sandra Bullock wins Best Dressed for sure


6:38 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Bloody hell! How does Demi walk in those shoes?


6:42 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Me: I'm glad Carradine went out on the epic Kill Bill. FBear: I think his last movie was Crank 2. Me: That doesn't count.


6:43 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Not God, darling. Surgery. RT @Chookooloonks: Dear God, if I'm good, please let me age like Demi Moore.


6:46 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : A dance montage? Really? Really?


6:47 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Everyone in the Kodak theatre is using this dance bit to go to the loo


6:48 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : A poplock dancer for the beautiful, haunting Hurt Locker music? WTF?


6:49 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : All the composers of this beautiful music just threw up a little in their mouths


6:50 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : This dancing thing is so bad Fluffy Bear has gone to pour himself a second glass of wine


7:09 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Did the editing winner just take a dig at Avatar with the focus groups comment. Ooh! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!


7:06 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : "A Hero to all species" WTF?


6:54 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Sooooooo.... which actors have hired models as beard dates?


7:12 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : The Sprint CEO does their ads? Like a used car salesman?


7:24 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Oh FFS! They just showed everyone the key to Hurt Locker! Hello, people! Not everyone has seen these movies! Quit spoiling!


7:27 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : It's suck up time


7:28 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Julianne Moore is so so pretty


7:29 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Morgan Freeman couldn't get the accent of my country's greatest hero. I will never forgive him.


7:31 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Colin Farrell is the most genuine


7:32 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Kate Winslet is, as always, elegant, eloquent and accomplished


7:42 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : In case you didn't know, Sandra attended the Razzies thus week to collect for All About Steve and took a cart of DVDs to give to audience


7:34 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Wrap it up Bridges. We want to see who wins Best Picture


7:43 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : The Brits do it best, Baby


7:44 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Friend of FBears is at Oscars and he says they all run to the bar in the ad breaks


7:45 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : So refreshing to see humility at the Oscars #teamGabby!


7:45 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Good gag at the end, Sandra. Humor and tears. Love it


7:53 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : More applause for "winner could be an African American" than "a woman"


7:59 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : WOOO HOO! I am yelling at the TV. I just gave Cameron the finger


8:02 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Bigelow won't let go of those Oscars!


8:02 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : Bigelow is tallest person on the stage


8:06 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : All nominee's wives should wear no-transfer lipstick


8:08 PM Mar 7th via Tweetdeck : AVAfart! Pfffffffffffft!


about 14 hours ago via web : Ignoramus that I am, never realized Bigelow directed Point Break - 1 of my favorite movies. If it's been a while since you saw it, rent it


about 14 hours ago via web : Behind that AWKWARD moment... Oscar on stage fight explained.


about 14 hours ago via web : What were your best/worst moments from last night's Oscars? For me Best = Christoph Waltz speech. Worst = dancing bit



Couch Potato - Wild Child



It's a sunny day out there, but the couch is holding me hostage.

I'm watching a lovely little piece of fluff called Wild Child, about a teenager from Miami who goes to a traditional British Girl's Boarding School.

But there are some great lines:


American girl: "Omigod!  These girls think a mani-pedi is a Latin greeting."


British schoolgirl: "Someone call Al Gore!  I think the Ice Queen is melting!"


British schoolgirl: "Actually, it was Kate's vomit, Mrs Kingsley, I was just lying in it."


British boy: "I thought you said you could drive!"

American girl: "I can!"

British boy: "Ever thought of changing gears?"

American girl: "That's the car's job!"



To see more in the Couch Potato series, click here.



COUCH POTATO - Jennifer's Body


Don't let the tacky trailers for this movie fool you... it's very good.

The acting is good.

The filming is good.

The story is excellent.

There is a subtlety to how the supernatural is handled in this movie.  The gore isn't gratuitous at all.

Watch the Extended Version.  I started watching it for the second time on the Theater Version with Fluffy Bear and had to turn it off and switch to the extended - I thought that things were being edited out that were too important.

And yes, this is a movie you can watch more than once.  I appreciated the circular nature of the story better, now recognizing all the hints, the little sub plots.

There are so many themes in this movie apart from the obvious, a major one being the nature of friendship between two teenage girls.  Diablo Cody (she also wrote Juno) really knows the teenage psyche, and the particular bond that exists between teenage girls, and how their friendship is real love, which can easily tip over in into the physical.

Speaking of which, there is one scene in this movie which any straight man will want to rewind again and again and again.  As a woman, I have to admit I enjoyed it too.

And yes, don't worry, it does deliver on the horror movie quivers... parts of it are scary.  Even Fluffy Bear jumped out of his skin once.

Diablo Cody also writes the United States of Tara (about a woman living with her own multiple personalities), so she has an understanding of the multiplicity of things, the co-existence of opposites.  This shows through in the movie.  Like when you watch Dexter, you aren't always sure that you want the villain to get taken down.  Hell, you aren't always sure the villain is even a villain.

