I am soooo behind on this. I think Eurovision is about to happen and I haven't finished my reviews yet. So, here goes.
Here are the reviews of the songs from the countries who automatically make it through to the final. You can find the songs on YouTube or eurovision.tv.
You can find posts which explain what the feck Eurovision is, and two posts reviewing the other songs, if you search under the "Divided by a Common Language" series of posts.
I have included the scores of my dear friend, Everywhereventually, a Eurovision aficionado. You can see his take on Eurovision and his reviews on the songs on his site, here.
France - S'il fallait le faire (If it had to be done)
The French language has a lot of words that end in soft vowel sounds, rather than hard consonant sounds. Therefore it is not a language conducive to pop songs. France also has a tradition of poetry to music rather than pop songs. Perhaps these two things explain why this is yet another tedious ballad from France as their entry.
Score: 4/10
EE Score: 86/100
Damn, now that I've listened to a French song my brain has started doing it's internal monologue in French and I am struggling to express myself in English. It will only take a minute or two for it to switch back. It's amazing how the brain can do that, when you know more than one language. Mine switches pretty easily - it just doesn't always switch in the right way. I remember taking my final exams in High School and, when I was in my German exam and I tried to translate a word into German, the French word would pop into my head, and vice versa.
Anyway, back to Eurovision.
Russia - Mamo
Russia is hosting this year and they obviously don't want to be doing it again next year because this song is just shit. A young girl with badly dyed black hair is singing as if she's in a death scene at the opera. It's a pop song, so why is she acting like she's going to die any moment?
Score: 2/10
EE score: 6/100
Germany - Miss Kiss Kiss Bang
Upbeat big band. Interesting and fun. More America than Germany though... the secret at Eurovision is to do a pop song that is mainstream but still has a flavor - an instrument, a sound, a beat - of your country. This is nice, but gets point deducted for not evoking Germany in any way.
Score: 7/10
EE score: 71/100
UK - It's my Time
This suffers from the same lack of cultural reference as the German song. This is very Whitey Houston. The song has some flavors of Andrew Lloyd Webber, which I supposed could be iconically British. It's reasonably good, but there are other songs that are better.
Score: 7/10
EE score: 100/100 (perhaps a little partisan?)
Spain - La Noche es Para Mi (The Night is for Me)
At first I was going to level the same criticism at Spain re this song not having a national flavor, because it is more of a Middle Eastern beat. But then I remembered that Spain does have a strong North African experience, being very close to the African coat at certain points. This is a song which will definitely be played in all the Spanish clubs over the summer. It's pretty good, but it just doesn't grab me in any way. I much prefer Turkey's.
Score: 7/10
EE score: 66/100
So now you have my full two cents on this topic.
We'll soon see who wins!
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