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« Diary of an Ex-Employee - Day 35.1 | Main | Quote Unquote »

Diary of an Ex-Employee - Day 35.0

You know it's time to find a new job when:

  1. You put on a baseball cap instead of brushing your hair
  2. You decide showering every second day is enough
  3. You get nostalgic about your feminist university days and stop shaving your armpits
  4. You find a certain joy of accomplishment in cleaning the kitchen
  5. You run out of laundry to do
  6. Your makeup is covered in a layer of dust 
  7. You have opened and dealt with all the snail mail
  8. You go to the video store and there's nothing that appeals - you've seen everything
  9. You are up to date on all of your podcasts
  10. You follow 300 people on Twitter and you feel like you know them all individually

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