Couch Potato - My favorite movies

Movies that take me back to High School:
- The Breakfast Club
- Tex
- St. Elmo's Fire
Movies that give me a portal into Ye Olde Englande:
- Maurice
- Howard's End
- Remains of the Day
Movies that remind me that I am woman and I should roar:
- Thelma and Louise
- The Accused
Movies that challenge me:
- Kids
- La Haine
- Hard Candy
Movies that made me cry and cry:
- In the Bedroom
- Away from her
Movies that gladden my heart:
- Wall E
- ET
Movies that make me want to sing and dance:
- Rocky Horror Picture Show
- The Sound of Music
- Grease
- Little Shop of Horrors
Movies that make me laugh:
- Les Comperes
- When Harry Met Sally
- The Full Monty
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