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Entries by Ittybittycrazy (876)


Work Life Imbalance

Ever picked up the phone at home and dialled 9 for an outside line? Your work life has crept into your subconscious and you have a work-life imbalance. For more posts on examples, click on the Work Life Imbalance Category.

Yesterday, about noon, I started feeling hungry. I thought about getting a sandwich and immediately visualized the sandwich counter in the work cafeteria, thinking I'd ask for Mayo and Mustard on my whole wheat today.
It was Sunday.
There was no work cafeteria.
There was only my house, my kitchen, my fridge and no little lady in a white cap to serve me.
And here's the fecked up thing. I wanted a work cafeteria sandwich. I was jonesing for one.


Work-Life Imbalance.



Hell is other people - Elevator Yak Yak

I get into the elevator. There are two people already in it. One is laughing nervously. He is clearly uncomfortable. He gives me a very grateful look, which I initially don't understand. Then I realize what is going on. He was hoping that my arrival would shut his colleague up.

But no.

On she goes.

"...can you believe it? I just couldn't believe he even said that. You know, I spoke to someone else about that guy and you know what they said? They said 'Don't work with him!' He doesn't work for you, does he?"

"No," said the poor little man and practically sprinted away as the doors opened to his floor.

I just stared at her.

I mean, HELLO!

Elevator-inappropriate conversation!!!


Hell is other people.


Hell is other people - Lil' Chatty Cathy

Get the button pictured here.

Finally, the sun has come out.

You've walked the dog, you have mud all over your shoes and your jeans, but thank God, the dog is prepared to sleep quietly in the car. You find somewhere to park (a miracle!), you find a restaurant with a table outside that is free (another miracle!). You have your sunglasses on, you're ready for some major chillaxing.

And then the Perky Interrogator arrives.

She isn't satisfied with just taking your order.


She wants to chat.

She wants make inane obvious comments about the weather.

She interrogates you on how you have been spending this glorious day.

She has to explain how one type of bread is finished so she'll be bringing you another - like you care.

Her lack of empathy borders on the sublime.

She doesn't take the hint of the monosyllabic answers that border on the impolite.

She is blissfully ignorant of the extreme imperative of moving her ass so you can get your much needed, refreshing Mojito.

She seems unaware that, the sooner she gets out of your face, the sooner she can tend to the other tables, which are all also waiting.

Her voice is as high as her perky tits and her ponytail, and you start to fantasize about the various ways you could kill her.

Her smile is as wide as her rosy cheeks will allow, and you start to think about how far the barman would be in making your Mojito right now if she had just gone away and given him the order.

When your drink finally comes, you slurp it down so fast it makes you burp audibly. You are so wound up by this stage that you need another, but that would mean talking to her again...

Hell is other chatty people.


Stuff Female People Like - No. 5: Their Hairdressers

This series is inspired by the blog/book Stuff White People Like.

5. Their Hairdressers

The relationship between Female People and their Hairdressers is a very special one.


The Importance of Hair

Hair is a very powerful symbol of a Female Person's sexuality and a key source of her self-esteem.

Ask any Female Person and she'll tell you a nightmare hair story, one which made them cry. It might be a hairdresser who tried to get "creative", a miscalculation with home hair dye or a party with too much alcohol, a pair of hair clippers and an ill-advised sense of homage to Sinead O'Connor, but it's a right of passage all Female People have to go through.

By definition, Female People have to like their hairdressers because they are trusting this person with their hair. You don't just let any old person touch one of your finest assets.


The Lasting Bond

Most Female People have a long-standing relationship with their Hairdressers.

There are those, of course, who flit from hair salon to hair salon, but these are often the Female People who are either (a) trying to find themselves, or (b), trying to find a Hairdresser who knows how to make the best of their precious asset.

The Hairdresser-Female Person relationship can last for decades, can span many miles (with the Female Person making a special trip to her old home town to see her Hairdresser) and can morph into a very real friendship.


The Deep Bond

But even if the Female Person doesn't ever see her Hairdresser out of the salon, this relationship is very much like a deep friendship. Secrets are shared, advice is sought, laughter is shared.

A Female Person's Hairdresser knows everything about her.

