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Dog Will be Dogs - The Math of Puppy Dog

Puppy Dog + Doggy Day Care = Dead Dog Snoring

Puppy Dog + Squeaky Toy = Kill Bill (who thought it would be an amusing birthday present)

Puppy Dog's Birthday Guests + Rain and Snow = Crunchy Mud Carpeting

Puppy Dog + Helium Filled Balloon = Barking Aerial Acrobatics

Puppy Dog + Dried Duck Strip Held Aloft = Very, Very Good Boy

Puppy Dog + Washed Cushion Cover = Lotta Humpa Humpa

Puppy Dog + Other Dog Out For a Walk + Quick Sniff Test + 2 Leashes = Dance With a Stranger

Puppy Dog + Tennis Ball + Wooden Floors = Slip Sliding Away

Puppy Dog + Squirrel = Murder and Mayhem

Puppy Dog + Cat = World War III



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