Dear Diary - Flash Mob

Dear Diary
Today I was part of a Flash Mob that danced in front of 70,000 people at an American Football game.
This is one of those situations where only an American phrase can capture the moment:
It was kinda like my wedding day. There's a lot of preparation, rehearsal, coordination and then you finally get there and you wait and wait for it to begin and then it's all over in -- well, a flash.
There were over a thousand of us who danced a six minute routine to 10 songs.
Flash Mobs are a strange phenomenon.
Basically, someone chooses to coordinate them and you find out by word of mouth or by signing up to a Facebook group or by keeping an eye on the right website. Normal, average people turn up and rehearse, getting to know each other along the way.
We had two 8 year olds, a bunch of teenagers and I saw at least 5 people who were in their 60s or 70s.
Many kids were dancing with one or both of their parents.
I met teachers, engineers, data warehouse managers, professional dancers.
I go because it's fun, and I essentially get free dance classes.
I didn't make all the rehearsals, but I spent at least 10 hours practicing.
And then I got to dance in front of a stadium full of people.
I spent most of the dance thinking about the steps and frantically watching whoever was in front of me so I could copy them, but I did have a few moments where I was confident about the moves and was able to look at up at the crowds, smile at the little dots that were the people up in the nosebleed seats and just be in the moment, be dancing, be joyful, be revelling in it.
As adults, we get so few opportunities to really have fun, dear Diary.
When I find them, I grab them with both hands, and jump in with both feet.
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Reader Comments (2)
it does sound awesome! are you going to post pictures?