Couch Potato - Wild Child

It's a sunny day out there, but the couch is holding me hostage.
I'm watching a lovely little piece of fluff called Wild Child, about a teenager from Miami who goes to a traditional British Girl's Boarding School.
But there are some great lines:
American girl: "Omigod! These girls think a mani-pedi is a Latin greeting."
British schoolgirl: "Someone call Al Gore! I think the Ice Queen is melting!"
British schoolgirl: "Actually, it was Kate's vomit, Mrs Kingsley, I was just lying in it."
British boy: "I thought you said you could drive!"
American girl: "I can!"
British boy: "Ever thought of changing gears?"
American girl: "That's the car's job!"
To see more in the Couch Potato series, click here.
Reader Comments (4)
Well, it IS the car's job! *snicker* It's a shame that kids these days have no idea how to drive a manual transmission.
Hey, dumb question, but do the British use their left foot for the gas and brake pedals, and is it configured the opposite of American cars (gas on left, brake on right)?
The pedals are arranged exactly the same way. The only difference is the hand that you change gear with. When I'd get a car in Europe for the first few miles I'd find myself winding the window down every time I tried to change gears.
So to answer the other question: we accelerate and brake with the right foot, just like an automatic and work the clutch with the left foot.
Always wondered about that. I guess driving on the "wrong" side of the road wouldn't be too difficult then. Hell, my Husband does that all the time (when he's reaching for something, or looking out the SIDE window ... you know, everything but actually paying attention and driving! LOL).