Puppy Talk - Crazy Mommy
Sunday, September 12, 2010 at 3:38PM
Puppy Girl: Mama is really annoying me!Puppy Dog: What's wrong?Puppy Girl: She keeps singing this annoying song to me.Puppy Dog: Singing is nice. What's your problem?Puppy Girl: Singing is nice, but the same song all the time gets a bit old.Puppy Dog: What does she sing?Puppy Girl: I don't know what it is. Something about sunrise, sunset, sunrise, sunset and sweeping go the years.Puppy Dog: What? That doesn't even make any sense!Puppy Girl: I know! Then she gets a really high voice and sings where is the little pup she carried and where is the little pup at play and how she doesn't remember getting older day by day.Puppy Dog: Yeah, that sounds pretty stupid.Puppy Girl: Yup. Then she gets all weird and starts telling me that she bought a puppy, not a big girl.Puppy Dog: That's ridiculous. You're tall, you're thin, you're fit, you're looking great. Womanhood suits you.Puppy Girl: I know, right? If I was a hairless ape, I could totally rock those skinny jeans they keep going on about. I mean, it's not my fault I'm growing up! And besides, I like growing up! I can reach the chickens Dada leaves on the kitchen counter now!Puppy Dog: Yeah, that was awesome. Thanks for sharing.Puppy Girl: Uh, it's not like I had much choice. You just got in there. You ate that nice white meat part before I could even get a taste of it!Puppy Dog: Listen, Kid. I'm above you in the pack, no matter how damn big you get, AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT!Puppy Girl: OK! OK! Shesesh. Just do me a favor...Puppy Dog: What?Puppy Girl: Just don't sing me a damn song about it!
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