Dog will be dogs - Including Puppy Dog

Although we anthropomorphize them, dogs are dogs, and Puppy Dog doesn't let me forget it.
- I currently have bruises all over my arms from our play - he tries to subdue me.
- I get my neck and ears nibbled - foreplay.
- He'll sit with me on the couch but not with Fluffy Bear - because I am his lowly equal, Beta Bitch, not Alpha Dog.
- He tries to walk through doors in front of me - an attempt to rise above me in pack heirarchy.
- Yesterday, when we were playing chase, he nipped at each of my calves - trying to bring his prey down.
- I can scratch his tummy, but only with him lying on his side - Alpha Dog gets the full frontal treatment.
- Yes, my leg has been humped. But only twice. Guess I smelled good that day.
Reader Comments (2)
aww, is this your Puppy Dog? Adorable! I have a chocolate Lab and a Yellow Lab....Leo and Cessna....they're the best, don't you think?!
Labs ARE the best! Big ole Teddy bears!!!