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Workplace Personalities - The Curmudgeon


The Curmudgeon

This post is inspired by Debineezer's.

At work, the Curmudgeon is the person who is never happy.

This species has three breeds:


  1. The Snarky Sarky
    Generally sarcastic, ironic and witty, this person can be a joy to be around. They cut through the BS, expose what is really going on and manage to couch in all in terms that are simultaneously frightening in that they reveal the truth and yet reassuring in that they are absolutely hilarious. This beast is rare and should be kept close as they allow you to maintain perspective and engage in real belly laughs, something that needs to happen a lot more in the office environment.
    Example: Dr Cox from Scrubs, Sesame Street's Statler and Waldorf
    Your Strategy: Embrace

  2. The Vocal Idealist
    This person has a specific view of the work world and is not afraid to point out the difference between where we are and where they think we should be. The realities of budget or resource constraints are as foreign to them as foie gras to a Hillbilly. They complain in meetings, in front of customers, in corridor conversations which start as a whisper and end as a yell because you are desperately trying to escape and you have taken 27 steps backwards during the course of their rant.
    Example: George from Seinfeld
    Your Strategy: Avoid

  3. The Anti-Battery
    These people could drain the energy from a nuclear power grid in 30 seconds. They walk around with a little storm cloud over their heads and see a surface for mould rather than a ripe peach, the fat content and calories rather than the piece of birthday cake they're offered and the affect on their workload rather than advancement opportunity of any work task they're given. If you are going on vacation somewhere exotic, they'll warn you about the mosquitoes. If you are pregnant, they'll tell you about the latest Sudden Infant Death Syndrome statistics. If you are finally given budget to take that business trip, they'll regale you with the various details that constitute the horror of flying coach class.
    Example: Droopy Dog
    Your Strategy: Ignore


For more Workplace Personalities, click here.


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