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FAIL - Reporting on the Japanese Earthquake









This rant is about the choice made by the news show that I watched reporting the disaster in Japan.  They reported relatively fairly (until they got to the scaremongering about the nuclear reactor, but that came later).

But then they follow their Japan report with the story of how a somewhat larger than usual wave hit the California coast and how ONE man, clearly aspiring to win a Darwin award, went out to the beach to take photos, and drowned.

First, spending an equal amount of time on the death of ONE American - as sorry as I am for his family - as on the disaster in Japan which is on the same scale as 9/11 (except, Thank God, they can't choose to wage war on Mother Nature), is ludicrous, narcissistic and utterly tasteless.

Not only that, but they said the waves were a whole SIX FEET HIGH.  Where I come from, that's a good surfing day.  I'm not kidding.


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Reader Comments (2)

Where you come from is obviously lame if 6 feet is a good wave. 6 feet is a "good wave" where I come from, and we mock wannabe surfers mightily.

March 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDebineezer

Ex-ca-hooooo-hooooooze me! I come from a place where there is some of the best surf in th world...

April 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterittybittycrazy

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