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Entries in Dogs will be dogs (5)


Dogs will be Dogs - 7 Doggie Superpowers



7 Doggie Superpowers 


  1. In the morning, when they get up on the bed, at least one paw will land smack bang on your full bladder
  2. No matter where they are in the house or yard, they'll hear you if you step even one foot into the kitchen (and come running)
  3. When you're not looking, they can fly (how else would you explain them getting to that chicken that you left at the VERY BACK of the kitchen counter?)
  4. They can shed half their fur coat every day
  5. Their tongues can morph (how else could you explain them being able to close their mouths and contain that massive thing that can hang two inches over their teeth?)
  6. Their tails are swords in disguise (nothing else could explain how that wine glass on the coffee table got shattered?)
  7. Their pores exude hair conditioner (it's the only way their fur could be that damn soft)


 To read more in the Dogs Will be Dogs series, click here.



Dogs will be Dogs - Dog Park Dog Patrols



I took Puppy Dog to the little dog park in the city the other day.

I didn't want him to run much, because he had sore back legs that morning, so I just let him run about, rather than throwing the ball for him.

This gave me a chance to really observe some of the dogs in the park, and I realized something - some of them were on some kind of patrol.


Play patrol

A little Dalmation, about a year old, wanted to play. Now. With anyone. Just play with me. Please.

He communicated this by bounding around and barking. He went up to just about every dog and every human.

Bounce! Bounce! Bark! Bark!

Smaller dogs skittled away, bigger dogs ignored him. There was one dog - a little pitbull - who did the let's-do-it dip-down, but he was soon distracted by his daddy throwing a ball for him.

And so play patrol continued. Bounce! Bounce! Bark! Bark!


Bark patrol

The little dog park has a wire fence and, being in the middle of town, it constantly has people walking by.  Now and again you'll get the one dog who seems to think that the park is his temporary den, that pedestrians are marauding hordes and therefore it's Defcon 3.  

They run along the fence, barking and growling madly, ignoring calls and whistles and pleas from their owners.  

They're noisy little buggers.



Treat patrol

There was a big dog - I don't know what breed, except that he looked like a small pony.  

Big dog was obviously food motivated, and must have been given a treat one day by a kind - perhaps petrified - stranger.

And so big dog was checking if this might happen again.

It can be a little disconcerting to have a massive dog bound up to you, ignore the empty hand of introduction you stretch out, bend down away from your potential head stroke, sniff your purse and pockets, and bound off again.

I was a little confused till I saw him go and do it to the next person.  And the next.  And the next.

I have no idea if he got a treat in the end or not.



Sniff patrol

Puppy Dog, not having his favorite game - chase the tennis ball - to play, went off to sniff out the scene.

He ran here and there, sniff-sniff, sniff-sniff.  He ignored other people throwing balls, he ignored other dogs introducing themselves.  He just kept inspecting the park.

And, as dogs do, whenever he came accross a spot that another dog had marked, he had to mark it too.

This being a dog park, there were rather a lot of those spots.


Sniff-sniff, psst-psst.

Watching him, a little song came into my head...

 With a sniff-sniff here

And a psst-psst there

Here a sniff

There a psst

Everywhere a sniff-psst

Puppy Dog's on sniff patrol, Ee-eye ee-eye oh!

Eventually, as he always does, he ran out of pee.  But that didn't stop him cocking his leg... Ever the optimist, our dog.







Dog will be dogs - Including Puppy Dog



Although we anthropomorphize them, dogs are dogs, and Puppy Dog doesn't let me forget it.


  • I currently have bruises all over my arms from our play - he tries to subdue me.

  • I get my neck and ears nibbled - foreplay.

  • He'll sit with me on the couch but not with Fluffy Bear - because I am his lowly equal, Beta Bitch, not Alpha Dog.

  • He tries to walk through doors in front of me - an attempt to rise above me in pack heirarchy.

  • Yesterday, when we were playing chase, he nipped at each of my calves - trying to bring his prey down.

  • I can scratch his tummy, but only with him lying on his side - Alpha Dog gets the full frontal treatment.

  • Yes, my leg has been humped.  But only twice.  Guess I smelled good that day.






Dog will be dogs - What's in a name?



I can't find it online, but I once saw a Gary Larson cartoon about the names we give dogs vs. the names we give themselves. Which got me thinking about what Puppy Dog would call himself:

  • King Chaser, Catcher and Chewer of Tennis Balls

  • Lord Barker, Defender of the Den

  • Master Marker, Lord of Treetrunks, Bushes and Shrubs

  • Duke of Doggy Day Care, of Bouncing Endless Play

  • Squire Squirrel Slayer, Detester of Fluffy Tails

  • Super Dooper Sniffer Critter Tracker

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Dog Will be Dogs - The Math of Puppy Dog

Puppy Dog + Doggy Day Care = Dead Dog Snoring

Puppy Dog + Squeaky Toy = Kill Bill (who thought it would be an amusing birthday present)

Puppy Dog's Birthday Guests + Rain and Snow = Crunchy Mud Carpeting

Puppy Dog + Helium Filled Balloon = Barking Aerial Acrobatics

Puppy Dog + Dried Duck Strip Held Aloft = Very, Very Good Boy

Puppy Dog + Washed Cushion Cover = Lotta Humpa Humpa

Puppy Dog + Other Dog Out For a Walk + Quick Sniff Test + 2 Leashes = Dance With a Stranger

Puppy Dog + Tennis Ball + Wooden Floors = Slip Sliding Away

Puppy Dog + Squirrel = Murder and Mayhem

Puppy Dog + Cat = World War III