Couch Potato - Crap DVD night

I think we starting a new tradition, Fluffy Bear, Bill and I.
It's Crap DVD Night.
It all started when we hired Quarantine and, the worse it got, the more snarky comments we made and the whole evening was hilarious.
Crap DVD night involves slobby clothes, take out and, of couse, alcohol.
Here are some reviews of our latest entertainment:
Beverley Hills Chiauau
Unadulterated crap, but fun.
All the cliches are there - a love story across class lines, a road trip, a rediscovery of roots and the rehabilitation of a cop that was kicked off the force. Just all with dogs.
Thank God they aren't alll Chiauaus. Even a film which tries to make the breed look adorable didn't make me want one.
There are German Sheperds, Muts and a beautiful Doberman which is unfairly classed as the villain.
At first we were taking the piss out of it mercilessly but, slowly, the comments stopped.
"Are we actually getting into this movie?" I asked the boys.
"I think we're just drunk enough to enjoy it," replied Bill.
I suggest you apply the same strategy.
Snow Dogs
An old film about a Miami dentist who has to go to tiny town in Alaska and - wait for it - rediscover his roots.
It's always fun watching a dog movie with Puppy Dog. In this one, when the dogs made noises on the TV he looked up, then growled, then ran behind the TV, barking, to try to find them!
It was heartwarming (a.k.a. cheesy) and family appropriate (i.e. no potty mouth, nothing beyond kissing) but so gloriously mindless.
Watching this movie needn't take alcohol, just a horrible week at work and the desire to numb the brain.
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