Hello from Puppy Dog - Silly Billy

Hello Mama's friends!
Maybe you can help me. Mama calls me silly names and I want her to stop. What can I do?
It's ridiculous!
I am Puppy Dog! I am not...
- Herr Poopenstein
- El Poochador
- Mon Petit Chou Chou Chien
- Dogalogalog
- Puppy Wuppy Luppy
- Choccie Luv
- Sir Barkalot
- Growly Wowly
- The Incredible Burp
- Sir Wagalot
- Superdawg
- Dog Vader
- Smelly Belly
- Sir Sloppy Schnoz
- Cutie Wootie Poof Poof
- Furry Pants
- El Perro de Poop
- King Pup
- My Little Furry Monster
- El Poochamente
Make her stop!
Lots of licks and woofs,
Puppy Dog
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