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Entries by Ittybittycrazy (876)


Repost - Quote Unquote - Old King Cole


Why am I reposting old stuff?  Well, here's the thing about a blog.  The good stuff gets left behind to rot, assigned to a date in the past.  So, now and then, I'm just gonna pull out some of the stuff that I like and bring it into the present again.

This post was originally dated Saturday, March 14, 2009.


Years ago, in a land far away, I met a lovely woman who told me a great story about her kid.


He was about six, and he was given one of those nusery rhyme CDs for his birthday. He loved it, learnt all the songs and used to sing them in the bath.


One day, his mother heard him belting out at the top of his voice but, when he got to a certain line, he whispered instead of singing.


She asked him why, and he said, clearly uncomfortable, that there were "bad words" in the song.


"What bad words?" she asked him, confused.


And so, awkwardly, he sang to his mother:

 "Old King Cole was a merry arsehole and a merry arsehole was he..."



Pic - We surived Halloween


Only one set of kids tried to come up to the door, and they didn't even make it all the way.  My flame barrier succeeded!

You can't see it in the pic, but I did leave candy out on a table below the porch steps.



Puppy Talk - Dysonmonster



Puppy Dog:  Shh!  Why are you screaming?


Puppy Dog:  That?  Oh, that's just the Dysonmonster.  No biggie.

Puppy Girl:  AAAAAAAAAAARGH!  It's growling!  I'm scared!

Puppy Dog: Don't sweat it, Kid.  It's OK.

Puppy Girl:  Really?  Aren't you scared?

Puppy Dog:  Nah.  First time Mama brought it out I was a bit frea-- I was a little nervous, but now I'm used to it.

Puppy Girl:  Why is Mama doing that?

Puppy Dog:  Well, at first I figured Mama was just playing with it, but now I know that it's a scent catcher.

Puppy Girl:  A what?

Puppy Dog:  A scent catcher.  Every now and then Mama takes it out and goes around the house and it takes away the den scent.  She has all sorts of things she uses as scent catchers.  I don't know why, but she and Dada like to erase the scent of our den.

Puppy Girl:  What?  That's just crazy!  Our den is supposed to smell of us!

Puppy Dog:  I know.  It must be a hairless ape thing.  Maybe we are safer from hairless ape predators if our den doesn't smell of us so much.

Puppy Girl:  I don't understand.

Puppy Dog:  Neither do I.  We used to have a hairless ape named Kassa, who came here and would spend all day with all sorts of things, catching all the scents in the den.

Puppy Girl:  How terrible!

Puppy Dog:  Actually, it wasn't so bad.  She gave me lots of pats and scratches behind my ears and called me a Handsome Boy, which, of course, I am.

Puppy Girl:  Whatever.  So I don't have to worry about the Dysonmonster.

Puppy Dog:  No, you're OK.

Puppy Girl:  Hairless apes are so weird.

Puppy Dog:  You'll learn, Kid, you'll learn.



Puppy talk - Stay


Puppy Dog:  Don't move.

Puppy Girl:  But---

Puppy Dog:  DON'T.  MOVE!

Puppy Girl:  Mama!  Mama!  I want it!  I want it! I want it!

Puppy Dog:  Oh, God.

Puppy Girl:  Why did she make me come back next to you and sit?  Why didn't she give me the treat?  

Puppy Dog:  Because.  You.  Moved.

Puppy Girl:  What?

Puppy Dog:  She held her hand up with her palm at us.  That means STAY.  The clue is in the name!

Puppy Girl:  What's a clue?

Puppy Dog:  Something you don't have!

Puppy Girl:  What?


Puppy Girl:  Yum!  Treat!  Yum, yum!

Puppy Dog:  See?  You're learning to Stay.  Good work.

Puppy Girl!  She has more!  I'm going closer!  Mama!  Mama!  I want some!  I want some!

Puppy Dog:   Oh, God.



Did I say that out loud? - Baffling


Do you have Asperger's syndrome?

You don't?

So you are able to visually determine how the other person is feeling based on looking at their facial expression? 

OK, let me make this easier for you.

Can you tell when someone is sad?  Happy?  Just by looking at their face?

You can?

Oh, so it's not that, then.


Are you visually impaired?  Can you read small type?


Again, let me make this easy for you.

Can you see my face clearly?

You can.  Good.

So you can see my face, and you can determine a person's emotional state based on facial expression.

Then, I have to admit, I'm completely baffled.

Baffled?  It means that I don't know what to do or say next.  I'm stumped.