I really enjoyed this movie.


Rent it.

But not with anyone under 21 around.  Or your mom.  If you have them in the room, you'll have more than one uncomfortable moment.  Kick them out and enjoy the sex scenes for what they are.  Even those bits are intelligently done.

And let me know what you thought of it.



Couch Potato - Julie and Julia

Note - Spoiler Alert!
We are watching "Julie and Julia" with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams.  I thought you might like to enjoy experiencing it with us.
Amy Adams cooks chicken with cream and mushrooms
Ah, Food Porn.  Fluffy Bear just made a little orgasmic noises.
Julia Childs is at her first cooking course at the Cordon Bleu
Haha!  Their first lesson is how to boil an egg.  Reminds me of a recipe book my mother used to have which was written by a group of women to raise money for charity.  Was it the Rotary Anns?  I can't remember.  
Anyway, one of the women clearly had a sense of humor and submitted a recipe especially for husbands.  It was "Boiled Oeuf."  I laughed my ass off the first time I saw it.
Julia Childs goes into a Paris patisserie
Oh, my GOD!  I just let out a high pitched shriek.  How I love going into patisseries - those glorious smelling, colorful places!  
I remember how the people behind the counter would get pinched faces as they heard Fluffy Bear and I conversing in English accents, trying to choose between the delicacies and stop ourselves from buying enough treats for eight people.  
Then, once we were ready and I turned to the shop owner and greeted him or her in French, watching their faces light up.  Ah!  An Englishwoman who makes an effort!  Suddenly the conversation would flow, they would make recommendations, brew us some coffee and then we would choose a table, sit outside and indulge.  
There is nothing quite like tearing that first part of a fresh croissant off and popping it into your mouth...  It is one of those feelings that is unique, sits indelibly carved in your memory and you seek it out, this perfect experience, again and again.  Like a scary rollercoaster ride, or the perfect kiss.
But no supermarket, no independent bakery can ever rival a real French patisserie croissant, no matter where you are.  Even if the owner is a real Frenchman.
Maybe it's because the expertise isn't there.  Maybe the flour and butter is special in France.  Maybe it's the fact that you are in France that adds to the flavor.  I don't know.
I just know that I really miss real French croissant.
A lot.
Julia takes her first test at the Cordon Bleu
She is asked to write down the recipe for Creme Renversee au Caramel.  This dessert was my mother's staple at family parties.  The recipe calls for an astronomical amount of eggs, takes beating till your arm wants to fall off and is the best dessert I have ever had in my life.  
As my mother got older and was more and more sick with Cancer, she struggled to cook.  But, when I went home to visit, she always made this for me.  
I never ever order Creme Caramel in a restaurant, for I am utterly convinced that no-one can make it like my mother.
Julie moves on to Aspics
Urgh!  My parents loved aspics.  I never ever liked them.  That revolting jelly around the meat repulsed me.  The taste, the texture, the wobbly-bobblyness of them.  I used to pick out the pieces of meat and try to wipe the jelly off them. 
Julia complains about converting metric measures to imperial
"Measurements do not matter" says Simone.  
"Of course they do!" says Julia.
My mother was exactly the same.  
"Only in cakes," she told me, "do proportions matter.  Everything else, you just add to taste, and substitute.  Just experiment, my dear!"
As I've said to you before, she wanted me to spend time with her in the kitchen and learn, but I refused.  I equated my mother's job as family cook as part of her oppression by my father, and didn't want to end up as a housewife.  If I never learnt the skills, I could have a plausible excuse for any potential suitor!  
Besides which, I wanted to be a career woman.
My friends think I am lucky because Fluffy Bear does all the cooking in our house.  Yes, I am lucky.  Very lucky.  But I missed out on learning from a master chef, my mother.
"Just give me the recipes," I told her.  
"I don't have recipes!" she snapped.  "I just do it!"
And yum yum!  She sure did.
Julie is outed as a blogger
They day I dread!  Julie's boss finds out about her blog!
I am even more concerned about this part of the story than Julie's problems with her husband.  Maybe that's because my blog doesn't get in the way of my marriage.  Fluffy Bear is very supportive.  He even laughs at my "He Said She Said" posts - because I add detail that make them more dramatic or comedic than our real lives.
Fact is, we get on so well with each other that we piss some of our friends off.  Sometimes I even wonder at it.  Not to say we don't have issues - of course we do!  But being friends isn't one of them.
So... back to the outing thing.
If I was outed as a blogger to my colleagues or to people I've chosen not to tell (my good friends know) it would stifle my writing.  
How could I tell you about my colleague who has as dry a sense of humor as I have if he finds out who I am?  And will he joke with me if he suspects he may be quoted? 
How can I tell you about TLA-itis if the people I work with know they said "CEP", "GEW" or "BPY" in a meeting with me.  I'm not going to bother to explain those Three Letter Acronyms to you.  They are specific to the tools and processes used in places I've worked, so they won't mean anything even if i do break them down.  They're in the same family as: "SWAG" (silly wild arsed guess) and FUBARed (fucked up beyond all recognition).
And some places where I've worked handle sensitive client information and therefore have very - um... - effective legal departments.
No.  No.  No!  Anonymity is vital.
Julia meets her pen pal
Do pen pals exist anymore anymore?
My mother had pen pals that she wrote to her whole life and yet never met.  When my sister came to visit us in the UK a few years ago, she went up country to visit a woman she'd been writing to for over 30 years.
I remember, as a child, my mother encouraging me to write to kids from overseas who advertised for pen pals in kids magazines.
I never wanted to commit to writing regularly (I was a lazy, spoiled child), so I never followed up on it.  Think now, if I had relationships with people in Brazil, or Australia, or China!
I do actually know people in all those places, to be honest, but I've taken another path to get those contacts, and we don't write.  Has email killed the letter as an art form?
I think we write our letters in blogs now but, sadly, it's often a one sided conversation.  I do learn things about other people's lives, from reading their blogs, but dialog is not a big part of the equation.
I should've written those foreign kids and become a pen pal.  Damn!  My mother was right about everything!
Julie is in her underwear, being carried to the bed by Eric
She's cooked over 300 recipes and she's that thin?
I can't help but wonder what the real people this movie is based on think of their portrayal in it.  The bitchy career "friends" in the beginning, too preoccupied with their cell phones to make time to talk to each other at lunch; Julie's mother, who criticizes and tears her down at every opportunity; Julie's husband, who leaves her because of the food meltdowns and not enough sex.
On Julia's side of the equation, everyone is probably dead, but Louisette Bertholle's descendants, like Salieri's after "Amadeus" came out, may be pissed off at the storyline involving their esteemed ancestor.  She is shown as not having an equal contribution to "Mastering the Art of French Cooking," which is a little sad.
I know it makes the movie more interesting, but I can't help but feel sorry for real people out there when they are portrayed negatively in a film.
Julie cooks duck in pastry
Me: "Wow!  Look at that, Honey.  Imagine all the fat from the skin of the duck seeping..."
Fluffy Bear: "... into the meat inside the pastry?  Oooooh....."
Me:  "Oooooh!"
Julia gets the first copy of her published book
I know I should be cheering for Julia, but I spent most of the scene admiring her beautiful shoes.  
The final still shot, however, of Julia with her hand over her mouth, looking at her book, was very endearing. 
An actual review of the movie
It's very sweet but, as Fluffy Bear said, we'd rather have had the whole movie be about Julia, who seemed to have been a fascinating person.  I'd love to know more about her life in various countries as well as her journey to becoming the quintessential TV chef.  
I think we need a miniseries on Julia Child.
Meryl Streep could do it, or even Gena Davis.  Even Jane Lynch, who played Julia's sister in the movie, could give it a go.
HBO?  Showtime?

