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Entries by Ittybittycrazy (876)
Health is Wealth - More Silent Evil

"Was it a hard class, Honey?" he asked.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!"
"Those girls seem to be OK," he said, pointing to two pretty young things who were in the class with me emerging from the gym.
"Frack them!"
"Look, Honey," he pointed, "they're jogging home!"
"Run them over! Run them over!"
Silent Evil smiled softly as we told her this story. She looked at me while Fluffy Bear's head was turned while he was stretching.
"You know what we call girls like that?" she asked.
"No, what?"
"Dirty Bitches!"
She's Evil, but it's my kinda evil.....
Stuff Female People Like - No. 8: Pretending to be a Slut

Or perhaps no-one will ever see the fruits of her sweaty labors. Say it with me now... it's about the potential to unleash the Inner Slut.
Hell is other people - Get outta my personal space

That's Life - Temporary IQ Lapse

Except I chose one that had already started.
Being a Doggy Mama - Dog is love

I guess having a dog is kindov like having a kid. You relate to other people who also have them, and automatically trade stories.
I had a massage the other day and started by asking the therapist to concentrate on my neck because Puppy Dog had pulled me over a few weeks ago.
So she asked what dog we have and told me that she and her husband had a Golden Retriever Puppy. She already had a lot of naughty puppy stories.
Never mind the housetraining - the little critter had found a box of surgical gloves - I have no idea why they have those at their house - took them out through the doggie door and spread them all over the yard. She said it looked like little beige alien corpses after a civil war.
He'd also got up onto the kitchen counters and carpeted the whole house with paper napkins.
Maybe they helped out with the housetraining accidents...
Ah, Dog is love.
Dog will be dogs - What's in a name?

I can't find it online, but I once saw a Gary Larson cartoon about the names we give dogs vs. the names we give themselves. Which got me thinking about what Puppy Dog would call himself:
- King Chaser, Catcher and Chewer of Tennis Balls
- Lord Barker, Defender of the Den
- Master Marker, Lord of Treetrunks, Bushes and Shrubs
- Duke of Doggy Day Care, of Bouncing Endless Play
- Squire Squirrel Slayer, Detester of Fluffy Tails
- Super Dooper Sniffer Critter Tracker
Please comment and suggest more...
Stuff Female People Like - No. 7: Gay Men

7. Gay Men
Female People love gay men.
Of course, there are Female People who are homophobic, but I choose to ignore them because, let's face it, no-one should give those idiots any airtime. So... moving on.
Female People love gay men for various reasons.
Gay men are pretty, clean and nice
Female People love skin pampered by good products, hair styled and blow dried, nails freshly manicured, bodies hairless, fit, clean and softly scented.
Yes, I am generalizing. Get over it.
Gay men are well groomed, and female people love it.
Of course, part of it is simply the fake mystique of restricted exposure. By definition, the gay man is only part of a Female Person's life. She sees him when they are out on the town. She does not smell his farts or have to go to the toilet after him or step over the clothes he has left on the floor.
He is the nice, clean man she goes out and has fun with. And - mmmmmm - he smells good.
Gay men dance
Dancing is very important to Female People - see explanation here.
When your hetero hubby refuses to humiliate himself once again with the side to side shuffle, a gay man can be relied upon to accompany you to the dance floor. The trade off the Female Person has to accept, of course, is that the gay man invariably dance better than she does, but it's a small price to pay.
Gay men are fecking hilarious
Perhaps it's because, in overcome huge obstacles to come out and live in a hetero world, they have to learn to laugh at life. Perhaps it's genetic, like some believe of gayness itself. Perhaps it's a cultural thing, a "way we do things" which all gay mean learn as theyenter the social circles of their own kind.
Whatever it is, the gay male sense of humor is legendary. Whole sitcoms have revolved around it, dinner parties are rescued by it, careers are made on it. (If you don't know Stephen Fry, find him on Twitter and enjoy.)
The sense of humor is not just funny, it's bitchy, a heady cocktail of eagle-eyed observation, witty turn of phrase and a surgical precision in cutting to the core.
The best examples are Stewie Griffin from Family Guy, Jack from Will and Grace and Stephen Fry from anything he's been in.
Some gems from Mr Fry:
"An original idea. That can't be too hard. The library must be full of them."
"Christmas to a child is the first terrible proof that to travel hopefully is better than to arrive."
"I don't need you to remind me of my age. I have a bladder to do that for me."
"When you've seen a nude infant doing a backward somersault you know why clothing exists."
Gay men make women feel good
There is a scene - I can't remember which movie or TV show it's in - where three gay men are out with a Female Person who needs some cheering up. They do rock, paper scissors to choose who is going to go up to her and bolster her self-esteem. The loser goes up to the Female Person and tells her how wonderful she looks.
Fake or not - it doesn't matter. The validation from gay men is vital to Female People. They notice when you have your hair cut, when you're wearing a new dress, when you're trying out a new color on your pedicure.
Sadly, these are things the Female Person's hetero hubby often doesn't pick up on, so hanging out with her gay friend is a wonderful self-esteem boost.
The gay man is unavailable
Being unavailable makes the gay man non-threatening. He is the adult version of the teenage pop idol - stimulating but safe because it will never actually turn into sex.
In fact, it's better than the teenage pop idol because you can actually touch the gay man. Stroking" - non-sexual touching - is an important part of happiness. Like dogs, we need petting too. The Female Person can get hugs, hold hands, get shoulder massages from a gay man.
But - and this is crucial - it's not sexual. It can be stimulating, but it never gets near fourth base. The Female Person can go out with the gay friend for dinner and not be worried that she'll have to "pay" with a BJ. She can even get kisses, experience a little quiver but not have to deliver.
It's the perfect combination - stroking and stimulation without any messy penetration.
Every Female Person should have her Gay Boyfriend. It's a heavenly match.
Quote Unquote - Flushing meds