Because all I want you to do is piss off.

Because I know that's written all over my face.

Because in spite of both of these things, YOU KEEP TALKING TO ME!

That's why.


Diary of an Ex-Employee - Day "I've lost count"



My dear Fellow-Blogger-Friend, Activeleisure, posted recently about potential Halloween costumes - either dressing up as an employed person, or going out in what she calls "pajamattire" as her unemployed self.

Now being unemployed for longer than I dare to count, I really sympathize with her.

Yesterday I went out to see a friend who was in pain.  I went to the donut shop and then to her house.  We had a nice visit, and I came home, doing some errands at local stores along the way.   It was only at about 7pm that I realized that I hadn't been wearing a bra all day.

And today I was at the coffee shop and looked down at my shoes - I was wearing open birkenstock sandals with socks. 



At least they were black, not white.

As for my "pajamattire," the only reason I got dressed today is because my favorite PJs walked downstairs to the washing machine by themselves, and I had to take the hint.

Like my fellow Ex-Employee, ActiveLeisure, my Halloween this year is all about staying home.

I've been invited to a killer party, where a lot of my ex-colleagues will be.  

Actually, now that I think about it, I'm not sure if I want to spend the entire evening smiling widely and talking about how I'm just fine, thanks, and that the job market is picking up, really!

Thank God for my 10 week old puppy, because I can't leave her alone at home for more than 2 hours at a time, so she makes a good excuse for non-attendance.

I actually do have to stay home with Puppy Girl and try to keep her calm with the constant sound of people just outside.  Puppy Dog is sure to bark like a wolf on crack cocaine, so I need to be here to keep the dogs from imploding.

The last thing I need is small people (a size where Puppy Dog would think: "Yeah, I can take you") in scary masks at the door, so I've done what I can to keep the marauding candy hordes from coming a-knocking.  

The Amazon Fresh food delivery boxes have been piled into a lime green barrier, I've put a table outside with the candy in buckets and there are big signs on the door explaining that I have nervous dogs and, for the children who can't read long words, written in letters 30 inches high (I'm not kidding):


If it wasn't so rainy where I live, I'd put the candy out on the sidewalk.

What's the Halloween equivalent of "Bah Humbug?"


I'm jus' sayin' - Marketing morons


You know what, Marketing Moron?

I'm sure the pale blue text, the picture of the puppies that takes up half the page and the mustard yellow background looked great when the art people brought it to you on glossy paper but - guess what? - that text prints out so faint that I can't READ my pet's insurance policy document, and that background and the cute puppies are a waste of my toner!

So instead of trying to make everything "synergistic," and able to "tell the story of the brand," how about you just make it so that I can print the shit I need, and read it when I need to?

So now I want you to do three things for me.


  1. Read "The Nordstrom Way"
  2. Print that shit out and see if YOU can read it, and 
  3. Get your fucking head out of your arse!


I'm jus' sayin'


Quote Unquote - Only in Hollywood


So I'm watching some crappy daytime special on Extreme Halloweens, showcasing people who go totally over the top with their decorations.

One of them turns out to be a producer on the Simpsons who sets up animatronic skeletons, turning his yard into "Bone Island."

After we've had the flashback on how the couple set it all up, the story of how it all started and an aerial view of the whole thing, the presenter asks a visiting kid if she enjoyed the experience, and how she heard about the house.


"Uh," she says, "my sister's agent emailed us..."




Quote Unquote - Screw the Big Pumpkin


Ted, to me, on IM:


"I may not hand out candy after all. Ill do what you do and leave it on the steps. Bill reminded me that most of these nasty kids probably have swine flu. I don't want to get sick"


Post-its of wrath - Your travel visa is hereby revoked

These post-its are not real.They are just in my head. I love my husband. Seriously.


Dear Fluffy Bear

The puppy just threw up on the couch.

Then she decided my laptop was a chew toy.

Then she started bending over, from the couch, to drink from my water glass on the end table.  I took her to the kitchen to drink out of the main water bowl, but she refused.  She climbed up her special little puppy steps and started drinking out of my glass again.  So I took her back to the kitchen and gave her water in one of those little plastic puppy bowls Ted lent us.  But she decided that was a toy and picked it up, splashing the water all over the floor.

Also, I have eaten all the leftovers in the freezer.

It's time for you to come home from your business trip now.

Your travel visa is hereby revoked.


To read more in the Post-its of Wrath series, click here. 


Being a Doggy Mama - Digestive efficiency


One minute there is a soft, sweet, slumbering puppy next to you on the couch...