Sometimes I wonder if the tip added to the bill is for the great hair, or for the unspoken guarantee of confidentiality.

Male People seem to instinctively know about this bond. Witness their awkwardness on meeting the Hairdresser when they come to collect their Female Person. Deep down, they know. They know that the Hairdressers knows:

  • what they earn
  • what they drive
  • every tiny thing they do that irrates their Female Person
  • how they are in bed.




The Caring Bond

The Hairdresser knows how much stress the Female Person is dealing with by simply combing through her roots.

The Hairdresser knows when the Female Person has a need for change in her life, and kicks this off with a brand new hairstyle.

The Hairdresser knows when the Female Person is on the edge and using bad judgement, and refuses to tie her hair up in a ponytail and snip the whole thing off.

The Hairdresser is ready with the glass of champagne, might take an extra moment to massage the head and shampoo cares away and really wants what's best for the Female Person in both her hairstyle, and her life.


The Female Persons loves her hairdresser because this person makes her look wonderful, lets her talk about anything and takes very, very good care of her.


Quote Unquote - The Decider


A Senior Exec that Fluffy Bear knows well was yelling at one of his underlings... let's call the employee Bob.



" We're all on this bus together, Bob. But you have to understand, I am the bus driver. I decide where the bus goes. And if you don't like where we're going, get off the bus."


True story.




Quote Unquote - The Ruck


Rugby Commentator speaking about a ruck (where they all pile on top of each other, on top of the bal) in the final of the 6 Nations Rugby tournament:



"It's just a cocktail of hands down there!"



Hmmm.... indeed.




It's the Little Things - To do list = Zero

This morning I woke up very late, got up to find the sun shining and knew that the only commitment I had for the day was a massage appointment.


Life is good.


Stuff Female People Like - No. 4: Girl's Night Out

This series is inspired by the blog/book Stuff White People Like.


4. Girl's Nights Out

Female People like to hang out and have fun with their own kind. To be fair, Male People like to do this too, but they often have to have some kind of excuse to pin the outing on, like a Pub (Trivia) Quiz or a Sporting Event or a Fishing Trip. Female People just like to get together.

There are two kinds of Girl's Nights Out.

The Get-A-Man Night
For obvious reasons, this is usually the type of night out held by Single Female People. The clue is essentially in the name. They are going out to have fun and attract men. Actually picking up the men is optional.

When I was in University, we would gather and decide whether it would be a "Shape" or "No Shape" night. I have no idea why, and I cringe to think of it now, but some fool had coined the term "Shape" that year to mean kiss, fondle, etc. It didn't necessarily mean going all the way, but physical contact was definitely involved.

And so, a Shape Night meant we were going to actually touch, and a No Shape night meant we were going out to just tease. Yep, we were little uppity bitches.
Irrespective of Shape or No Shape, there are certain rules to the Get-A-Man night.
  1. Be silly and sexy. Female People morph into a gaggle of giggling geese on these nights out, and they love every second of it

  2. Be the perfect wing woman. This can mean anything from scanning the bar to find the right candidate for your friend,to walking over to a guy to say something lame like "My friend liiiiiiiiikes you!"

  3. Protect your friend at all costs. Make sure she is just drunk enough to have lost her uptight inhibitions but not so drunk that she is putting herself in danger. Does she really want to go home with that guy and is she compos mentis enough to handle herself? If not, tell him you're taking her to the toilet and sneak out of the bar, running to find a taxi.

Like the Spa Treatment, these events are an opportunity for rejuvenation, for the Female Person can dress up, go out, get validation when a man is attracted to her, and all within the safety net of her friends.


It's all about Women night

These nights are, quite frankly, far more fun. There is an unspoken pact that this is all about spending quality time with each other, establishing a sexual-tension-free zone and sharing deepest, darkest secrets.

Female People become, during these events, each other's mothers, sisters, confidants, therapists. Nothing - nothing - is taboo.

The first time the inner workings of these nights out were exposed to Male People was in the series Sex and the City. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to answer the question "Do women really talk like that?"

The answer is yes.

