Workplace Personalities - The Indy

How this person manages to get their work done is a mystery.
How they don't get themselves killed is also a mystery.
Because this is the person who comes into work on a Monday morning with stories of exploits, adventures and shenanigans which make you feel exhausted just listening to them.
They don't just stand in the crowds at the airshow - they fly in it.
They don't just go and see the pyramids - they do it on horseback.
They don't just go fishing - they fly their own plane and land on a sandback by the river.
Talking to this person is always fascinating and, if you are of the Couch Potato persuasion, you can experience a soupcon of life on the edge by living vicariously through them.
No SUV, no kids, no negative equity McMansion.
This person is young and fit and brave. And when they're finished telling you about what they did last night, you can always ask about their previous life.
They once worked security and played bodyguard to Madonna.
They once played lead in a production of Phantom of the Opera.
They once flew a sick kid to his chemo appointment and, although it isn't strictly in the manual, flew him upside down for kicks.
Everything I have written here, believe it or not, is about one person I used to work with.
I am waiting for the day that he actually does eat monkey brains.
Key signs:
- Constant international travel to dangerous locations
- A large stash of hard core survival travel gear
- Owns a plane or boat or jetski or other hardcore sports machine
Catch Phrases:
- I had to land my plane with no instruments last night
- When I was riding the horse to the pyramids...
Your Strategy: Take them for coffee, sit back, listen and enjoy.
Their comeuppance: Comeuppance? Don't make me laugh! Indy would kick the living shit out of anyone who attempted to deliver a comeuppance!
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