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I'm jus' sayin' - Well HELLO stranger



Being unemployed and sometimes not leaving the house for the whole day can be dangerous.  

Becoming sloppy about your personal appearance can be dangerous.  

Waking up later and later in the morning can be dangerous.

Because that  is how you find yourself opening the door to a charity person and, only when they look very uncomfortable, realizing that you have gravity-defying, Medusa-like bed hair and you are only wearing a T-shirt and panties.

This unemployment thing is a slippery slope to becoming known as the Crazy Lady on the block.


I'm jus' sayin'.


Reader Comments (2)

Why wear a t-shirt. Good way to get rid of them!

September 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDebineezer

OOOH! I like it!

Now let me think of the appropriate Real Housewives of Atlanta response.

Lisa: "I will cut you!"
Nene: "AAAAH HA HA HA HA! Girl, you so funnnnneee. But my huzbin like whadda got, so who CARES what the charity man thinks! Mmmmm-hmmmm!"
Kim: "Oh these things are far too expensive to just show any man who comes to the door, honey."
Kandi: [Cackles] "Girl!" [Cackles some more]
Sheree: "Who gonna check me, boo?"

September 11, 2009 | Registered CommenterIttybittycrazy

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