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That's Life - A box of chocolates

So... life is like a box of chocolates?
Well, let's see.
What happens when I eat a box of chocolates...
I start by looking for the little bit of paper that tells you what's in the chocolates.  And, of course, I can't find it.  
OK, never mind.  I'm brave.  I take risks.
So I bite into the first chocolate, and it's something disgusting like that weird crunchy stuff that's looks like transparent dirty water.  So I throw the other half out.
I try another one, and it's just plain chocolate, and it's slightly white on the edges, because it's a bit old.
Third time lucky?
It's toffee.  And it's too sweet and too hard and gets lodged in one of molars at the back of my mouth and I have to dig out a hard lump of the filling from my tooth with my fingernail.  
And so it goes, until, finally, about two thirds of the way through the box, I find one I like.  
It's sweet, but not too sweet.  Soft but not too soft.  The outer coating of chocolate is fresh and hard, but not too hard.
So I look for another chocolate that's the same shape, the same kind.
And there's only one.
See?  I finally find what I like in life, and there isn't enough of it.
Forrest Gump's bitch of a mother was right.
To read more in the That's Life series, click here.

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