The Incredible Journey: 19 - 20 February, 1994

In 1994, I did what most white South Africans my age saw as a right of passage. I went on a tour of Europe with a schoolfriend and her girlfriend. I was in my early 20's.
These are the letters and faxes (this was before everyone had email, Children) I sent home. They are all real. I couldn't make this shit up.
The trip started in January 1994. To read the posts in order, go the Itinerary Post.
20 February 1994
Surey, South of London
Stupid mistake. Forgot to bring photocopies of proof of my degree and diploma [for the recruitment agency]. In the boxes (I think in the one in the top left cupboard in my room) is a flipfile with old CV plus all documentation. Could you please get copies of degree results and diploma results.
Look for them now and I'll get you a fax No. to send them to.
If you can't find that, a photocopy of my actual certificate from varsity is next choice. Still in cardboard tube. I think it's in the box above the mirror, or did I give it to you?
Please try to get this stuff out for me. Will contact you soon. Letter already on it's way.
Love you lots.
PS Settled in with Carrie. Nice place.
20 February 1994
Surrey, South of London
Carrie [a teacher] on holiday (schools closed), so ran around today on errands. All over the tube and trains plus took 1st ride in a London Taxi. In such good condition. By the way, city streets very clean.
Insured camper van (law here) at "Down Under Insurance" who specialise in insurance for touring Kiwis, Aussies and us. They gave us a sticker with a cartoon Springbok behind a steering wheel which says "South Africans On Tour." Great! We are going to stick it over the Aussie sticker which is on the van at the moment. [I don't remember where we bought the camper van. But is was a Ford, well used, and green.]
Went shopping when we got back at Tesco's. I absolutely COULD NOT BELIEVE the prices. Some examples: 1 litre lemonade... 26p. Huge bag of 6 packets of chips different flavours... £1.23. The most amazing range of tinned and dessicated products - we are stocking the camper now.
Carrie wants to go touring on 1 April, which came as a bit of a shock to me. I suppose it would be best to go before peak summer season. I don't know. She has worked it all out... route, visas, etc. Should cost £1,300.00. I am undecided. What work can I do for 1 month? Should I go visiting and see England, tour, and then come back and work? On the other hand, if I don't go with her then I have all the transport costs and the loneliness of doing it by myself. I will sit down tonight and work the money out.
It's not easy being a smoker in this country. It isn't a case of finding a no-smoking zone... it's the other way around! I have become distinctly irritated.
Public TV is marginally better than SABC. There are 4 channels though so imagine 4 TV1s - you can generally find something entertaining. There seem to be a lot of game shows. Blind date, etc. Carrie told me about a programme called Gladiators - a team of beefy men and women who are challenged by civilians - usually salespersons - and compete in silly things like knocking each other off a greased pole with pillows. Unfortunately this house doesn't have Sky TV - no pay channels.
The house set up is OK. It's £30/week each for everything, and we can do our washing downstairs, which gets hung all over the radiators to dry. The family downstairs consists of the mother and 2 daughters. Boyfriend lives 3 roads away and has 2 small kids. He used to be a concert pianist. They are VERY untidy. Like PIGS actually. The flat only has one hob, so if buy oven stuff we cook it downstairs. They seem not to mind our being here at all. Brits must be used to close quarters.
British transport service is amazing.
My ear is getting better but that medicine really knocks me for 6. Felt very dazed all day. BRIT AWARDS taking place as I write this. Madonna here for them. Big deal of course. Wish she was doing a concert.
That's all for now. Write soon as we will probably leave 1 April. This house up for sale so prospects of accommodation uncertain. Another reason to move on I suppose.
Miss you!
The trip started in January 1994. To read the posts in order, go the Itinerary Post.