Couch Potato - Sexism in "Twilight - New Moon"



Spoiler alert! You may not want to read this if you haven't seen Twilight New Moon yet, and you are planning to.  If you're not planning to pay $12 to sit though this movie, good for you.  It's not really worth it.  But that's a conversation for another time...


I went to see "Twilight - New Moon" with an open mind.  I hadn't read the book and I was ready for a fun night out in an over 21 cinema where we could get past the teenage sappiness with copious amounts of alcohol.

As expected, we got the sexual tension, the action, the special effects and lots of male six packs.

What I was surprised by, though, was the sexism.

And the gender bias wasn't just aimed at women - young boys got what I consider to be negative messages too.


Male Sexism - you have to be a superhero to get the girl

Young men watching Twilight - assuming they'll bother to go see it in the first place (unless, of course, they're dragged there by a girl) - are basically shown that, to get the girl, you have to be superhero.  

We already know about Edwards' abilities and, even though the moment his shirt comes off is disappointing compared to the various gratuitous shots of Jacob's chest, he's still pretty lean and muscular.

Even the previously sweet boy next door character, Jacob, has morphed into a bepecced, be-sixpacked Adonis who, when he cuts his hair, deserves to grace the cover of Mens Health magazine.

He's also a killer mechanic, able to fix up a junkyard motorcycle shell into a mean machine.

And, as those annoying commercials say on TV, that's not all!

Jacob comes of age, and starts to morph into a super-strong, massive, fur-ruffled-by-the-breeze werewolf.

So poor Mike, the only normal male who might be a potential love interest, really doesn't stand a chance.  Not only does his hair have a reddish tinge - the greatest crime in the looks department that your genes can commit against you - he is simply nice looking.

