He Said She Said - Dog Day Afternoon

"How was your day?" she asked, getting into the car."Good," he replied. "I got some stuff done.""How are the babies?" she asked."They're fine," he said. "I walked Puppy Dog to the coffee shop and I walked Puppy Girl into town to take back the DVDs.""Awesome!" she said. "What did they do the rest of the day?""Honey," he said, "you worked from home this week, you saw what they're like. They did some lounging, some loafing and then some slobbing about."Puppy Dog moved from his cushion in my office to his cushion in front of the TV, and then he sat at the front door for a bit and growled at anyone who had the cheek to be out on our block."Puppy Girl lay on the couch and, when she got sick of that, she went and lay on our bed and, when she got sick of that, she moved back to the couch again."They had a very busy day," he finished, as her giggles burst into full blown laughter.
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