Hello from Puppy Dog - Dogette's chew toy

Hello Friends
Mama is sick and so am I. Dogette has fangs, and she sure knows how to use 'em. She sunk hers into my shoulder pretty good.
Mama gave me medicine and put hot compresses on me, so I felt better yesterday and Dogette and I ran around and played a bit.
That was a BIG mistake.
When I woke up this morning I felt doggone awful. I was really sore and it hurt to put my weight on my front left leg. I've spent all day on my cushion and Dogette is really irritated with me because she's bored out of her mind. She went into my den and took out some toys to chew, but she said it got old pretty quickly.
Then I heard Mama call the vet and then Dada went out and, when he came back, he gave me a new pill. They think I don't know when there's a pill inside the blob of peanut butter, but I do. I just take them because I am a good boy.
I don't know what that pill was, but my shoulder hurts less. And I am also suddenly reeeeally tired. So I am sorry to be rude, but I am going to go back to my cushion and have another nap.
Night night.
Reader Comments (1)
Haha..that doggie is so cute