Being a Doggy Mama - The sunny side of the street

I think I've been unfair.
I keep complaining about sleepless nights, unscheduled vet visits and twisted ankles.
Of course, there's much more than that to having a puppy.
- The silky, soft, floppy ears, like a sip of chocolaty goodness
- The warm, pink, doughy tummy
- The unbearable cuteness of her looking into your eyes and tilting her head sideways when she doesn't understand you
- The wonderful feeling when she follows a command correctly and shows that her training is working
- The adorable sound of her high growls, compared to her brother's deep, low grows, when they play tug
- The lolloping, gallumphing way she runs, making boof-boof sounds on the wooden floor
- Her triumphant trot, tail held high, when she's managed to sneak one of my shoes from next to the back door and is heading to the living room to chew it
- The sharpness of her piranha teeth when she nibbles my finger
- Her quiet, rhythmic snoring
- The way she stretches, tiny paws pushed out, head arched
- Her little paw going crazy when I scratch behind her ear.
It's really difficult to communicate how utterly adorable she is. So I'll just show you.
Reader Comments (5)
Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Sooooooooooo cute! So so so so so stinkin' cute!!! I want to rub those puppy ears. I think you did an excellent job of describing puppy delights. You just made my day. I LOVE LABS!
*visiting from Booshy, Thanks for awarding her, that was nice!*
what about puppy breath??? it's the sweetest smell! and i also LOVE the belly and ears. your pup is adorable. i have a 6 year old yellow lab. as my hubby always says, "the best $400 we've ever spent".
Thank you Angelia and Brooke!
And yes, Brooke, I should have mentioned Puppy Breath.
When I first heard someone say "Puppy Breath" I thought they had a bizarre liking for a small, warm puff of air. But no. There really is a distinctive smell to it... amazing, isn't it. I swear there is some kinda pheromone or something in it and, as women, we are programmed to just adore it.
Thanks for visiting from Booshy, Angelia! Booshy is great!
I'll soon post another video of my little girlie.
ohhh Pdog is just adorable! Now who is that handsome dog in the background? Her older brother? Does he have a FB profile also? I'm Leo Labrador's mom, by the!
Hi Leo's mom! Yes there is a Facebook: Puppydog Diaries.