Small things amuse small minds - New words

I have just been catching up on Everywhere Eventually's travel blog.
Everytime I post a comment, I have to type in the words I see in a little box. They are strange words, almost English. Supposedly meaningless.
Or are they?
I have decided to make some definitions up...
A stranger, who happens to be standing near you, who makes some comment to no-one in particular. This often happens at English bus stops.
Comments would include things like "Well, at least it isn't raining" or "I bet three buses come along at once after we've been waiting for ages."
Say it like it's spelled.
The way your dog slowly but surely spreads themselves out on the couch, leaving you less and less space to sit in.
"Puppy Dog, stop crording!"
An island where you can get stranded when your plane crashes, which, for some strange reason, isn't on any map or under any flight path and you can live there for years and create your own society and be chased by invisible monsters until you get to your sixth season but no-one gives a crap anymore.
"Oh for God's sake! Will someone bomb that bloddy inernspe already?"
That awful slightly damp feeling when you take off your gym socks after a hard workout and they stick to your heel a little bit, peeling off slowly.
"Gross! I've got pelyon! Time to shower!"
When your sat nav says you should go one way, but you know that there's a better way.
"Screw you, car, I'm taking the trakingi."
That feeling when you are out in the sun and you realize you're getting sunburt.
"OK, time to hit the shade. I can feel the tersiumb."
Scratching your butt crack in public.
"Oh my God! Did that guy over there really just botri?"
Ah, small things amuse small minds...