Work-Life Imbalance - Sunday sick day

Ever picked up the phone at home and dialled 9 for an outside line? Your work life has crept into your subconscious and you have a work-life imbalance. For more posts on examples, click on the Work Life Imbalance Category.
I didn't feel well yesterday.
I ate some really White Trash Chow on Saturday followed Upper Middle Class Fodder that I am sure was cooked with some nice things - like full fat butter and cream. And so I wasn't hungover, I was... what shall we call it?
- Indulgedover?
- Fatovered?
- Eatovered?
Anyway, I pretty much lay on the couch all day watching movies and feeling sorry for myself.
And here's the kicker.
I kept feeling that guilty feeling you get when you take a sick day from work. I kept getting this little voice in my head that asked:
"Are you really sick enough to be spending the day on the
couch? Shouldn't you be trying to at least do some small work task?"
And I kept having to remind myself:
It's SUNday you fool!
Work-life imbalance.
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