Did I say that out loud? - Baffling

Do you have Asperger's syndrome?
You don't?
So you are able to visually determine how the other person is feeling based on looking at their facial expression?
OK, let me make this easier for you.
Can you tell when someone is sad? Happy? Just by looking at their face?
You can?
Oh, so it's not that, then.
Are you visually impaired? Can you read small type?
Again, let me make this easy for you.
Can you see my face clearly?
You can. Good.
So you can see my face, and you can determine a person's emotional state based on facial expression.
Then, I have to admit, I'm completely baffled.
Baffled? It means that I don't know what to do or say next. I'm stumped.
Because all I want you to do is piss off.
Because I know that's written all over my face.
Because in spite of both of these things, YOU KEEP TALKING TO ME!
That's why.
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