This series is inspired by the blog/book Stuff White People Like.
12. Other people's babies
Female People are, of course, genetically programmed to like and want babies. Luckily, a combination of intelligence, evolution and modern medicine mean that the Female Person - if she is lucky enough to be able to afford it - has a choice of whether or not to actually bear/nurture one of her own.
But let us leave biological clocks and motherhood aside for a moment and focus on the social situations where Female People encounter babies belonging to other people. The reactions of Female People in these situations generally fall into four different categories.
a) Baby Blinkers - I am going to ignore that damn baby
Here, the Female Person puts on imaginary, invisible blinkers and refuses to see the baby.
The hostile reaction of the Female Person in this case should not be misinterpreted. She is ignoring that baby on purpose. Sometimes, animal instinct pushes through the map-for-the-future, the career ambitions, the detailed knowledge of the commitment required, and the huge compromises that have to be made, to raise a child. The head knows all these things, but the heart swells and the womb quivers.
In these moments, the Female Person is stopping herself from looking at the baby - the same way she steels herself in front of a slice of chocolate cake when on a diet - because she doesn't want to face that awful biological reality.
Be kind to the Female Person who is suffering this dilemma. Help her out. Pinch your baby lightly on the arm. As it starts to scream bloody murder, you'll see the Female Person visibly relax, reminded of why she absolutely, positively doesn't want one of those screeching shit machines - yet.
b) The Scientist - I am going to observe that fascinating baby
Some Female People find babies strangely fascinating, like a foreign culture that pierces their noses with elephant tusks. They'll watch babies in public places as they contemplate the dangling toys on their strollers, at BBQs as they totter around the yard touching the plants, at friends' houses as they clumsily pet the - very patient - dog.
Watching babies learn is an insight into our own development. Watching babies discover is a small symbol of our capacity to experience wonder. Watching babies find joy in little things is a reminder that we can simplify our lives.
c) The Goo-goo Ga-ga - I am going to make stupid faces at that cute baby
The Goo-goo Ga-ga is a Female Person who has no fear of public humiliation. Through her car window, in restaurants, in the park. Wherever. This Female Person will make faces and high pitched noises at the baby.
The baby will often find this amusing but, for the adults, the funniest is when the Goo-goo Ga-ga does her thing and the baby's face goes red, crumples like a receipt you find months later in your car door and bursts into tears.
d) The Baby Borrower - I am going to go over there, uninvited, and play with that adorable baby
Here we have the Female Person who likes babies but just doesn't want to make the sacrifices needed to have one full time. She may therefore "borrow" other people's babies. In public, the Baby Borrower can pick and choose the baby to interact with. The naughty, crying baby can be ignored - the cute, gurgling one can be co-opted.
The Female Person approaches the baby's carer, gushes some compliment and sweeps the baby up into her arms. The baby borrowing can be as little as a minute or, in scarier cases, as long as ten. I've seen someone sit down at a different table with a baby in a coffee house.
I've also seen Mothers with Baby Borrower Radar who manage to snatch their babies up while the Baby Borrow is still in the introductory compliment stage. Well you can't blame them.
"Just because you pay my child a compliment," a friend of mine told me, "doesn't mean you can have her."
Yes, Female People like other people's babies.
And sometimes, they even like their own.