Female People are completely open to other Female People that they trust. And, therefore, these events also have rules:

  1. Secrecy is pre-supposed. Nothing, unless it is a story about someone outside of those present, can be shared after the event

  2. Giving advice is a given. Female People hold these events to counsel each other and Dr Ruth is most definitely with them in spirit

  3. Laughter is guaranteed. Tears are permissible

  4. Men are not allowed, unless they are gay

  5. Alcohol has to be consumed and so does food that is bad for you, without any recriminations. Say the word "diet" and you are bound to get dirty looks.


Again, like the Spa Treatment, these events are an opportunity for rejuvenation for the Female Person. Having unburdened herself of her sad stories, received feedback she probably won't use and given copious amounts of advice she doesn't realize her friends won't follow, she feels re-energized in the bosom of her female tribe.



Couch Potato - Showgirls

I recently saw the most misogynistic, facile, puerile piece of excrement ever to grace the movie screen.
Here is a sample of the script:

Our "heroine", Nomi, is at lunch with her nemesis/mentor/potential lesbian lover, Cristal. Nomi is a new chorus dancer in the topless horror of a stage show, Cristal is the "star" who emerges, almost naked, from a fake volcano.

Nomi Malone: [befuddled by the fancy menu and sarcastically referring to the diet prescribed by the manager of the dance troupe] Don't they have brown rice and vegetables?
Cristal Connors: Do you like brown rice and vegetables?
Nomi Malone: Yeah.
Cristal Connors: You do?
Nomi Malone: Sort of.
Cristal Connors: Really?
Nomi Malone: It's worse than dog food. [Cristal laughs]
Nomi Malone: It is!
Cristal Connors: I've had dog food.
Nomi Malone: You have?
Cristal Connors: Mmm-hmmm. Long time ago. Doggy Chow. I used to love Doggy Chow.
Nomi Malone: I used to love Doggy Chow, too!
[Cristal and Nomi toast each other with their potato chips.]

And, trust me, the rest of it is even worse.


The only way to tolerate this piece of crap is to laugh at it, and that's what David Schmader does.  He is a Showgirls officionado, and gives live commentary throughout the movie.

At the moment pictured above, he said:

"There isn't enough Purell (hand santizer) in the world!"




Work-Life Imbalance - Cntr+Alt+Del

Ever picked up the phone at home and dialled 9 for an outside line? Your work life has crept into your subconscious and you have a work-life imbalance. For more posts on examples, click on the Work Life Imbalance Category.

Today I switched on my home laptop and hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete to log on.


My home laptop doesn't need me to log on and input a password. It is my laptop.

Work-Life Imbalance.


Stuff Female People Like - No. 3: Spa treatments

This series of posts is inspired by the blog/book Stuff White People Like.

3. Spa Treatments

Female People like Spa Treatments.

They pay not insignificant sums to have facials, massages, body scrubs.

Male People do not always understand this, so let me try to explain.

Spa Treatments don't involve sexual stimulation

For the Female Person, physical contact does not have to be sexual, it can just be enjoyable.

Consider the biological imperatives for the genders. Male People are programmed to hunt and to spread their seed. Only the second involves physical contact with other humans. Female People, on the other hand, are programmed to breed, to gather (i.e fruits, nuts, vegetables), and to nurture. Two out of three of these involve physical contact. Therefore, for the Female Person, physical contact can be sexual, or nurturing.

What this means is that the Female Person doesn't have to worry about getting a hard on on the massage table. They can just succumb to being healed, cared for, pampered.

Spa Treatments involve rest and respite

The Female Person, as explained in this post, are Jugglers. Again, consider the biological and evolutionary lessons. The Male Person must be focused on the hunt. The Female Person must be simultaneously breast-feeding the offspring, guarding the settlement from predators, gathering edible plants, cleaning the hovel and preparing the fire for the slab of mammoth which the hunter will bring home.

Even in modern times, the Female Person juggles. Home tasks, work tasks, gym, ideas to help friends solve their problems... all of these and more can be parallel, simultaneous, interweaving thoughts on the Female Person's mind. The Female Person is constantly taking care of things.