...and, the next minute, there is a soft cough, a long burp and she very delicately vomits up something the size of half of her left foreleg.

Then she starts to lick it.

Apart from me trying to get her head away so I could clean it up, it was all very quiet and dignified... and a little surreal.


I'm jus' sayin' - You ask for it, you get it



Taking the noisemaker out of a squeaky, putting it in your mouth, running around the dining room and blowing to make high pitched noises, is going to get you smacked in the teeth with your 70 pound dog's rock-hard skull.

I'm jus' sayin'


Being a Doggy Mama - Routine, bonding and a rookie mistake


We're starting to develop a routine:


  • 05:00: Puppy Girl cries to be let out of her crate to pee, I take her outside
  • 05:10: We come back in, I put her on the bed to sleep with me.  Yes, I know this is wrong, but I can't stand 15 minutes of her screaming at 5 in the morning
  • 07:30 - 08:30: Puppy Girl is awake, and squiggling, making little whining noises  
    • I take her outside, closing the puppy gate between the dining room and the passage to the bedroom, because Puppy Dog does not like her first thing in the morning
    • I go back inside, and take her crate out to the dining room.  During this procedure, I have to try to keep her away from Puppy Dog, who growls a deep bass when she comes anywhere near him
    • I put her in her crate.  She screams
    • I let Puppy Dog out, to pee in peace
    • I get Puppy Dog his breakfast, and he eats in the kitchen
    • I get Puppy Girl her breakfast, and she eats in the crate in the dining room
    • I let Puppy Dog outside, closing the back door so he can poop in peace
    • I let Puppy Dog back inside and back into the bedroom, closing the puppy gate
    • I let Puppy Girl outside to try to concentrate, with her ADD brain, on pooping
  • 08:30 - 9:00: Puppy Girl comes back inside and starts to play in the living and dining room.  When I see Puppy Dog at the puppy gate, wagging his tail, he is allowed in to play with her.


I totally get where Puppy Dog is coming from.

It's the same as those people who only talk in a low grumble till they've had their morning coffee, and the last thing they want is a little baby pulling their hair, trying to get them to play.

Our little routine is still developing, but we're getting there.

The aim is to minimize the bigger dog's irritation at the baby because, if she really pisses him off, he'll nip or bite her.  Or so the books say.

Yesterday, while they were playing, he put one paw gently across her body and pinned her.  It was pretty relaxed, and she submitted.  I watch them all the time and he is learning to be gentle, while still making his dominance clear.

He is also clearly teaching her things.  She pooped in the large area of ivy we have on a bank in the yard yesterday - his preferred poopy place.

He comes up to her with toys, initiating play.  Each day, they seem to enjoy each other more.

Except for yesterday, when I totally screwed up.  

One of the training techniques taught at our puppy class is to get the dogs excited and running around, then ask them both to sit, and give them a treat.  This is so that they learn, even if they are in the midst of rambunctious play, to listen to you, stop and sit nicely.

They do it very well - as long as they see/smell that I have treats in my hands.

Yesterday, I gave Puppy Girl her treat before Puppy Dog.  I had the small piece of treat, which I wanted to giver her, at the front of my fingers and, in that instant, I just didn't think.

Big mistake.

He spent the following 3 hours chasing and humping her.  

He can't exactly mount her - she's so tiny compared to him that all he has to do is stand over her.  She fits right under his torso.   His penis wasn't actually touching her as he humped, and he didn't have lipstick - it was all about dominance.

But there were a few slightly disturbing times when he walked over her and she was facing the other direction.  He'd hump and she'd lick his penis.  

I paid a lot of attention to him and, after he was fed first at dinner time, like he always is, he calmed down.

Thank God.

I don't want to watch a child-molesting, incestuous 69.



I'm jus' sayin' - Luddites


How can someone who works in a large corporation, in their IT department, not have a profile on LinkedIn?

And, if you don't have a profile on LinkedIn, how am I supposed to find information about you so that I can be ready to interview with you?

And no, I don't feel comfortable looking you up on Facebook, where you ought to protect your profile, because photos of you drunk-dancing at a wedding are none of my business.

I'm jus' sayin' 


Being a Doggy Mama - The sunny side of the street


I think I've been unfair.

I keep complaining about sleepless nights, unscheduled vet visits and twisted ankles.  

Of course, there's much more than that to having a puppy.


