Work-Life Imbalance - Tap tap

Ever picked up the phone at home and dialled 9 to get an outside line? This is a sign that you work too much, because you are taking work habits home with you. I call this Work Life Imbalance and you can see more posts under this Category name. There are many signs:
Today I was at the gym, and I washed my hands after going to the bathroom. I rinsed off the soap, turned to the automated paper towel thingy, waved my hand in front of it, tore the paper off and dried my hands. Then I noticed that there was still the sound of water running.
I thought: "That tap is set to run a long time."
I turned and looked back at the tap to make sure it was going to switch off, and that's when I realized - it was a real tap. I had to turn it off. Myself. Manually.
Work-Life Imbalance.
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