Divided by a Common Language - Eurovision again

So.... let's see how well Everywhereventually and I did with our scoring. Remember people in the UK can't vote for the UK, so we are leaving our home country out of our scoring.
I've put our top ten down below according to how points are awarded in Eurovision. Then I compare them to the songs that actually got through to the Final so we can see how accurate EE and I are. Don't hold your breath on that one.
Everywhereventually's Top Ten:
12 points to... Ukraine
10 points to... Albania
8 points to... Estonia
7 points to... Armenia
6 points to... Turkey
5 points to... Norway
4 points to... Moldova
3 points to... Greece
2 points to... Hungary
1 point to... France
My Top Ten:
Well of course, EE scored his out of 100 and I scored mine out of 10 so I have a bunch of stuff that's rated the same. So excuse me while I take the time to listen to some stuff again to rank the songs properly.... D'oh!
12 points to... Turkey
10 points to... Belgium
8 points to... Hungary
7 points to... Estonia
6 points to... Azerbaijan
5 points to... Norway
4 points to... Ireland
3 points to... Montenegro
2 points to... Denmark
1 point to... Armenia
So let's see if EE and my top picks even got into the Final. As you know, UK, Spain, Germany and France are automatically in the final, as is Russia, because they won last year.
We'll see what happens soon enough...
Well, actually, I won't see what happens, because it isn't broadcast here, which is annoying. Not even on BBC America. I'll have to wait till EE comes to visit and he brings the DVD.
Reader Comments (1)
Most of the songs in our top ten are singing in the second semi final, which is tonight :) The quality of songs and performance should be much higher than on Tuesday.
Turkey was a favourite until I heard her sing... or rather stridently SHOUT her song on Tuesday. The message boards are full of questions from Turks asking rational questions such as "why is Hadise dressed like a whore for the benefit of European TV?", which makes me want to vote for her despite the voice.