Couch Potato - Sick TV

No, I don't mean "Sick" in that ridiculous reverse-negative way the "yoof" ("kidz") use it.
I am sick, and so I am stuck on the couch watching TV.
In moments like these, the brain can only handle so much, so Trash TV is required.
But sometimes, you just can't believe what you hear.
I am watching Flippin' Out, a reality series about Jeff Lewis, who flips houses.
He is talking to his new intern, Tracy (a young guy):
Jeff: "Have I told you that you are doing a good job here?"
Tracy: "Am I?"
Jeff: "I was just wondering if I'd told you."
Tracy: "I mean--- Uh--- Ocassionally."
Jeff: "Good. You are. You're doing a good job here."
Tracy: "How can I improve?"
Jeff: "You could be on time for work. That's how you could improve."
Tracy: "Well, d'ya wanna know what the real reason--- I mean---"
Jeff: "You're gonna tell me the truth now."
Tracy: "On my phone I have - like - the Checkers application, and I need to play a full round and win before I can actually bet outta bed. And today it took me three times before I won. And normally it's only one. I didn't anticipate the two extra games. And I can't - I can't get outta bed until I win."
Jeff: "So, every morning when you wake up, you play a game of Checkers---"
Tracy: "On my phone."
Jeff: "--- and when you win, you get up. And today, you didn't win, so you had to play three games---"
Tracy: "Yeah."
Jeff: "So you were fifteen minutes late."
Cut to one on one interview with Jeff:
Jeff: "You know, maybe Tracy does remind me of me a little bit. And maybe that's why I'm starting to really like him."
Cut back to Jeff and Tracy's conversation.
Jeff: "That's actually-- No-one's ever told me that before--- Any--- That is--- No-one's ever--- I don't think anyone's ever used that as an excuse--- This is what I want from you. Good."
So this little asswipe has a job and I don't.
Well fuck this.
Change channel. Click!
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