Quote Unquote - Prince Phillip

Prince Phillip, the Queen's husband, is known for his gaffes, and today was no exception.
They were discussing jet lag...
Queen to Obama: "You had to go to breakfast?"
Obama: "I had breakfast with the Prime Minister, I had meetings with the Chinese, the Russians, David Cameron. And I am proud to say I did not nod off in any of the meetings."
Prince Philip, laughing: "Can you tell the difference between them?"
Michelle got her own back, probably unwittingly, by breaking protocol and putting her arm around the Queen.
One does not touch the Queen....
Oy vey....
Reader Comments (4)
Interesting... On BBC1 in the UK they talked over the top of what Prince Phillip said, though you just knew it was something awful.
The Queen and Prince Phillip did look bloody old.
I want to know why she's carrying a purse in her own damned house!!
Do you think Charles is hoping his time is coming?
The purse? Probably keeps all kinds of medication in there in case she collapses, ensuring that Charles will never, ever get the throne. Or maybe it's just breathmints. Or maybe her house is so damn big she keeps a little map.