And so the Spa Treatment offers one hour of blessed respite. Stripped naked of everything that symbolizes the life outside - cellphone, handbag, clothes, even underwear - wrapped in soft sheets on a warmed bed, stilled by soft music, enclosed in a private, womb-like room, the Female Person succumbs to the attentions of the therapist who is there to do nothing else but care for, look after, stroke and soothe her.

And so, after this hour of sexual-tension-free indulgence, the Female Person can rise, dress and face the world again.

And, yes, this is worth over a hundred dollars and yes, it does need to happen at least once every two months.

Deal with it. Oh, and if you have any brains at all, Male Person, pay for it too, because then you'll be seen as part of the care, the comfort, the consolation, and you will be rewarded.


Stuff Female People Like - No. 2: Shoes

This series of posts is inspired by the blog/book Stuff White People Like.


2. Shoes
Female People like shoes. A lot.
Sometimes, Male People don't really understand why. Perhaps this will help.


Pretty Shoes = Sexual Power
Everyone knows that wearing heels shortens the calves, bends the spine and raises the arse. The woman in heels looks ready to be bent over and shagged senseless. Even cute little flats can catch the attention. The average red-blooded heterosexual man will enjoy imagining them wrapped around his neck.
And Female People know that pretty shoes warrant sexual attention. Deep down, they know.
Female People also know that pretty shoes give them sexual power because, in the human mating game, as in most animal breeds, it is the female who chooses.
The male biological imperative is to spread the seed. As far and wide as possible. For this, they need the female, and the female chooses the strongest, healthiest, best provider to carry his offspring to term. And so the male competes to be chosen:
  • Sportscar = I am rich and a good provider. Please carry my seed.

  • Six pack and pecks = I am strong and can protect you. Please carry my seed.

  • Executive job = I am powerful and the leader of the pack. Please carry my seed.

And the female goes click-clacking by in her stilettos, with the ultimate power of choice. And she knows it.

Shoes make Female People feel sexy and powerful. And it feels good.


Pretty Shoes = Art

Yes, a really pretty shoe is a work of art. Imagine developing something both beautiful and practical within the constraints of construction required to create a shoe.

Manolo Blahnik, they say, can make a high heel pretty, frivolous and yet wearable. His shoes are Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Jaguars.

Steve Madden makes pretty flat shoes, combining complete comfort with charm. His shoes are Mercedes, BMWs, Porsches.

A wonderful shoe demonstrates the mastery of first class design.




Pretty Shoes = Self-Love for Large Ladies

The Female Person walks into the clothing store and looks around at the racks. There are some things she wants, but she can't find her size. Strange.

She looks around some more. Nope. No 16s. No 18s.

She asks the sales assistant, who sneers: "We only go up to a 14."

Humiliation, degradation, until she sees the shoe department. And now she can turn it all around. She can stomp over, find pretty shoes and buy something that the sales assistant wouldn't be able to afford even with staff discount.

Because everyone is thin when it comes to shoes. So there!



Pretty Shoes = An out for the lazy

The Female Person is running late, and doesn't feel like dressing up. There's no time to style her hair, rummage through the jewellery box, iron the flimsy blouse. She doesn't feel like putting on makeup, squeezing herself into tights so she can wear a dress, or sucking her tummy in all day to fit into those suit pants.

Pretty shoes to the rescue!

She emerges from the house in a ponytail, fresh face, no jewellery, jeans and a plain T-shirt. But she has on silver Steve Madden ballet pumps with little white bows.

She hurtles to work, parks the car, steps into the elevator and comes face to face with the Temporary Female Nemesis. These females lurk all over the place. They are the ones who are thinner than our Female Person, younger than her, richer than her, and the ones who took the time to get up an hour earlier and use the hot curling iron, put on the full paste from foundation to mascara and found three pieces of perfectly complementary costume jewellery.

Temporary Female Nemesis does the obligatory Scorn Scan, starting at Female Person's face and sweeping down her plain T-shirt, her boring jeans and then - wham! - everything changes as she hits the shoes. Female Person sees the scan, starts to cringe and then - oh, blessed relief! - palpably feels that millisecond when the Scorn stops. In the very moment that Nemesis sees the pretty shoes, all judgement is suspended. Female Person is saved.

