Did I say that out loud? - Thanksgiving
Monday, November 29, 2010 at 7:12PM
Ittybittycrazy in Did I say that out loud?








Today was the first day back at work after the Thanksgiving holiday.

As is always the case with these things, everyone I saw asked the same question: 

"How was your Thanksgiving?"


Eventually, I began to get a bit sick of it.  My tolerance of the question went through four phases:


1) Participation - acknowledge and share some tidbit of your life.

"My Thanksgiving was great, Thanks!  We had a fun day with amazing pumpkin pie and cherry pie!"


2) Deflection - make it about them.

"My Thanksgiving was great, Thanks!  How was yours?"


3) Attrition  - create some friction.

"Thanksgiving was fascinating.  I am amazed at how you Americans can take an innocent vegetable and turn it into a killer by turning it into a dish that can cause a heart attack."


4) Aggression!

"Well I was thankful that y'all didn't kill of all the native Americans, so at least we can have casinos."



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Article originally appeared on Ittybittycrazy (http://www.ittybittycrazy.com/).
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