"You wasted a Vicadin on the dog?!?!?"
Being a Doggy Mama - Puppy Dog and Uncle Bill

"You wasted a Vicadin on the dog?!?!?"
Health is Wealth - Thinning out Fattie Boom Boom

- We don't eat enough protein
- Buying that little snack (lemon cake, bran muffin, banana bread) to go with your overpriced coffee is lethal
- When Fluffy Bear is away he eats badly at restaurants - Salmon sushi has a horrifyingly amazing amount of calories
- When Fluffy Bear is away I eat badly at home - four soy lattes, five protein bars and cereal do not, apparently, a healthy diet make
- My eatathon and intense cupcake cravings could be because we are now working out twice a week with Silent Evil
Being a Doggy Mama - Oopsie!

We just went on vacation!
It was to a fantastic place with vines and hills and Puppy Dog was allowed to run around off the leash.
He made friends with the hotel dog - she was a lab too - and they swam in the pond and pooped between the trees and ran between the scrub bushes and there were smells and hills and a river and sun and Puppy dog ran and ran and ran and ran and never seemed to get tired.
"Why is my Vicadin out here?" Fluffy Bear said.
"What Vicadin?" I asked.
"The Vicadin from my dentist appointment," he said.
"Oooooh shit! I thought that was Puppy Dog's anti-inflammatory medicine! I gave him one!"
Then there was a lot of running around to find my cell phone.
"He'll be OK with just one dose," the Veterinary Nurse said. "You should try to keep him still because the Vicadin will make him not feel the pain of his leg injury and he might make it worse."
"Um... he's been running around like a manic demon, up and down the hills."
"Yeah, you may wanna try to restrict that. It will take ten to twelve hours to work through his system and he might be a bit.... frisky till then..."
"You mean he's high as a kite," she said.
"Well... yes."
It was probably the best day he'd ever had...
He said She said - Park lark

They drove along the edge of the park.
"Nice camera," she said, noticing a woman emerging from between the trees with two massive Nikon's around her neck.
"Hmm," he said. "A woman comes out of the bushes with two people following her, rearranging their clothes. They've been taking naughy photos!"
"Really?" she squealed, flipping her head 180 degrees Regan-style to peer out the rear window.
"No," he said. "I'm just adding a narrative to life to make life more interesting."
To read more in this series, click here.
Hello from Puppy Dog - All tied up

Hello Friends!
This weekend, we went for a walk in a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig park. There was Mama, Dada, Dogette and Uncle Bill.
We got to a big clearing and I was on my extendable leash. Mama was holding it. I ran around Dada and wound my leash around him.
Mama sometimes gets tired of pulling my leash and making me go back the way I came, so she walked around Dada to try to unwind it.
I thought it was fun so I kept running around Dada.
Mama ran around and I ran around and and Mama ran around and I ran around and Mama ran around and I ran around and Dada stood in the middle and the leash kept winding around his legs and then he started to laugh.
It was a good game!
But Mama wasn't laughing.
She can be a bit uptight sometimes.
Anyway, I had a great time!
Lots of love and woofs,
Couch potato - WTF?