A Ferrari key ring can't beat a Temporary Female Nemesis. Neither can being thinner, fitter, more built than her. Neither can pressing the button in the elevator for the executive floor. Nope. Only cute shoes can make that save.



And so, you see, Shoes fill many, many functions. They are not frivolous purchases gathering dust in the closet.


They are the Female Person's lingerie-drawer-art-collection-self-esteem-givers-time-savers.
Now do you get it?




Stuff Female People Like - No. 1: Microclean

This series is, of course, inspired by the blog/book "Stuff White People Like".

No. 1: Microcleaning
Female People like to microclean.
They'll be doing something completely unrelated to cleaning, like putting make up on, and they'll notice that there are a few hairs and some dust lurking behind the taps on the bathroom basin. Microdirt. So they'll reach over, without breaking their stride, grab a piece of toilet paper, wipe behind the taps, throw the toilet paper away and take a second to behold the much cleaner, much neater looking taps.
NOTE: Microclean = a small cleaning task
If you aren't watching carefully, you won't even see the Microclean happen. It's over in a flash.
It's a seemingly small thing, but it means a lot to Female People.
On the other hand, Female People tend not to understand that Male People do not know what Microcleaning is. They mistakenly think that Male People have chosen not to Microclean, when in fact the Male People (a) don't notice the Microdirt and so (b) wouldn't think to clean it.
This is because Male People and Female People are different kinds of circus performers.

Male People are lion tamers. When they are in the cage with the lions they are dominant and totally focussed. They have to be.
Female People are jugglers, keeping several things going at once, using periferal vision, co-ordination, balance, skill, timing.
The Female Person sees the Microdirt while not breaking concentration on the makeup application. The Male Person does not see the Microdirt. He went into the bathroom to take a shit, and that's it. Focus.
The gender divide over Microcleaning usually isn't an issue, unless the Female Person notices Microdirt that they are convinced the Male Person

  1. must have seen,

  2. must have been annoyed by,

  3. must have been annoyed enough by to want to take action,

  4. must have been able to compute an easy Microcleaning solution to the Microdirt which would in no way compromise the task he was previously engaged in

  5. been motivated to take immediate action, and

  6. not only excuted the Microclean but

  7. done so effectively.

Female People simply don't understand that (1) doesn't happen, let alone (2) through (7). Therefore, blaming Male People for not making the effort to carry out (6) or not being thorough enough to ensure (7) is simply nonsensical.

Sadly, however, this is a common cause of disagreement in the average household.

FP: "Do not tell me that you didn't notice the toilet roll was finished! Why didn't you put a new roll on?"
MP: "It's not finished. There's still one square on it."
FP: "Are you kidding me?"

NOTE: Microclean = a small cleaning task + one that is easily done

Another key thing to remember about Microcleaning is it's immediacy. Female People's motivation behind Microcleaning is simple: I'll get this tiny thing done now, and it won't turn into a big thing that has to be done later.
Microcleaning is a key tool in the Female Person's Disaster Prevention Arsenal.


FP: "Honey, couldn't you have wiped the sauces splashes on the microwave glass
MP: "What splashes?"
FP: "The splashes. Now we've microwaved other stuff and the sauce is cooked on."
MP: "Don't worry. It'll wipe off."
FP: "Oh sure! I'll be the one scrubbing it off!"
MP: "Well, leave it! I'll do it later!"
[Sound of scrubbing.]
MP: "Honey, what are you doing? I said I'd do it."
FP: "You know you bloody well won't."

NOTE: Microclean = a small cleaning task + that is easily done + right now

The gender divide aside, Microcleaning is important to Female People. Having accomplished the Microclean, the Female Person will be more relaxed, even slightly happier, feeling they have added some order to a chaotic world.


Work-Life Imbalance - On the same page

Ever picked up the phone at home and dialled 9 for an outside line? Your work life has crept into your subconscious and you have a work-life imbalance. For more posts on examples, click on the Work Life Imbalance Category.

A few weeks ago I was at Happy Hour with a friend, talking about going to a show. We were discussing dates, who we wanted to invite to come with us, whether we should have dinner before, etc.

We thrashed it out, came up with two options, and discussed who would email which of our friends.