  • The silky, soft, floppy ears, like a sip of chocolaty goodness
  • The warm, pink, doughy tummy
  • The unbearable cuteness of her looking into your eyes and tilting her head sideways when she doesn't understand you 
  • The wonderful feeling when she follows a command correctly and shows that her training is working
  • The adorable sound of her high growls, compared to her brother's deep, low grows, when they play tug
  • The lolloping, gallumphing way she runs, making boof-boof sounds on the wooden floor
  • Her triumphant trot, tail held high, when she's managed to sneak one of my shoes from next to the back door and is heading to the living room to chew it
  • The sharpness of her piranha teeth when she nibbles my finger 
  • Her quiet, rhythmic snoring
  • The way she stretches, tiny paws pushed out, head arched
  • Her little paw going crazy when I scratch behind her ear. 


It's really difficult to communicate how utterly adorable she is.  So I'll just show you.



Dear Diary - The wheel of fortune turns, turns, turns


Dear Diary

Guess what?

I just got a call by the Hiring Manager from my recent interview.  

I thought I'd done really badly in the meeting with her Boss Man, but she said that I was worried for nothing, and that it had gone well!

I'm having a Sally Field Oscar moment!

He liked me!  He really liked me!




Being a Doggy Mama - Breaking point Ahoy!

I would never presume that having a puppy is the same as dealing with a human child.  I didn't carry an alien in my belly for 9 months.  I didn't go through the stress, the sickness, the hell of IVF.  I didn't experience the bureaucracy, the waiting, the expense of adoption.

But - fuck me! - it's still hard.

And I broke this morning.

I found myself on my bed, Puppy Girl safely locked in the living room behind the puppy gate, calling Puppy Dog to me and hugging him, crying.

She had pooped on his cushion.  Again.  

I know that doesn't seem like a big deal.  Some dog stain liquid and some Bounty and Bob's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt.  All cleaned up.  But that wasn't it.


Flashback:  Friday

I have an interview with the company I really, really, really, really, really want to work for.  It's my second round of interviews with them.  

The first was for one kind of job (I have three core skills) and I got through to face to face interview, but there was obviously a candidate who was a better fit.  One shouldn't take this stuff personally.  Also, someone passed my resume on internally for another role, so clearly they think I'd be an asset.  Excellent.

So I've had a phone interview for Job No. 2, and it went well.  Time for the face to face, with the Hiring Manager and her Boss Man.  It's at 2pm.

I'm supposed to be prepping in the morning but, God, I'm tired.  I read over old notes, I look up the people on LinkedIn and Facebook.  Guess what, Boss Man has all his info locked down.  No clues.  

At about 10am, I talk to a present employee of the company - a friend of a friend - and he tells me what it's like to work there.  This is about the 7th phone call I've had with people who work in all sorts of jobs at the firm.  I do my research.

At about 10:30, a little thought pops into my head: "You're going to have to go to the vet before the interview."

Don't be ridiculous, I tell myself.  Paranoia.  Just focus on preparing.

And then, around 11:30, Puppy Girl runs in from outside, sits on her cushion and starts to cry.  I have no idea why.  I look her over and it seems like she squeals when I touch her left back paw.  She keeps whimpering - on and on and on.

I call the vet.  I tell them what is going on.  I tell them about the interview.  They tell me to come in, leave her with them and pick her up afterwards.

I have no time to shower.  Can you believe that?  I have no time to shower.  

I throw makeup at my face, I drown my head in hairspray, I overdo the deodorant.  

We head to the vet.  He's a wonderful man and sees her almost right away.  He looks, he prods, he shines lights.  He doesn't find anything.

Maybe she ate something in the yard, he tells me.  Go back and make sure you don't have anything toxic out there.  

Yeah, sure, me who doesn't recognize any plant that isn't a rose.

So she stays with them, I go to the interview.  My head is not in the game.

The Boss Man's arms are crossed and he fires questions at me:


"What are the three most important characteristics to be successful in this role?"

"What three things do you bring that other people don't?"

"Name the phases of project management."

"Name three key metrics we should be measuring."


I blather.  All my answers are too long.  I tell stories - he wants acronyms.

He tells me to ask him questions.  I decide to play his game.


"What do you want the person in this role to achieve in the first 60-90 days?"

"What three things are your key challenges?"

"What is the ultimate goal of this team?"


His arms uncross.  He even smiles.  But then I ask him if there are any other questions he has for me, if there are any gaps I need to fill in.


"When I asked you about the project management phases," he says, " I expected you to say the five phases but you talked around it.  You got there in the end, but you should have been able to name them."