When Mike takes Bella to an action movie, not only is he immediately overshadowed by Jacob and his neck-of-steel, but his disgust at the violent content, leading him to throw up, is cruelly portrayed as weakness.

A normal, sensitive boy is a total loser in the Twilight world.  The fact that he thinks he might have a chance with Bella is borderline laughable.

Boys - if you can't have a magic power, you better at least have a six pack.


Female sexism - Woman as victim

The character of Bella is the the eternal victim.  She is constantly in need of rescue, sometimes due to her own ridiculous stupidity.

I mean, for God's sake, any girl who can't open a small square package wrapped with a bow in a room full of vampires without cutting her finger open is a fucking moron.

Only when she has to save Edward's life does Bella take any action in this film.  And her action consists of running through a crowd to hug Edward and show she's alive.  Not exactly Xena Warrior Princess or Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  Apart from pushing people out of her way and sprinting through a fountain, Bella's passivity is epic.

When Edward tells her his family is leaving, she automatically assumes she is going with him.  She seems to have absolutely nothing in her life that's important to her except this man.  No sport, no hobbies, no thoughts of a a possible career.  She would leave her father, her friends, her home at the drop of a hat for a guy she's know for a year and thinks she is in love with.

And please don't tell me it's true love.  You don't know shit about love at that age.

When Edward actually does leave, Bella is borderline comatose.  She is shown sitting in an armchair, staring out at the rain, for months.  The only time we see her doing any homework in this movie, she is in front of the TV, and not really paying attention to her books.  She seems to have absolutely no ambition at all.

She hangs out with guys she doesn't really love, expecting them to just be there for her, despite her not giving them anything in return.  When I was young, boys called girls like that Prickteasers, and they were hated and teased for it.

When she finally comes out of her funk and buys two motorbike wrecks from the junkyard, she takes them to Jacob to fix up because she wants to put herself into a dangerous situation and, through putting herself in harm's way, see visions of Edward.  

She goes straight from one man to a boy, using him to get to her man.  Her entire life is defined by a male, her support system is the next male.

Throughout the weeks the bikes are rebuilt, she doesn't once help Jacob except to hand him a tool or get the pizza from the delivery man.  Just sit there and look melancholy and pretty, girls, and, if push comes to shove, make sure your man has food.  

When the bikes are done up, she crashes hers immediately.  She just pretty fucking useless at anything apart from pouting and, for no reason at all (the actress isn't done up to look particularly attractive) inexplicably bewitching the males around her.

Her selfishness and self-absorption borders on utter narcissism, to the point where her father wants to send her away to live with her mother - who can blame him?  Pouty teenagers are pain in the ass at the best of times but her lower lip is drooping so far she risks hurting herself tripping on it.

She isn't even a good friend. When she finally reconnects with a girlfriend and goes out with her, she sees some bozo on a motorbike on a side street and, again wanting to place herself in danger, gets on the back of his bike for a joyride.  Even when I was in High School, any friend who did that to me would immediately be an ex-friend.  

As women, I am sure we all know the kind of female friend who is only around after a breakup and then disappears as soon as the next boyfriend comes along.  They're pathetic and a waste of your time and effort.

The character of Bella is passive, pouting, and constantly in need of rescue.

The theme of female victimhood is is reinforced by the character of the fiance of one of the werewolves, half her face disfigured when he "lost control" yet still by his side, kissing him and providing food for the were-boys when they drop in to visit.

As the movie progressed, I sympathized less and less with the central character of Bella, and came to believe that everyone - human or not - would be better of if she just bloody well drowned when she stupidly jumped off that cliff.

The character as portrayed in this film is a terrible role model for young women.


I couldn't help but contrast the main characters in the Twilight movie series with their counterparts in the Harry Potter one.  

In spite of magic powers, Harry and Ron are pretty normal boys, and Hermione is a girl who tries to get ahead in the world and become her own person.  

Also, teenage kids are shown actually kissing and getting it on in the background in the last Harry Potter movie, whereas Twilight is filled with short kisses and Bella's frustrated moans... annoying, and not what real teenagers these days are doing.

So talk to your teenage girls about contraception and let them watch Hermione excel in Harry Potter, because the victimhood of Twilight and the abstinence approach just aren't healthy.




Couch Potato - Sick TV


No, I don't mean "Sick" in that ridiculous reverse-negative way the "yoof" ("kidz") use it.  

I am sick, and so I am stuck on the couch watching TV.

In moments like these, the brain can only handle so much, so Trash TV is required.

But sometimes, you just can't believe what you hear.

I am watching Flippin' Out, a reality series about Jeff Lewis, who flips houses.  

He is talking to his new intern, Tracy (a young guy):

Jeff: "Have I told you that you are doing a good job here?"

Tracy: "Am I?"

Jeff: "I was just wondering if I'd told you."

Tracy:  "I mean--- Uh--- Ocassionally."

