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I'm jus' sayin' - Marketing morons


You know what, Marketing Moron?

I'm sure the pale blue text, the picture of the puppies that takes up half the page and the mustard yellow background looked great when the art people brought it to you on glossy paper but - guess what? - that text prints out so faint that I can't READ my pet's insurance policy document, and that background and the cute puppies are a waste of my toner!

So instead of trying to make everything "synergistic," and able to "tell the story of the brand," how about you just make it so that I can print the shit I need, and read it when I need to?

So now I want you to do three things for me.


  1. Read "The Nordstrom Way"
  2. Print that shit out and see if YOU can read it, and 
  3. Get your fucking head out of your arse!


I'm jus' sayin'

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