Dream Job - George Clooney

My dream job would be as an interviewer, in a lounge/kitchen/bar area which is rigged with hidden mikes and cameras and the guest just comes to have tea, or cocktails. See a longer explanation here.
So here's the George Clooney scenario:
Me: This is a little disconcerting.
George: What is?
Me: You actually are better looking in person.
George: (laughs) Puh-leez.
Me: Listen, I'm sorry, but I have to ask this. You are a talented actor, you get involved in charity work like being on the United Way Board of Trustees and being a UN Messenger of Peace, you keep in shape, you look groomed, you do edgy movies like the Good German and Syriana... Seriously, aren't you gay?
George: (laughs uproariously) Come on! No! I also ride a kick-ass motorcycle! Not that I have anything against gays. Or that gay men don't ride motorbikes... Oh my God, what have you started?
Me: It's ok, you can be straight with me - no pun intended.
George: Hang on, I know what this is. You're one of those women who fantasize about me and Brad Pitt, don't you?
Me: What do you mean 'one of those women'? All women!
George: Oh, stop it.
Me: Seriously though, not Brad Pitt now. Brad Pitt back in Thelma and Louise, yes, but not now. What woman can compete with Angelina?
George: Do you want me back in ER?
Me: No, I'll take you now.
George: You're making me blush! Why don't I just fix us another cocktail?
Me: OK, OK, we can change the subject. Make me a Sex on the Beach.
George: (grins and shakes his head) Aw, come on!