Hello from Puppy Dog - I want to play!

Hello Friends!
OMG I am sooooooo bored!
Mama and Dada are giving me two different pills in my peanut butter, so I am feeling a lot better.
I want to play!
And Dogette is staying with us this week, so I have a playmate!
But Mama and Dada won't let me. They only let us out into the garden for a little while, there have been NO walks, and Mama keeps asking me to go back to bed and "rest".
Because we don't have anything to do, and we're tired of chewing my toys, Dogette and I are starting to get a bit tetchy with each other. She actually had the cheek to tell me, when I was chewing my bunny that, if I moved my head to the side, I'd break through the toy skin faster! I told her it was my toy, thank you very much, and I know how to chew it and maybe I don't want to get through the skin faster because if I don't get to the stuffing straight away, the toy will last longer and she didn't think of that, did she, so there! She told me I was being a wiseass and I told her she was being a bitch and she said that she thought coming here was going to be like a mini-vacation with lots of tug of wars and ball chasing and growlyfighting and now I was just being so boring she might as well be at home because I was sore and sick and I couldn't move a lot. I told her that she shouldn't have bloody well bit me then!
There was a very, very quiet pause.
Then she said oh, hell NO, I didn't just say that and I said hell, yes, I totally did and what was she going to do about it and she said that she just might bite me again and I told her my Mama was right there and she'd probably send Dogette home. Dogette said that she'd be happy to go home where she had much better toys than I have. I told asked her if her stuff is so much better than mine, why does she always want to lie on my cushion and she said maybe it's because it smells of me and she started to cry and ran into the bedroom.
I felt really bad.
So I went into the bedroom, slowly, and walked up to her. First she turned her head away so I waited and lowered my head. Then she turned her head around a little way and I gave her nose a little lick and she gave me a little lick and then everything was OK again.
I do love her, but I also figured I better just make up with her because that bitch got fang, if you know what I mean.
Lots of licks and woofs,
Puppy Dog
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