The Incredible Journey: 16 - 18 February, 1994

In 1994, I did what most white South Africans my age saw as a right of passage. I went on a tour of Europe with a schoolfriend and her girlfriend. I was in my early 20's.
These are the letters and faxes (this was before everyone had email, Children) I sent home. They are all real. I couldn't make this shit up.
The trip started in January 1994. To read the posts in order, go the Itinerary Post.
16 February, 1994
Arrived safe and sound! Cold and wet but not too bad (+/- 6 degrees centigrade). Have already made friends. It's fun here.
We are right in the center of everything and, believe me, its true money goes like water. Have already spent the equivalent of over R500.00 - Camera, cigs, biltong for Carrie, lunch. Scary!!! My problem is I keep converting prices to Rands in my head, so I scare myself into not spending.
Thank you Thank you Thankyou for giving me this opportunity. Will never forget it or regret it.
Love you all. Miss you already.
Fax me on XXXX-XXX-XXX XXXX. I'll be here until Sat.
Lots of Love
17 February, 1994
Will post you stuff. Please keep all in a box for me as souvenirs. Thanx.
Hello from London!
Please fax this to BFF. She is at fax XXX-XXX XXX. Thank you.
We have done the following:
Last night spent in London Explorer's Club Pub. Pub food: Yuk! Early night. All exhausted. Communal showers disgusting.
Today, went on our free sightseeing tour of London on the open deck bus. Can hop off and on at stops 'cause buses every 15 min. Time too short to take all in.
(By the way, carton of cigs stolen from my room - my first lesson. 5 of us sharing. All my stuff locked now.)
We stopped at the National Gallery. WOW! Far too much to see. Saw Van Gogh, Gaugin. Took photo of the dome and got reprimanded by official. Then St Paul's. Also very beautiful. Victoria Station absolutely confusing. Trafalgar Square, Picadilly.
I now know why low class Poms emigrate. The educated ones appreciate the wonder and history and can't leave.
Tonight, went to Planet Hollywood for dinner. Played 2 virtual reality games. This place is WONDERFUL.
Phoned Carrie. Will go to her Sunday. She says I can work too. Will try Select agency. GBP80/day.
Tomorrow Harrods.
Love you all. Ciao.
18 February 1994
Surrey, South of London
Hello Family!
I am now at Carrie's flat in Surrey. I decided to come early because I got sick of the London Explorer's Club. Once we did our London tour during the day and the Planet Hollywood visit, they were suddenly at a loss. There were 12 of us, just come out of Planet Hollywood in the middle of London (Picadilly Circus), and we're all standing around in the street going "What do we do now?" And whenever anyone suggested anything there was this vague silence. Then we decided to go to Soho so we're all following this guy who knows the way, and they all lag behind and decide to go up a different street. "Oh, we'll meet you around the corner" they say. But this is LONDON. This is Picadilly Circus. This is Friday night. This is thousands of people bustling around. Needless to say the stupid little fools didn't manage to find us around any corner and - even worse - even though it was only 2 streets up, they didn't manage to find Soho either.
Then I wanted to go to a club and they were saying "But it's 5 to 11 and the tubes stop running soon!" To try to explain that we have hit civilisation now which means a) clubs only open at 11 and b) welcome to the concept of the taxi, was futile. By this stage I was completely irritated and, returning to cramped 5 in a room accommodation with plumbing from hell clinched it: I had had enough.
So I phoned Carrie this morning and said "I want out of here. It's time to do my own thing." So she came to London and met R and I (he's a guy in our group who I suppose I got on with the best. It's probably 'cause we're older that the others. He's 26 and been to London and Europe before).
We went to Harrods first. Ho hum. Been there, done that. Just a glorified Woolworths. Selection and size impressive, otherwise no great shakes. If you can afford to shop there... [rest of letter is lost]

The trip started in January 1994. To read the posts in order, go the Itinerary Post.
Reader Comments (2)
Two whole virtual reality games? I'm surprised your mind didn't explode!
The only time I have ever been to Planet Hollywood I went with a friend who was showing their relatives from Ireland around. These two guys had never left Co. Roscommon before. It was interesting to see London through the eyes of someone new. I'll never forget watching his jaw drop when someone with a mohican walked past us on Piccadilly Circus. My jaw dropped too, but only because the guy was 10 years too late and 10 years too early.
I really understood how overwheliming and pacy London can seem.
As for the sheep not knowing where to find Soho... You did the right thing to ditch them. Thieving losers.
That's exactly how I was!
Except I also scoffed at mohawks. I mean, come on, that shit was over by 1988. I would look at people doing that in 1994 and think: you were a fucking toddler when punk started. Get over yourself. Can't you come up with something original?
The 60s was floaty dresses.
The 70s was boob tubes, spandex and big collars.
The 80s was punk, Miami Vice and tiered mini skirts and leg warmers.
After that the kids just seem to copy their forbears.
OK maybe the 90s was slobby. That whole ugly/pretty thing. Which was stupid. So it doesn't count.
And what the hell was the noughties?
Those brats couldn't concentrate long enough to come up with a trend.