Health is Wealth - Gymstractions
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 at 12:15PM
Ittybittycrazy in Health is Wealth

Gymstractions are distractions at the gym that keep you from feeling your own pain.

Today mine were:
Tuning into these distractions, I almost made it through my whole workout.  But not quite.  My heart started racing about 40 minutes in and I felt a bit nauseous.  This is only my second workout since having the cold for a week and a half and I am amazed at how much strength I have lost.  On the other hand, I am a lot stronger than my first workout after the cold.

Still, my lungs are not clear yet, and the haze of pollen isn't helping.  So my heart starts beating the bongos and my stomach starts churning the breakfast smoothie and my first thought is about the article I read where people who have heart attacks usually have them when they have colds and are active and I am mentally scanning my arms for shooting pain and I have to sit down and rest.

Then Fluffy Bear reminds me I have an inhaler in my handbag in the locker room and I come back to reality.

Silent Evil put us both back on the ellipticals - thank God the throat clearers were gone - then abs, then stretch.  Then off to Peets Coffee for a frozen soy coffee blended drink which is 180 calories of happiness.


Article originally appeared on Ittybittycrazy (
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