"Great!" I said to her, "I'm glad we're on the same page."

I looked up and saw her horrified expression. It took me half a second to register what was wrong, and then I felt a soft, squidgy disgust at myself.

Then, even worse, I felt the full realization of how deeply the work BS has penetrated my subconscious, managing to creep into the darkest recesses of my mind. Like a worm.

Work-Life Imbalance.


Work-Life Imbalance - No pass, no passing

Ever picked up the phone at home and dialled 9 to get an outside line? You are taking work home in the worst possible way - it's subconscious. You have Work Life Imbalance. There are many examples:

Today I got home from work and started getting undressed and redressed to go to the gym.

I took off my shirt, bra and jeans and headed to get my sweats.

Then I felt something on my thigh. I looked down. And then I saw it.

As I took off my jeans, I had automatically detached my work security pass from them and... I HAD CLIPPED IT TO MY UNDERPANTS.

Work-Life Imbalance.


Work-Life Imbalance - Tap tap

Ever picked up the phone at home and dialled 9 to get an outside line? This is a sign that you work too much, because you are taking work habits home with you. I call this Work Life Imbalance and you can see more posts under this Category name. There are many signs:

Today I was at the gym, and I washed my hands after going to the bathroom. I rinsed off the soap, turned to the automated paper towel thingy, waved my hand in front of it, tore the paper off and dried my hands. Then I noticed that there was still the sound of water running.

I thought: "That tap is set to run a long time."

I turned and looked back at the tap to make sure it was going to switch off, and that's when I realized - it was a real tap. I had to turn it off. Myself. Manually.

Work-Life Imbalance.


Divided by a Common Language - Eurovision


This post is inspired by the Eurovision officionado, Everywhereventually. I have linked to one of his Eurovision posts here... Seek the others out too. You really should read his posts on this... And stay tuned because I know him and I know there'll be more...



Living in America now, Fluffy Bear and I have tried to explain the Eurovision Song Contest on various occassions, always failing to convey the tacky, xenophobic delight that constitutes this yearly competition.


But here I am, trying yet again.


  • First, you need to understand that Europe is a collection of small countries that enjoy differing from each other. Sure, we have the EU, but don't be fooled. Language varies, culture varies and there is a long, long history of wars that lingers in the collective psyche

  • Second, know that England considers themselves better than the rest of the countries. France probably does too. And Germany. And Russia. And... you get the point

  • Third, the countries are supposed to submit a song that is written by a local and performed by a non-professional band. Occassionally you have big stars perform, or they may be big stars in their own country, but real singing mega stars would never take part because...

  • Fourth, Eurovision is quintessentially uncool, which is a big part of it's charm

  • Fifth, the borders of "Europe" seem to extend every year. Suddenly Russia is included, for instance

  • Sixth, most countries take it very, very seriously. The rivalry can be as intense as the Olympics

  • Last but not least, England seems to take a very different attitude to the competition to the other countries. We enjoy the tackiness and really see it as a chance to take the piss out of the other countries. It's kindof like a holiday to Vegas. You aren't going there for a highbrow, cultured time. You're going so you can bitch about how awful it all is, dress badly, behave badly, wallow in kitsch.




See Eurovision in action

If you want to see the Eurovision songs, go to their official website here, or just search in YouTube on the country name, "Eurovision" and the year to see a video of the horror.




How Eurovision works officially

Each country submits a song. There are so many countries participating now that there are semi-finals where the crappier ones are weeded out. This is a pity, because this means the absolutely horrific hilarity is excluded from the Final.

Some countries qualify for the Final automatically, such as the country that won the previous year.

The country that wins hosts the next competition. One of the Eurovision legends is about how Ireland kept winning, how it cost them a bunch to host and so they put an an entry that was so godawful that they had to lose. And they keep this tradition up. See the link under "Insane" below.

At the end of the competition, people in each country call in to vote for the song they liked the most. They cannot vote for their own country.

The votes are tallied and then the hosts link to random presenters in each country who report the results of their country's vote. 12 points are given to the song voted for most, then 10, then 8, 7, 6 down to 1.

Again, since there are so many countries in it now, these regional presenters only report the top three scores these days.

