Dell have decided to market to a new segment: Women.
So they've created a lovely new site called "
Della" which talks about cute notebooks which can fit in your purse.
It also has helpful hints and tips, like "Seven Unexpected Ways a Netbook can Change Your Life" because women need to learn that "Once you get beyond how cute they are, you'll find that Netbooks can do a lot more than check your email."
What "more" I hear you ask? Check the stock portfolio? Run a small business from home? Create a presentation for the Board?
- Schedule mini meditation breaks for you throughout your busy day
- Find recipes online
- Watch online fitness videos
- Map your running routes
this is interesting. I've just gone back to the
Della site and the article has already been changed. Looks like this shite is already hitting the fan, then.
The text has changed. Now there are apparently only 5 ways to use a Netbook and the content is more politically correct. But there are still other pages...
Ooh! Ooh! The Products page! You can customize your laptop and put a snazzy design on it! Because that way, you'll be the coolest Yummy Mummy at the Starbucks!
And there's an Accessory shop! I can get a laptop sleeve that matches each of my Juicy Couture tracksuits!
And of course, there's a Give page, because women who sit around at home all day like to give to charity so they can feel useful and superior at the same time. Look! It has Green tips, because we all know that housewives have bugger all to do so they get their knickers in a twist about the environment.
This is completely un-fecking-believable.
Let's see if this would be an acceptable prejudice if it was sexual-preference or race based...
The Dell site for gays... De-llite! As you log on there'd be some pumpin' tunes, a hot guy with his shirt off, an androgynous woman with short hair in a suit and lots of colors! Colors! Colors! There'd be a link to sign the petition for gay marriage and an Events page listing all the gay pride events accross the world. Laptops would come in either lavender or a rainbow design. And there'd be tips on how to fly under the radar when you visit a small town in a square state, how to get to see your life partner in hospital without being actually listed as family and how to behave at a BBQ with straight people.
Sound acceptable?
The Dell site for African Americans... Dellah! As you log on there'd be southern blues and Mammy would pop up and ask howya doin' chile. There'd be advice on how to search out black history, a map of towns that have the biggest Klu Klux Klan numbers (we ain't gonna holidayah theyah, Clarence!) and a tribute to Mr King. In fact, the strapline would probably be something like "He had a dream of freedom, and with Netbook we're making yours come true."
Sound acceptable?
Well neither is a pastel blue site that talks about recipes.
Whoever came up with this at Dell is a