Jeff:  "Good.  You are.  You're doing a good job here."

Tracy:  "How can I improve?"

Jeff:  "You could be on time for work.  That's how you could improve."

Tracy:  "Well, d'ya wanna know what the real reason---  I mean---"

Jeff:  "You're gonna tell me the truth now."

Tracy:  "On my phone I have - like - the Checkers application, and I need to play a full round and win before I can actually bet outta bed.  And today it took me three times before I won.  And normally it's only one.  I didn't anticipate the two extra games.  And I can't - I can't get outta bed until I win."

Jeff:  "So, every morning when you wake up, you play a game of Checkers---"

Tracy:  "On my phone."

Jeff:  "--- and when you win, you get up.  And today, you didn't win, so you had to play three games---"

Tracy:  "Yeah."

Jeff:  "So you were fifteen minutes late."


Cut to one on one interview with Jeff:

Jeff:  "You know, maybe Tracy does remind me of me a little bit.  And maybe that's why I'm starting to really like him."


Cut back to Jeff and Tracy's conversation.

Jeff:  "That's actually--  No-one's ever told me that before--- Any--- That is---  No-one's ever--- I don't think anyone's ever used that as an excuse---  This is what I want from you.  Good."


So this little asswipe has a job and I don't.

Well fuck this.

Change channel.  Click!




Couch Potato - Filled with Glee

My new favorite show is Glee, about a Glee Club at a High School.  
As a foreigner, I didn't even know what a Glee Club was but, judging from the show it is some kind of singing club, kinda like Drama Club, at school.
If I had grown up in the US you can be sure I'd have been in Glee Club as well as Drama Club.  Yes, I was that kind of girl.  Hell, in a country where we didn't have cheerleading at school I set up a squad.... for the rugby team!
The kids in Glee seem to sing all sorts of songs, but all in that show-tune, belt-it-out, hit-the-high-note way that kids do.
The best moment for me was when the underdog school (our heroes) went to see their rivals for the state championships.  There they were, about 30 kids on stage, all bright eyed and bushy tailed, broad smiles, gelled hair and generally just the kinds of kids you wish your brat would bring home as a date.  And then they launched into a choreographed, knee-kicking, jazz-handing, squeaky-clean version of Amy Winehouse's song:


They tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no'

Yes I've been black but when I come back you'll know know know

I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine

He's tried to make me go to rehab but I won't go go go


(see it here)

The only thing better than that moment was Sue Sylvester's crazy-ass cheerleading coach yelling through a loudhailer at her squad, who were trying to do an elaborate pyramid type thingy where the girls are on the boys' shoulders:


"You think this is hard!  Try living with herpes!  That's hard!"



Apparently the pilot is a hit because the songs, as sung by the cast, are now available on iTunes

Watch this. Trust me, once you do, you won't get this version out of you head for at least three days.

I can't wait for the show's official launch!  



Couch Potato - Live Long and Prosper


Yes, Fluffy Bear dragged me to see the new Star Trek movie last night.


It was preview night so all the die hard fans were out.


We were in line in front of a very cute girl with green skin. She was, I am told, an Orion Slave Girl.


She was kinda pissed because no one else in the very long line was dressed up. All the dress up fans had gone to the earlier show and, as they walked out, we saw:


  • An African American in a Star Trek uniform with red shirt

  • A female Vulcan in a gold sequinned dress

  • A very cute girl in a very short red Star Trek dress

  • People who had dressed normally but added Spock ears


The male to female ratio in the line was very favorable to my sex, until you looked more closely and saw the calibre of the men in question. Yes it was geeksville.

The entire spectrum was there, from the reasonably OK looking geek who seems like a viable mate he opens his mouth, through the kiddie-faced-socially-inept geek all the way to the long-greasy-haired-pot-bellied-beared-and-slightly-sweaty-smelling geek.

Still, it was fun to see a line for the Men's toilets and none for the women's. Finally!


We got good seats, but weren't prepared for the Fully Loaded Aspergers Experience that awaited us. Behind us sat two young men who started the evening with the geek version of penis comparison - discussing obscure science fiction movies and seeing who can remember particular scenes/facts better. During the main feature, they felt it was very important to give each other the benefit of an instant review of the the Director's choices. Thank God the sound was turned up pretty loud or I think someone would have organized a geek posse to take them down with a Vulcan Nerve Pinch.


The audience was very enthusiastic, whooping at the previews for Transformers and Terminator, booing at Angels and Demons and snorting derisively at G.I. Joe. The start of Star Trek itself was drowned in "woooos" and clapping. The appearance of Leonard Nimo was cheered as was - encouragingly - Simon Pegg. It was all very entertaining.


Loyal fans are hard to please. They know everything about how things were set up and why, and the slightest disloyalty, pandering or evidence of Director Hubris (e.g. "re-imagineering") is considered a crime punishable by Phasers set to Kill.


