Diary of an Ex-Employee - Day 10.0

My cold is like a distant relative that comes to stay and, enjoying the free room and board, just bloody well refuses to leave.
Yesterday I thought I was really getting over it. Then, last night, I started to get a really bad headache, then I got really hot and sweaty, then I got nauseous, then I threw up. Drinking Cranberry juice all day makes for psychadelic pink vomit... who knew?
I can't even remember the last time I threw up and, back then, it probably had something to do with alcohol. If you are drunk, at least you have the boozy glow to protect you from the horror of the feeling of throwing up.
And so today I am trying to take it easy again, but the kitchen doesn't clean itself, the trash is piling up and the dogs are shedding fur balls all over the house. So some washing up, some vaccuuming and some trash-lugging later, I finally got to hit the couch.
I guess I should try to do one useful thing today, so I've chosen to do my Excel contacts database. I need to go through my emails and Outlook contacts and extract the name of everyone who might possibly be able to help me or know someone who could.
I'm going to list:
- Name
- Company
- Who the contact came from (if they are not someone I know personally)
- Contact details
- Date of my contacting them (you don't want to hit them up too often)
- Notes of what happened when I contacted them
- Date I should contact them next
- Notes of what I want to do when I contact them next
So I'm going to sit in front of the mind-numbing trashy joy that is Bravo TV and get this done.
Or maybe I'll have a nap.
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