The official languages of Eurovision are English and French, so all scores are said by the presenter in the voting country in one of the languages, then repeated by one of the host presenters in the other language.

As the scores are presented, the leader board is updated, till the winner is clear.




What really happens


The commentary

England's attitude to the Eurovision is summed up by the man who has done the voiceover for the competition for years and years and years and years, Terry Wogan. Terry is Irish, and makes hilarious, mean comments throughout the proceedings.

"Doctor Death and the Tooth Fairy," – his take on the hosts of the 2001 contest
in Denmark.

"Who knows what hellish future lies ahead? … Actually, I do. I've
seen the rehearsals," - opening remark for the 2007 show in Finland.


See more quotes here:


The songs

The songs are usually utterly dire. Some countries sing in their own language, and it is often the small countries who don't share their language with anyone else (like Greece) who do this. Seeing as your own country can't vote for you, singing a song which is incomprehensible to all others is not the smartest strategy. Of course, it does make the song that much funnier.

Songs and performances fall into one of the following categories:

  • Bubble gum pop. This is usually staged with santily clad females jiggling their bits. The lyrics, if the song is done in English by a non-English speaking country, can be purile. e.g.

Today you think you are the winner, today you think you are the king
You make me sweat in my emotions under your fly-away, fly-away wing


  • Cultural ditty. These are the best. Strange musical instruments, strange costumes, strange language, strange staging. Just strange. Example here.

  • Opera. These people just don't get it. Eurovision is supposed to be fun. These songs never get any votes.

  • Mourning ballad. Tedious

  • Insane. These are just, well, crazy songs. Example: Ireland's turkey puppet


The scores

The tedium of scores being presented in two languages is epic. This is where consumption of alcohol comes into its own. See "Games", below.

The funny thing about the scores is how racist they are. You can basically predict which country will give which other country the full 12 points. The Baltic states stick together. Because Germany has a huge Turkish immigrant population, they vote for Turkey. France will NEVER give England anything, and vice-versa (The War, remember? And no, I don't mean Iraq).

To see a concrete example of this, look up who gave who the maximum of 12 points here.


The games

Watching Eurovision requires two things: 1) Friends 2) Alcohol.

The obvious game is to drink a drink inspired by each country as they perform. You may have to be a bit creative with your liquor cabinet.

The second game is to download the scoresheets from the official Eurovision website, and allocate the 12, 10, etc. points yourself. This creates great debate amongst friends, which escalates in proportion to alcohol consumption.


The winner

Nobody really cares who wins. Few Eurovision performers have had it launch their career... the notable exception is Abba. Some songs end up being played in European nightclubs over the summer, but that's about it.

It's really just a fun evening. Kinda like Miss Universe used to be before it became so Non-PC. I say do a Mr and Miss Universe combined and they're back in business but, hey, that's a whole 'nother post...




Quote Unquote - Prince Phillip


Prince Phillip, the Queen's husband, is known for his gaffes, and today was no exception.


They were discussing jet lag...



Queen to Obama: "You had to go to breakfast?"


Obama: "I had breakfast with the Prime Minister, I had meetings with the Chinese, the Russians, David Cameron. And I am proud to say I did not nod off in any of the meetings."


Prince Philip, laughing:  "Can you tell the difference between them?"



Michelle got her own back, probably unwittingly, by breaking protocol and putting her arm around the Queen.



One does not touch the Queen....



Oy vey....



Quote Unquote - BBC humor

"It's a kind of Oscar night for world leaders, and there's no doubt who the biggest star is.

Every overseas leader wanted to be the first to welcome President Obama to their country. The prize, though, went to Gordon Brown.

And, auditioning for the part of [G20] Summit Villain, arriving late, and having threatened to walk out, is France's Nicholas Sarkozy.

12 Presidents, 11 Prime Minsters and a King sat down to their pre-Summit dinner tonight. Never before have so many leaders of so many countries from so many continents come to London. Never before has the problem on their menu been greater.

Earlier, the President of the United States came to call. Who else would have a limousine that big or a cavalcade so long that it can't fit into Downing Street?"






