Work-Life Imbalance - Logging on

This web is where I weave my wacky.
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We have a new puppy.
You have probably gathered that. If not, scroll down a few posts.
When we got her, we didn't know what to name her.
We discussed some options on the way home from the breeder. We looked some female baby names up online. We got friends to send suggestions via Facebook and Twitter.
Then I got a piece of Fluffy Bear's home office stationary, and wrote all the top names on it.
This seemed like a perfectly good plan to me. I figured that, when our friends came round to see the puppy the next day, they could weigh in on the top choices, or add some new suggestions.
Until, that is, they actually arrived on Sunday morning and I saw the look on their faces when I pointed at the flip chart page, like a giant post-it, symbolizing my co-conspiracy in the invasion of the private universe by the corporate realm, hanging in our lounge wall with the scribbles of a name-brainstorm all over it.
Work-life imbalance.
Ever picked up the phone at home and dialled 9 for an outside line? Your work life has crept into your subconscious and you have a work-life imbalance. For more posts on examples, click on the Work Life Imbalance Category.
This somewhat frightening quote was contributed by the inimitable Bill.
"You know it's getting bad when you refer to your parents as stakeholders."
Work-Life Imbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaance.
Ever picked up the phone at home and dialled 9 for an outside line? Your work life has crept into your subconscious and you have a work-life imbalance. For more posts on examples, click on the Work Life Imbalance Category.
"Are you really sick enough to be spending the day on the
couch? Shouldn't you be trying to at least do some small work task?"
And I kept having to remind myself:
It's SUNday you fool!
Ever picked up the phone at home and dialled 9 for an outside line? Your work life has crept into your subconscious and you have a work-life imbalance. For more posts on examples, click on the Work Life Imbalance Category.
Work-Life Imbalance.