Everyone seemed very happy, which was a relief, not least of all because it meant I went home with an ecstatic Fluffy Bear, rather than one who would explain to me, for the next three days, all the things that were wrong, and why.


And, Simon Pegg was funny.


He he he.


Couch Potato - Crap DVD night

I think we starting a new tradition, Fluffy Bear, Bill and I.
It's Crap DVD Night.

It all started when we hired Quarantine and, the worse it got, the more snarky comments we made and the whole evening was hilarious.

Crap DVD night involves slobby clothes, take out and, of couse, alcohol.

Here are some reviews of our latest entertainment:

Beverley Hills Chiauau

Unadulterated crap, but fun.

All the cliches are there - a love story across class lines, a road trip, a rediscovery of roots and the rehabilitation of a cop that was kicked off the force. Just all with dogs.

Thank God they aren't alll Chiauaus. Even a film which tries to make the breed look adorable didn't make me want one.

There are German Sheperds, Muts and a beautiful Doberman which is unfairly classed as the villain.

At first we were taking the piss out of it mercilessly but, slowly, the comments stopped.

"Are we actually getting into this movie?" I asked the boys.
"I think we're just drunk enough to enjoy it," replied Bill.

I suggest you apply the same strategy.

Snow Dogs

An old film about a Miami dentist who has to go to tiny town in Alaska and - wait for it - rediscover his roots.

It's always fun watching a dog movie with Puppy Dog. In this one, when the dogs made noises on the TV he looked up, then growled, then ran behind the TV, barking, to try to find them!

It was heartwarming (a.k.a. cheesy) and family appropriate (i.e. no potty mouth, nothing beyond kissing) but so gloriously mindless.

Watching this movie needn't take alcohol, just a horrible week at work and the desire to numb the brain.


Couch potato - WTF?

We just watched an episode of House, starring the wonderful Hugh Laurie, a Brit.

In the episode a character, Kutner, dies.

The story goes on, the team heals someone, bla bla bla.

The final scene is poignant, portraying Kutner's funeral.

Then the credits rolled.

And then comes this voice that says something like "If you'd like to share your thoughts about Dr Kutner's death, go to our memorial site at".


He's a character! He isn't real!

I just went to the website. There's a memorial video!!!!



Couch Potato - Don't take it to ruin it

A few years ago the BBC made an amazing show called Life on Mars, where Sam Tyler, a present day Police detective, has a car accident and ends up in a coma in 2006, but somehow finds himself working in the local Police Dept back in 1973. He has all his memories of his previous life and doesn't understand what has happened to him. Has he beamed back in time? Is it all in his head?
Through the series, he has to actually be a cop and solve crimes but, at the same time, strange things happen like people talking to him in his 2006 hospital room coming through on his 1973 TV.

The cops in 1973 are sexist bastards, have no computers, beat confessions out of people and don't have to talk to Internal Affairs every time they discharged their guns.

The crotchety Police Chief, Gene Hunt, has some pricesless lines:

"She's as nervous as a very small nun at a penguin shoot"
"faker than a trannys fanny"
"He has more fingers in pies than a leper on a cookery course"
"This case is moving about as fast as a bunch of spastics in a magnet factory"
"Beer O'Clock!"
"Don't move you're surrounded by armed b*****ds"
"The evidence is about as hard as Liberace's d**k staring at a naked woman"
"I'm not a religious man Mr Warren - but isn't there something in the Bible that says, thou shalt not suck off rent boys?"
"Couldn't catch the clap in a French brothel"
It is an excellent series.
In the end, Sam falls in love with a female police woman, starts to enjoy life in 1973. When he finally comes out of his coma and returns to 2006, he finds himself in Police strategy reviews and other modern Police force corporate BS. He misses his friends, his girlfriend, his team in 1973. If you have been on his journey with him, you understand his dilemma. Sam chooses to go back and jumps off a roof. In committing suicide, he returns to this 1973 life.

It's very poignant.

US TV (ABC channel) bought the series.

We started watching it here but didn't like Harvey Keitel as the grouchy old Police Chief. He's too old for the role and the guy who plays the Chief in the series "Life" would have been perfect.

We did like that they seemed to be pretty faithful to the original script except, of course, for placing the series in New York. They also replaced a London bartender, a character who helps Sam Tyler, with a hippie dippie girl who lives in his building, which was a great way to translate a character that would be open-minded enough to understand Sam's dilemma.

We finally missed so many episodes that we stopped watching... until Fluffy Bear's friends told them how they chose to end the series in the US.

We just watched the last episode this evening.

The only thing I can imagine is that, because the series got cancelled, the writing staff sat down, smoked copious amounts of marijuana and brainstormed the most ridiculous ending they could.

