Being a Doggy Mama - Oopsie!

We just went on vacation!
It was to a fantastic place with vines and hills and Puppy Dog was allowed to run around off the leash.
He made friends with the hotel dog - she was a lab too - and they swam in the pond and pooped between the trees and ran between the scrub bushes and there were smells and hills and a river and sun and Puppy dog ran and ran and ran and ran and never seemed to get tired.
"Why is my Vicadin out here?" Fluffy Bear said.
"What Vicadin?" I asked.
"The Vicadin from my dentist appointment," he said.
"Oooooh shit! I thought that was Puppy Dog's anti-inflammatory medicine! I gave him one!"
Then there was a lot of running around to find my cell phone.
"He'll be OK with just one dose," the Veterinary Nurse said. "You should try to keep him still because the Vicadin will make him not feel the pain of his leg injury and he might make it worse."
"Um... he's been running around like a manic demon, up and down the hills."
"Yeah, you may wanna try to restrict that. It will take ten to twelve hours to work through his system and he might be a bit.... frisky till then..."
"You mean he's high as a kite," she said.
"Well... yes."
It was probably the best day he'd ever had...
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