Being a Doggy Mama - Arse grass

I knew something good was coming as soon as he opened his mouth because he started speaking in our U-O-me tone.
After many years of marriage we have certain little foibles which pepper our lives, and one of them is a tone of indignation used to describe carrying out a task we both do - like taking out the trash - which, for some reason, we did alone that specific day and happened to be particularly unpleasant. It's a tone that says "I had to do this and it totally sucked and you fecking owe me."
Fluffy Bear had taken Puppy Dog to the park. As he often does when he's out for a walk, Puppy Dog did a poo. This isn't usually an issue - a quick pickup in the plastic bag and head for the nearest trash can.
But Fluffy Bear and Puppy Dog got stuck in a strange check-mate dance.
You see, Puppy Dog had been eating grass. And now it was time for the grass to come out. And it did, except not all the way.
So there was Puppy Dog with a long, poo-encrusted piece of grass hanging from his little pink poo-chute. He could feel something there, so he kept crouching. Fluffy Bear could see the stubborn piece of excrement hanging there and, hand in poo bag, tried to grab it from Puppy Dog's butt. But Puppy Dog doesn't like you looking at him when he poos, let alone touching him. So this is how it went.
- Poo-grass flaps
- Fluffy Bear reaches for it
- Puppy Dog takes two steps forward to avoid the plastic bag-clad hand and crouches again, trying to get the poo out
- Poo-grass flaps
- Fluffy Bear reaches for it
- Puppy Dog takes two steps forward to avoid the plastic bag-clad hand and crouches, again....
As Fluffy Bear told this story, his U-O-me tone was overtaken by the high voice of indignation. The more I laughed, the higher he squeaked.
In front of us, oblivious, Puppy Dog darted back and forth on his extendable leash, sniffing things.
Stuff Female People Like - Feedback

Stuff Female People Like - No. 6: Dancing

- A sexual display to attract Male People
- A fun and bonding activity with other Female People.
It can be one or the other, or both. Sometimes it can look like the first thing but actually be the second.
Back in University we'd dance together and, if someone got broken off from the main herd by a randy young guy, we'd reach over, grab her hand, pull her into the middle of the circle and close ranks. Yes, we were uppity little bitches.
- A recapturing of youth
- The product of excessive alcohol consumption.
- Just good fun
- A creative form of exercise
- Quality time spent with her Male Person.
- Destressing, a release
- Freedom, a catharsis.
Couch Potato - Don't take it to ruin it

"She's as nervous as a very small nun at a penguin shoot"
"faker than a trannys fanny"
"He has more fingers in pies than a leper on a cookery course"
"This case is moving about as fast as a bunch of spastics in a magnet factory"
"Beer O'Clock!"
"Don't move you're surrounded by armed b*****ds"
"The evidence is about as hard as Liberace's d**k staring at a naked woman"
"I'm not a religious man Mr Warren - but isn't there something in the Bible that says, thou shalt not suck off rent boys?"
"Couldn't catch the clap in a French brothel"
Sailors Fighting in the dance hall
Oh man!
Look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the lawman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man!
Wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?
Being a Doggy Mama - Roboto doggo

Yesterday, Fluffy Bear, Bill and I took the dogs for a walk then had lunch.
Many other people were out doing the same thing. As we were walking back to our cars, we saw a couple with a black Labrador puppy.
I guess you know by now that Puppy Dog is a Chocolate Lab. We got him when he was a teenager so we never had the chance to see what he was like when he was all cute and small and warm and cuddly. I often express my regret about this, and Fluffy Bear and Bill have heard me go on about it on various occasions.
I've mentioned Bill before, but to set the scene, there's something you need to know about him. He takes deadpan, straight faced, dry wit to new heights (or lows?). Think Dr Cox from Scrubs, but deathly calm.
"Imagine in the future, when you have nanotech robot dogs," I mused, looking at the black Lab puppy. "There could be a button. You could press it and your dog could morph back into his puppy state, and he'd be all soft and furry and warm and cuddly and you could play with him and squeeze him and carry him around and have him chew your ears and then, when you were sick of him peeing all over the house you could press the button again and - whoosh! - back to being an adult dog, house trained, calmer, curled up in front of the fire."
"I can see you've put a lot of thought into that," sneered Bill.
Fluffy Bear thought it was hilarious.
I still want my nanotech dog.