The espisode starts with Sam's younger self getting abducted by his father from where he lives with his mother. Sam solves the case, saves his younger self, bla bla bla. Then he comes out of the coma. But he doesn't come back to 2008.


Indulge me while I digress. Presumably, the show was called Life on Mars because it was a famous Bowie song in the 70s and because of the words of the chorus:

Sailors Fighting in the dance hall
Oh man!
Look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the lawman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man!
Wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?

But I guess the writers' drug-induced brainstorming session took them in a more literal direction.

This is how the series ends:

Sam Tyler wakes up in an astronaut pod and he is on a mission to Mars. He has been asleep for over two years and a computer had him in a simulated dream, which he chose, where he was a cop in 2008. There was a glitch and somehow he ended up a cop in 1973 but with memories of his chosen dream of a life in 2008.



Time to name and shame.

This episode was written by Scott Rosenberg, who should either flaggelate himself repeatedly while hanging his head in shame or go immediately into rehab without passing Begin and without collecting $200 - whatever will solve his very, very serious problem.


Couch Potato - Showgirls

I recently saw the most misogynistic, facile, puerile piece of excrement ever to grace the movie screen.
Here is a sample of the script:

Our "heroine", Nomi, is at lunch with her nemesis/mentor/potential lesbian lover, Cristal. Nomi is a new chorus dancer in the topless horror of a stage show, Cristal is the "star" who emerges, almost naked, from a fake volcano.

Nomi Malone: [befuddled by the fancy menu and sarcastically referring to the diet prescribed by the manager of the dance troupe] Don't they have brown rice and vegetables?
Cristal Connors: Do you like brown rice and vegetables?
Nomi Malone: Yeah.
Cristal Connors: You do?
Nomi Malone: Sort of.
Cristal Connors: Really?
Nomi Malone: It's worse than dog food. [Cristal laughs]
Nomi Malone: It is!
Cristal Connors: I've had dog food.
Nomi Malone: You have?
Cristal Connors: Mmm-hmmm. Long time ago. Doggy Chow. I used to love Doggy Chow.
Nomi Malone: I used to love Doggy Chow, too!
[Cristal and Nomi toast each other with their potato chips.]

And, trust me, the rest of it is even worse.


The only way to tolerate this piece of crap is to laugh at it, and that's what David Schmader does.  He is a Showgirls officionado, and gives live commentary throughout the movie.

At the moment pictured above, he said:

"There isn't enough Purell (hand santizer) in the world!"




Couch Potato - Good movies

Mindless fluff with that kid who hung out with the cops in Superbad.

Based on the Big Brother concept, suspend disbelief that single men would be allowed to do their community service by interacting with children completely unsupervised.

Paul Rudd is adequate, Seann William Scott is just playing a slightly older Stifler. Of the adult cast, Jane Lynch steals the show. She will - for me, at least - be forever defined by her role in the L Word series, but this is a wonderful role of kookiness that makes Lisa Kudrow's Pheobe in Friends look like vanilla ice cream to Jane's Chunky Monkey. I may never BS a BSer again.

The kids are all excellent and, if the gods of good looks are kind to Christopher Mintz-Plasse as he grows up (he deserves a break after having been lumbered with that surname), he'll go far.

The film should also get props for showing the fan world (in this case, medieval re-enactment fans) as both negative (cliqueyness, power plays) and positive (community, fun) instead of just taking the piss.

A few real laugh out loud moments.

Much funnier than we expected it to be.

To appeal to the key movie growing demographic, Hollywood seems to create trailers for good comedies that make them look like the latest Dumb and Dumberererererer. It's always a nice surprise when you get into the main feature to find that the trailer hasn't done it justice.

Dane Cook is Dane Cook in this film - nothing more, nothing less. He's one of those actors whose name I have to think a while to remember. I don't see him becoming the next Ben Stiller, but he puts in a solid performance, just like he did in Employee of the Month.

Kate Hudson makes the most of the Goldie Hawn genes she inherited, but she will never be as good as her mother in comedy because her face is beautiful without a trace of Mummy's kookiness.

Still, let's not split hairs. Any movie that delivers moments when you have to rewind the DVD because you've been cracking up so much that you missed some dialogue deserves high praise. There is a particular moment at a wedding which I won't ruin for you, but I nearly wet my pants I laughed so hard.

A nice premise for a film and a very good story. Reminded me a little of The Girl Next Door, just with a much less attractive cast.

The acting in the main love scene is amazing, conveying something sweet and poignant within the completely antithetical context of porn.

Much funnier and sweeter than expected, but I had a little trouble suspending disbelief, because I wouldn't touch that Seth guy with a bargepole.

Destined to be a cult classic, this film has a flavor of Napoleon Dynamite, but is more mainstream.

It's dark comedy that has you smiling more than laughing out loud. I rejoiced at the portrayal of complex characters - Hollywood mainstream is far too fond of things being black and white, which can be dangerous. George Bush would never have got away with accusing entire countries of being an "Axis of Evil" if the average man in America had a better understanding of grey areas.