Oh, fuck.

I tell him that my brain is half at the vet, and that I am very sorry.

I feel like I've lost him.

The second interview, with the Hiring Manager, goes very well.  We get on even better in person than we did on the phone.  But her Boss Man can overrule her, so I worry.

I go back to the vet to get Puppy Girl, relieved that the prognosis - and the invoice - is a lot better than I expected.

Never before have I experienced the need to juggle home and work like this.  Puppy Dog needs to be walked every day, but we got him at 1 year old, and he just never needed as much time and attention as a puppy.  And he didn't wake us up at night.


Flashback:  Sunday

My friend Jean is visiting.  We haven't seen each other in weeks.  We talk, we have wine (not that much - you'll see why I'm saying this real soon), I make cheese and prosciutto grilled sandwiches.  

Puppy Girl has to go potty.  Again.  I'm in the kitchen, wearing socks, holding her in my arms so she won't pee on the floor, trying to get my feet into my slip-on Birkenstocks.  

She wriggles, I lose my balance, I fall onto my ass, twisting my ankle.  

Oh, the indignity!  And the pain.

I manage to get up, the evening progresses.  Apart from trying to kill me, Puppy Girl has been sleeping almost all day.  

Hah!  I should have known.

She wakes me to potty at midnight.  

She wakes me at 2am but then refuses to come out of her crate.  She doesn't need to potty, she was just bitching because she wanted to be up on the bed.

She wakes me for potty at 4am.  

She wakes me for potty just after 6am.

This is a major regression.  She'd been sleeping through from midnight to 6am.

I give in, and put her on the bed.  We make it through to 8:45 before she wakes me again.

So now I'm tired, and I have another interview - a phone one, thank God - with a firm I know very little about at 1pm.  

And my brain is fried.  Dipped in batter, sprinkled with seasoning and deep fried.

 And then she pooped on Puppy Dog's cushion.

A big, smelly, round in a circle, turd.

Don't be fooled by that sweet little picture.  That little pink tummy can make some revolting gases and solids.


So know you know the perilous journey that has led to this ship running aground on Breaking Point.

Maybe tomorrow will be better.




Pic - Mama's punkin carving is very, very silly




Dear Diary - The Lovely Blog Award


Dear Diary,

TheHubbyDiaries gave me a One Lovely Blog Award!!!

How wonderful is that!

It's especially flattering because I love her blog - her husband is obviously a lot like Fluffy Bear.

Apparently the rules of the award are:

  1. Accept the award.
  2. Post it (the image) on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
  3. Pass the award to other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Share this award with other bloggers I like and ask people to please take some to time to visit each the blogs I recommend and to keep this blog meme going.


So TheHubbyDiaries got me thinking...

Apart from her, of course, who should I give a Lovely Blog Award to?

Well first, there's The Bloggess, because she is so brave and funny and non-PC.  We can all do with a little less political correctness in our lives, right?  She says she's "like Mother Theresa, only better" which pretty much sums up her excellent sense of humor right there.  She makes me laugh.  And she links to hilarious things on her sex column.  Nuff said.

Then there's The Midlife Gals.  KK and SalGal look after their Ancient One, mix martinis and make hilarious observations on life in general.  They say that "it’s okay to love/hate your elders, your teenage children, one of your siblings or the grocery store cashier."  Well, Diary, you've seen my Hell is Other People series.  Because hell really is other people, and The Midlife Gals totally get that.  How could I not love these two women?

For short vignettes on all sorts of topics, I love Debineezer's A Beautifully Messy Mess of Contradictions.  Hell, Diary, the name alone is pure genius.  Not Debineezer, silly!  Although that is pretty good.  No.  The blog name.   The site is about her explaining her latest IM screen name, which she changes every day.  Sometimes she IM's me and I'm, like, who the F-- is "A lot freaks there…and people from Arkansas"?  Then I remember... it's Deb!  She's a good friend, too.  And she makes incredible fried chicken.

I have to congratulate Snooty Primadona, who not only has "a sparkling outlook on life... or not", but just celebrated 32 years of marriage with Mr Snoots!  An inspiration for Fluffy Bear and I.  Imagine if we make it that long?  Without him killing me first?  Relax, Diary, I'm just kidding.   

Hang on, Diary.  Puppy Girl is farting.  I have to take her outside to potty and air out the living room before I asphyxiate. 


I'm back. OK, where were we?

