That's Life - Temporary IQ Lapse

A few years ago, in a land far away, we had an early version of an On-Demand movie system. The films started at certain times, like an hour apart.
I went in and pressed all the buttons to get Donnie Darko, entered our pin and hit the button for the movie.
Except I chose one that had already started.
Except I chose one that had already started.
So we saw Donnie Darko from half way through.
Temporary IQ Lapse.
Fluffy Bear was very patient and understanding about my mistake - probably because I tore a hole in the fabric of space and time screaming my frustration after I called the cable company and they politely told me to shove it.
I thought of this because I heard the sequel is coming out.
I guess I have to go to the video store and find the first one on DVD.
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