FAIL - My Health Insurance 1

I have put "1" in the title because I'll place money on the fact that I am going to find more than one FAIL with my insurance provider.
So: Pharmacy process.
First, I have to order my medicine through the insurance company's mail order service. They won't let me fill a prescription for a specific medication more than three times at the pharmacy. Each of my medications finishes at a different time, so I can't even consolidate items in one shipment.
Ripoff, anyone?
Second, they will not allow me to order a refill until a specified amount of time before they believe the medication in question will run out. It's taken me three emails to find out that I can reorder when my medication is 60% done.
Let's face it, the more confusing it is, the better they can fuck you over without you being able to resist.
And America just seems to think that this is how it should be. It's like pedophile who abducts a small child, keeps her locked up for years and constantly tells her the world outside is an evil place and he is the only one who truly loves her.
I asked if they could send me a reminder over two weeks before my mediction is up, because their delivery takes that long. They told me they send reminders when medication is 90% complete. I have never received a reminder.
Now you tell me. How the fuck am I supposed to tell when it's time to renew? Count my pills so I know when I have 2 weeks worth left? I have four different kinds of pills that I take daily, in different dosages which require taking either one or two pills.
And, riddle me this: how the mother fucking bastard feck bollocks do I tell when my two asthma inhalers are running out? You know your inhaler is dead the day you squeeze the top and nothing comes out. Neither of them has a gage on top and, even if they did, what number on the gage guide = just over two weeks worth?
Their latest email told me that I could see the refill date on the bottle of the prescription. The printed labels are written in about 8 point font. Which means I have to take a large koki (magic marker) and write on the bottle what the medication is. I wrote over the refill dates. So sue me.
I'm an intelligent person who is not compromised by disease, and not geriatric. Can you imagine how awful dealing with this system is for people who don't have the mental capacity, the eyesight, or the physical energy, to decipher the quagmire?
American insurance companies are an EPIC fail. I long for the day when Obama care crushes their monopoly, forces improvement of their degenerate processes and destroys their carte blanche to treat us like shit.
To read more in this negativity fest, click here: Fail