Ah yes, Everywhere Eventually, my dear friend who is so much more courageous than I and chooses to travel to places I wouldn't dare go.  Like Jordan.  Not that there is anything wrong with Jordan.  I'd just worry about my ignorance of local culture and doing something offensive.  Everywhere Eventually's ambition is exactly what it says on the tin - he wants to go everywhere and see everything.  So far, he's not doing too badly.  And he's been my friend for over ten years. And he and his Polar Bear came to visit us, which was great fun!  And I love him.

Last but not least of the normal people blogs, there's Booshy.  She has a chocolate lab, like me!  She also has children and cats and another dog but, you know, whatever.  She has a chocolate lab!  And she writes cool things about daily life or her memories of childhood, like driving lessons and buying alcohol after she turned 21.  21!  Ha ha, Diary!  Thank God I grew up in a place where legal drinking age was 18!  I shouldn't be mean, though, because Booshy is really cool.

Then, the celebrity blogs.

Everyone knows who John Cleese is.  Actor, writer, raconteur, minister of funny walks, owner of a dead parrot and now, apparently, chickens.  The mind boggles.

Not everyone over the US knows Stephen Fry.  But they should, dear Diary, they should.  For the world has seen no greater wit since Winston Churchill.  Like Mr Churchill, Mr Fry has all sorts of other talents.  He is interested in technology, he acts, he writes books, he gives speeches, he does radio, he does TV (including a travel program on the USA).  He is one of the most followed people on Twitter and only he can be so amusing and interesting in under 140 characters.  For he is a character, dear Diary, in the mold of Goucho Marx, Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde and Noel Coward.  He is an English treasure, and long may he reign. 

These are just a few, dear Diary, of the wonderful online writers out there. 

Special mention, although it isn't a blog per se, must go to @shitmydadsays, on Twitter, because it's utterly hilarious and it makes me want to adopt that Dad.


Dear Diary - Pleasuring Mr Ben and Mr Jerry


Dear Diary,

I may have had a bit of an oopsie last night.  

You know I spoke about my 1441 goal?   Well, the weight loss goal is still there, I just haven't done the plan yet, and I may have had a food porn moment and pleasured Mr Ben and Mr Jerry last night.

It's not completely my fault.

Oh, don't sneer at me!

It isn't!

OK, so my friends Barbra and June cooked me dinner and came over to celebrate my birthday the other night.  I can't leave the house for more than two hours because of little miss Puppy Girl, so they graciously transferred the party to my house at the last minute.  Unfortunately, Dolly, scheduled to bring one of her delectable desserts, couldn't come, so I did what any lazy woman would do - I bought Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

But, you see, dear Diary, I didn't know what flavors they'd like so I had to get four different kinds... with an extra Chunky Monkey in case someone liked that too much and ate it all.  I had to avoid myself being rude and snatching the carton from their hands, you see.

So anyway, I had a lot of ice cream left over after the dinner.

Then Kathy and Will invited me over for dinner last night, to eat the most amazing freshly made risotto, and so I took 4 of the ice cream cartons (yes, I left my extra Chunky Monkey at home) to their house.  So I had ice cream at their house.  Some Chunky Monkey - of course - some Pistachio Pistachio and some kind of yummy caramel Haagen Dasz thing Kathy had.

So I come home with a little bit of the Chunky Monkey No. 1 left.

And it's late, and it takes me half an hour to get the Media Center PC to play my "The Proposal" DVD so, next thing you know, it's 11:30 and I'm watching Sandra Bullock and that-guy-with-the-abs-whose-name-I-never-remember falling in love on a flickering screen and I'm struggling to stay awake.

So I think:


"I'll just finish that little bit of Chunky Monkey No. 1 left at the bottom of the carton and get a bit of a sugar rush to stay awake.  Because you should either have popcorn or ice cream while watching a movie, and popcorn makes me cough."


Perfectly logical, right?

But here's the thing, Diary.  Ice cream is very cold.

Too obvious?  Wait.

See, here's the report I kept getting from my tongue:


[Insert digital voice here.  Your choice: Stephen Hawking's wheelchair, Majel Barrett-Roddenberry as the Star Trek Computer or Hal in 2001.]

Flavor receptors frozen.  

Unable to confirm pleasure experience.  

Please repeat spooning procedure.


Who can ignore an official status report?

And next thing you know I've eaten the small amount of leftover Chunky Monkey No. 1 and the whole 1 pint carton of Chunky Monkey No. 2.


Don't look at me like that!

You don't know how good that stuff tastes!  It has banananiness, and chocolate and walnuts.

Oh, bugger off.  I'm ignoring you now.