Puppy Talk - Domination games

Puppy Dog: New hairless apes are coming into the pack.
Puppy Girl: Really? Wow! How do you know?
Puppy Dog: Mama's making the bed in that part of the den that's for other hairless apes.
Puppy Girl: Yay! I love it when new hairless apes come into the pack!
Puppy Dog: I don't.
Puppy Girl: Why not?
Puppy Dog: I like my position in the pack. I don't like to have it challenged.
Puppy Girl: Well, I don't care. I think new hairless apes are fun! They stroke me and play with me!
Puppy Dog: It's not like they have any choice, when you throw the ball into their laps again and again.
Puppy Girl: Well it's better than you humping their leg!
Puppy Dog: I have to show them who's boss. I've been in this pack the longest, thank you very much!
Puppy Girl: Is that what Dada was doing last night?
Puppy Dog: What?
Puppy Girl: Showing Mama who's boss? You know, when they were up on the bed and they made me get off and go to my own bed?
Puppy Dog: Um....
Puppy Girl: Mama is very hard to dominate! It took Dada ages to get her to submit! And she really didn't like it! She kept screaming!
Puppy Dog: Um...
Puppy Girl: Well I don't care about your all your domination games. I'm happy as the bottom of the pack. I'm the baby and you gotta love me!
Puppy Dog: Yes, well. AHEM! Where's your ball?
Puppy Dog: Whew! Bullet dodged.
Puppy Girl: What?
Puppy Dog: Nothing
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