BBC America World News






By the way, a friend of mine on Facebook commented on the G20 Summit today. And one of their friends replied "What's G20?"



Watch the fucking news, Moron.



Workplace Personalities - The Arsonist



Everyone loves a firefighter. They go above and beyond the call of duty, they do whatever it takes, they jump right in and fix things. They are brave, they are strong, they are heroes.

It's no different in the corporate workplace.

Just like in the real world, the firefighter jumps right in when a system goes down, when a project goes wrong, when a reporting deadline looms.

Just like in the real world, the firefighter works long hours and deals with the burning of long flame emails.

Just like in the real world, not all fires in the corporate world are started through a freak act of nature.


Some fires are started by Arsonists.

And again, just like in the real world, Arsonists can be very hard to identify.

But, after you work with someone for a while, and you just can't understand why they are always telling scary stories about awful things, why they are always working weekends and why it's always up to them to be the hero and save the day.

Because, here's the thing.

They start the problem. They send the first incendiary email, they are the first to escalate to management, they are the first to talk of impact to revenue, wider consequences, cost overruns.

They don't see the glass half empty.  The glass is empty, cracked and filled with gasoline which will just take one teeny tiny match to turn a mild challenge into the Towering Inferno.

Let me give you an example.  You have a project.  You have 3 developers assigned.  One developer has to take time off unexpectedly because his baby is born premature.  You had a perfect project plan.  You had set things up so when the actual paternity time was due, you'd be at a stage when you needed fewer developers.  But that was meant to be six weeks from now.  

And so you sit the team down, you explain the situation, you say you're going to get more help.  You discuss and agree a plan for the next week, which is a reassignment and re-prioritization of tasks.  You already have at least three ideas of how to fix this, so you don't give anyone any overtime.  You don't ask anyone to do anything that isn't their core skill.  They just have do different things in a different order.  

Off everyone goes, all hands to the pump.  Off you go, to speak to your peer managers and your department HR person to find out if there's anyone from another team who is on a little downtime between projects, and can be spared.  

Three days later and - woo hoo! - you're in luck.  There's a guy.  There's a gal.  Whichever.  He/she can start in 7 days.  It takes a day to dot the Is and cross the Ts.

Now you're ready to announce to your team in the morning meeting the following day that they'll get the help they need really soon.  And they'll have that help for the next two months.  

So, let's recap.  It's day four of the re-prioritization.  On day five the team is going to hear about the mitigation plan.  

But you've forgotten the Arsonist.  He has met your boss at the water cooler on day three, and dropped some snide comment about how hard the team is working now that they are a man down, and how the project is starting to drop behind the plan.  The Arsonist tells the boss that it's ok, though, because he's planning to work this weekend to make sure the whole team can catch up.

And now you're fucked.  

There was never an issue.  But the boss thinks there was, even though you explain that you have a new person starting in a week, it seems like you're scrambling and it's all too little too late.   

PHOOM!  There go the flames.

The Arsonist is, in short, an extremely dangerous individual.

Why do they do it?

Perhaps they like the attention.  Perhaps they find their day to day life boring.  Perhaps they have issues that date back to their childhood.

It doesn't matter.  They've lit a fire under your career and you are running around like a cartoon character trying to blow out flames on their butt.


Key signs:

  • Constant complaining about impending doom
  • Constant overtime
  • Tattle tale
  • Filling up airtime in meetings explaining, in painstaking detail, examples of where things have gone wrong, in similar situations, in the past


Catch Phrase:  This isn't going to work


Your Strategy: Keep as far away as possible. Remember the Arsonist starts the fire so he or she can be the hero Firefighter. Get close, and you'll get burned.  The minute you identify an Arsonist, find a way to never have them on your team again.  


Their comeuppance:  

Well, nobody likes constant negativity so, over time, the Arsonist becomes unpopular, and may even morph into the Curmudgeon.  Slowly but surely, the Arsonist may be edged out into some job where he or she is working on something on their own.  

They become known as a crabby old fart who has to be tolerated because they've been doing the same job for so long that they are the expert.  But nobody takes them too seriously because they're old and in a mid-tier position and pretty much sidelined.


For more Workplace Personalities, click here.

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