Anyway, back to the movie.

Hope Davis is lovely as the medicated mom, and there's and a fantastic supporting performance by Robert Downey Jr. I want to jump up and down with glee at each step he makes in his grand return to deserved acclaim.

Anton Yelchin is excellent as Charlie. Thinking about it, he's been great in everything I've seen him in, so I'm not sure why I still can't rememer his name.

Charlie's takeover of his world is a lot of fun to watch. I couldn't help but envy him... Wish I could do that at work.


Couch Potato - Watching the Watchmen


While I was growing up, there are two adages that my mother used repeatedly when talking about marriage:


  1. Marriage is compromise

  2. Marriage n'est pas badinage (Marriage is no joke).


Today, I demonstrated my commitment to No. 1.

We went to see Watchmen.

"You're very quiet," said Fluffy Bear, as we were driving to the car park Exit after the film.


And yes, I was. Because I knew he enjoyed it, and those kinds of movies are important to him.


Here are all the things I wanted to say:


  • I am quiet, Honey, because my brain is baked from boredom

  • Darling, I can never get those three hours of my life back, you know...

  • Do you think the film's editor, when his thousandth request for a cut was denied, quit his job?


Of course, every cloud has a silver lining. I can now tell people, without word of a lie, that I was once in a dark room for three hours and the only thing I found vaguely interesting during that time was a big blue schlong.




Couch Potato - My favorite movies

Movies that take me back to High School:

  • The Breakfast Club
  • Tex
  • St. Elmo's Fire


Movies that give me a portal into Ye Olde Englande:

  • Maurice
  • Howard's End
  • Remains of the Day


Movies that remind me that I am woman and I should roar:

  • Thelma and Louise
  • The Accused



Movies that challenge me:

  • Kids
  • La Haine
  • Hard Candy

Movies that made me cry and cry:

  • In the Bedroom
  • Away from her



Movies that gladden my heart:

  • Wall E
  • ET



Movies that make me want to sing and dance:

  • Rocky Horror Picture Show
  • The Sound of Music
  • Grease
  • Little Shop of Horrors


Movies that make me laugh:

  • Les Comperes
  • When Harry Met Sally
  • The Full Monty



Couch Potato - I love the local news!

We hardly ever watch the nightly local news. It's just too awful. We watch BBC America, of course.

[And, just by the way, BBC America news is not perfect. It's FOXified. But at least you get some more interational perspective.]

Anyway, we don't watch the news but, as we watch our favorite shows on the telly at night, we sometimes catch the teasers. Some are so, so silly that I started to write them down.

You have to understand that everything listed here is a real teaser, about 90% word for word, for the news at 11pm.

As you read these, do them in the Hollywood movie trailer voice in your mind.

  • Two local women say they were sexually assaulted by ghosts. What police and a local ghosthunter have to say. At 11!

  • KFC is launching a new fish sandwich! Hear why they're asking people to believe in their new venture! At 11!

  • Bumpers put to the test in slow collision! You won't believe how much it could cost to repair the damage! At 11!

  • How a baseball bat helped put an arson suspect behind bars! At 11!

  • [Shot of a car deep in mud] At least it was a soft landing! A local driver careers off a ramp into some deep trouble! At 11!

  • [Shot of trash on the street] Clean it up... or else! How the city plans to crack down on local eyesores and the people who cause them! At 11!

  • It's the car they want thieves to steal! We'll take you inside a Bait car and see the Police use it to flush out thieves! At 11!

  • How your driver's licence could help in the fight against Meth! At 11!

  • How the Harry Potter series is helping the environment! At 11!

  • The dangerous tunnels under the capital! At 11!

  • What stimulates your brain more? Chocolate, or making out [snogging]? The answer may surprise you! At 11!

  • Why the city's nightclubs are turning off their music and going silent! At 11!

  • Our university's gymnastics team may have multiple stalkers! At 11!

  • A BB gun rampage in a local city! Someone takes aim at over one hundred cars and homes! See where the trail of broken glass is leading! At 11!

  • A little league player who was kicked out of the game for wearing an oxygen tank is back! Hear about the ruling that made him safe! At 11!

  • How valet parking can make you a target for thieves! At 11!

  • The disturbing surprise for a local family's Halloween candy! At 11!

  • The law that allows teachers to have sex with older students! At 11!

  • A cat survives a brutal beating! See how this touched one family so much they just had to take action. At 11!

Sometimes the national news is no better:

  • Tomorrow in our series "Officer down!" we'll look at the arms race between the Police... the people trying to kill them!

  • When we return... Tales from the Antarctic! What it's like bobbing for hours on the icy water, waiting for rescue!

  • Mauled by an escaped tiger! The victim's final conversations with family. At 11!