Hello from Puppy Dog - Dada has a new religion

Hello friends!
My Dada is worshipping a new god. I don't think that it is a major god, because it's name isn't Lord or even Sir. It's a Miss.
His new god seems to have a sense of humor, because she demands some strange rituals from her followers.
Every night, Dada comes into the bedroom and takes off his bottom clothes, till he is only wearing his shirt. Then he takes his undershorts in his right hand and looks around the room. Then he walks around, slapping his undershorts on the walls and sometimes the ceiling.
He hits very hard - maybe he wants to show his god his devotion.
He invokes her name: "Miss Keeto! Miss Keeto!"
Then he sighs and says "OK" and Mama comes.
I don't think Mama follows the same religion because, while Dada is doing this, she hides in the water room. And when she gets into bed she curses Dada's god! She says "Bloody Miss Keeto!"
Then we all get into bed and go to sleep.
It's all very strange.
Dada is so weird sometimes!
Lots of licks and woofs,
Puppy Dog
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