Dear Diary - The Lovely Blog Award

Dear Diary,
TheHubbyDiaries gave me a One Lovely Blog Award!!!
How wonderful is that!
It's especially flattering because I love her blog - her husband is obviously a lot like Fluffy Bear.
Apparently the rules of the award are:
- Accept the award.
- Post it (the image) on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
- Pass the award to other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Share this award with other bloggers I like and ask people to please take some to time to visit each the blogs I recommend and to keep this blog meme going.
So TheHubbyDiaries got me thinking...
Apart from her, of course, who should I give a Lovely Blog Award to?
Well first, there's The Bloggess, because she is so brave and funny and non-PC. We can all do with a little less political correctness in our lives, right? She says she's "like Mother Theresa, only better" which pretty much sums up her excellent sense of humor right there. She makes me laugh. And she links to hilarious things on her sex column. Nuff said.
Then there's The Midlife Gals. KK and SalGal look after their Ancient One, mix martinis and make hilarious observations on life in general. They say that "it’s okay to love/hate your elders, your teenage children, one of your siblings or the grocery store cashier." Well, Diary, you've seen my Hell is Other People series. Because hell really is other people, and The Midlife Gals totally get that. How could I not love these two women?
For short vignettes on all sorts of topics, I love Debineezer's A Beautifully Messy Mess of Contradictions. Hell, Diary, the name alone is pure genius. Not Debineezer, silly! Although that is pretty good. No. The blog name. The site is about her explaining her latest IM screen name, which she changes every day. Sometimes she IM's me and I'm, like, who the F-- is "A lot freaks there…and people from Arkansas"? Then I remember... it's Deb! She's a good friend, too. And she makes incredible fried chicken.
I have to congratulate Snooty Primadona, who not only has "a sparkling outlook on life... or not", but just celebrated 32 years of marriage with Mr Snoots! An inspiration for Fluffy Bear and I. Imagine if we make it that long? Without him killing me first? Relax, Diary, I'm just kidding.
Hang on, Diary. Puppy Girl is farting. I have to take her outside to potty and air out the living room before I asphyxiate.
I'm back. OK, where were we?
Ah yes, Everywhere Eventually, my dear friend who is so much more courageous than I and chooses to travel to places I wouldn't dare go. Like Jordan. Not that there is anything wrong with Jordan. I'd just worry about my ignorance of local culture and doing something offensive. Everywhere Eventually's ambition is exactly what it says on the tin - he wants to go everywhere and see everything. So far, he's not doing too badly. And he's been my friend for over ten years. And he and his Polar Bear came to visit us, which was great fun! And I love him.
Last but not least of the normal people blogs, there's Booshy. She has a chocolate lab, like me! She also has children and cats and another dog but, you know, whatever. She has a chocolate lab! And she writes cool things about daily life or her memories of childhood, like driving lessons and buying alcohol after she turned 21. 21! Ha ha, Diary! Thank God I grew up in a place where legal drinking age was 18! I shouldn't be mean, though, because Booshy is really cool.
Then, the celebrity blogs.
Everyone knows who John Cleese is. Actor, writer, raconteur, minister of funny walks, owner of a dead parrot and now, apparently, chickens. The mind boggles.
Not everyone over the US knows Stephen Fry. But they should, dear Diary, they should. For the world has seen no greater wit since Winston Churchill. Like Mr Churchill, Mr Fry has all sorts of other talents. He is interested in technology, he acts, he writes books, he gives speeches, he does radio, he does TV (including a travel program on the USA). He is one of the most followed people on Twitter and only he can be so amusing and interesting in under 140 characters. For he is a character, dear Diary, in the mold of Goucho Marx, Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde and Noel Coward. He is an English treasure, and long may he reign.
These are just a few, dear Diary, of the wonderful online writers out there.
Special mention, although it isn't a blog per se, must go to @shitmydadsays, on Twitter, because it's utterly hilarious and it makes me want to adopt that Dad.
Reader Comments (2)
Thank you for the award! I'm thrilled it doesn't come with ten bazillion questions. That's AWESOME. :)
You are awesome. I am blushy. Also now I have a lot more blogs to check out.