Quote Unquote - BBC humor

"It's a kind of Oscar night for world leaders, and there's no doubt who the biggest star is.
Every overseas leader wanted to be the first to welcome President Obama to their country. The prize, though, went to Gordon Brown.
And, auditioning for the part of [G20] Summit Villain, arriving late, and having threatened to walk out, is France's Nicholas Sarkozy.
12 Presidents, 11 Prime Minsters and a King sat down to their pre-Summit dinner tonight. Never before have so many leaders of so many countries from so many continents come to London. Never before has the problem on their menu been greater.
Earlier, the President of the United States came to call. Who else would have a limousine that big or a cavalcade so long that it can't fit into Downing Street?"
BBC America World News
By the way, a friend of mine on Facebook commented on the G20 Summit today. And one of their friends replied "What's G20?"
Watch the fucking news, Moron.
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